The Great Thief

Chapter 1220 - Swiping With One Hand

Chapter 1220: Swiping With One Hand

Translator: Halcyon Translations  Editor: Halcyon Translations

After entering phase three, Lady Sevine became furious.

The Demon Warlock, who killed innocent people by draining their lives and who had made a deal with the devil to spread pain and chaos throughout the world, had always believed that the world owed her something.

Today, with so many players attacking her, she felt wronged and angry.


Although the previous skills were quite powerful, Plague could be seen as her signature skill.

There were countless Bosses in Dawn, many of which also had this Plague skill. However, Lady Sevine’s version gave the players a taste of what it was truly like to fight a level 60 Boss.

The power of the Plague would vary depending on the number of players participating in the fight.

If there were two hundred players in the fight, the damage would be 200 damage for 20 seconds, for a total of 4000 damage. Anyone who didn’t receive any healing would definitely die.

“Why must you force my hand like this? Rakh’likh has given me this strength so I can’t stop, nor can I resist this power. I have to keep going until I drown in my own blood.”

After Lady Sevine cast Plague, she began speaking as though she was the innocent one this situation.

However, Lu Li didn’t bother with her words and ordered for those who had died to be revived. This skill did more damage when there were more players around, but they couldn’t bring fewer players as the Boss’ HP regeneration would be too great.

There was another wave of Infernals, then another Plague, followed by a Hypnosis.

With these three consecutive skills, the pressure on Ruling Sword increased dramatically. Lu Li knew that the time had come where the players would really be tested. He turned to look at the other side of the Storm Altar and said, “All three groups should engage in the Boss. Healers, keep working hard. Breezy, pay attention to when you should use your damage reduction skills.”

There was no outside interference throughout this battle, so Lu Li had dared to split their mere 300 players into two groups that would cover for each other.

But now, they had all the players fighting together because the reduction in the number of players had caused a stagnation in their progress. Lady Sevine’s HP was gradually dropping and they eventually broke through 20%.

In theory, as long as the players could damage the Boss and the Boss couldn’t kill the Main Tank or any of the damage output players, you would eventually defeat it. The only exception was for Hero Bosses like Remulos. If you couldn’t defeat him quickly, he would retreat to a place like the Moonlight Forest where he could call upon his countless helpers, or the Temple of Remulos where his strength would be doubled.

“Change tanks!” Lu Li shouted.

Azure Sea Breeze stopped and World’s Best Friend began taking the aggro. This was to give Azure Sea Breeze a chance to refresh his cooldowns. He would likely need them to deal with the Boss that was about to go Berserk.

“Lu Li, there seems to be some movement outside. They seem to be wondering what is happening,” Square Root 3 messaged. He was currently taking four groups of players to visit the several areas of the Blasted Lands.

“Kill them!” Lu Li said coldly.

“Is that not a bit too much?” Square Root 3 was a bit hesitant. They didn’t even know who those players were, and they weren’t even going to greet them.

“It doesn’t matter; just get rid of them,” Lu Li commanded unwaveringly.

There were often posts with thousands of words and pictures accusing celebrities or guilds to be unreasonable or overbearing. The ordinary players were easily swayed by this and would join in with the accusations. Such behaviour never harmed anyone, but would just damage the accused’s reputation.

“Alright, I’ll get some players ready,” Square Root 3 said after some thought.

Since there was a possibility of conflict, they had to be prepared for a war. They also had to give the other players the impression that Ruling Sword was not afraid of fighting if necessary.

As a result, everyone soon saw groups of Ruling Sword players moving towards the Blasted Lands. Most players didn’t know what was happening, but they were wary of it.

There about a dozen players that were ruthlessly hunted by Ruling Sword after entering the Blasted Lands.

The regional channel and World Announcements were soon into an uproar.

“Ruling Sword is bullying casual players! Everyone should rally to stop these bullies!”

“Obviously, someone was pushing for this behind the scenes,” Square Root 3 said, immediately able to see through it.

“This situation hasn’t arisen for many years. Glory Capital might not even remain indifferent. This would put quite a bit of pressure on them,” Cat Dad said with a smile.

His current status in the guild was an elder of Ruling Sword and a coach of the club.

“Surely Glory Capital wouldn’t stoop to that level. They are the biggest guild; why would they even listen to anyone on things like this?”

There were some players in the chat that didn’t really believe it.

Even in a confrontation, there were people who still held Glory Capital in very high regard. This was due to the brilliant years that Glory Capital had enjoyed.

“You shouldn’t think that clubs are that innocent or principled; they have done many despicable things,” Cat Dad said. He had experienced many things over the years, so his words were filled with wisdom.

“At least it is done by people related to them. Right now, they are just slandering us, and they are gaining the biggest benefit out of it.”

Lu Li’s childhood experience made him less naïve than the average player. He had no problems speculating about the enemy, even if that enemy wasn’t a group as strong as Glory Capital.

“We don’t know if they will come, so let’s quickly deal with this Boss.”

Azure Sea Breeze’s cooldowns had now mostly been reset.

“Melee players, hit it with all you’ve got and then fall back.”

Lu Li also knew of the risks. Once a large-scale force flooded the Blasted Lands, there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t get wiped.

Because there was unit collision, melee players were generally difficult to work with in large-scale operations.

The official statement was that a humanoid Boss could allow 100 melee players to attack it at once. Even so, the melee players still needed to swap in and out because most Bosses forced them to move.

Lu Li had divided the melee players into two groups and these groups took turns to cast their skills.

To maximizing DPS in a Wild Boss battle, the top players would be ranged players. However, in an Instance Dungeon fight, melee players had a greater advantage.

Lady Sevine’s HP had dropped to 10%.

With victory in sight, the news they received from Square Root 3 was also very urgent. Several guilds he had not seen before had entered the Blasted Lands. In order to consolidate their strength, Square Root 3 and the few hundred players scattered around were retreating to the Storm Altar.

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