The Great Thief

Chapter 1219 - Casualties

Chapter 1219: Casualties

Translator: Halcyon Translations  Editor: Halcyon Translations

“You can never understand the true meaning of death, because none of you have died!” Lady Sevine boomed as she stood up from her throne of bones. At the top of her Magic Staff was an adorned skull.

Some said that this was her husband’s skull, while others thought it was her son’s, but this obviously wasn’t important.

A shadow grew out from her feet and extended towards the players. All the players that were within range of that skill received more than 2000 damage.

However, that was not all – all the monsters that were within range also went Berserk.

Sevine clearly deserved to be called a Wild Boss, especially when opening with such a strong attack. Even her master Rakh’likh didn’t have an ability like this. From the start to finish, Rakh’likh used single target or crowd-control skills. Otherwise, Lu Li wouldn’t have dared to fight without a healer.

Of course, it was also possible that Rakh’likh didn’t care about Lu Li at all.

“Healers, heal everyone!”

Even before Lu Li shouted, every team’s healer had already gone to work.

Ruling Sword now had a total of four elite groups. Two of them were core elite groups that had already reached the level of the other first-rate elite groups. These were under the supervision of several commanders. The third group was a little weaker, but was starting to gain independence in fighting the wild Boss.

The fourth elite group was mainly made up of PVP players who were responsible for protecting the other three groups. If a PVP battle took place, this regiment would become the main force.

Azure Sea Breeze screamed at the Boss as he charged. His body seemed taller than Lady Sevine, but his blows seemed to be doing very little to phase her.

“Damn it! 3.5 million HP!”

He had never seen so much HP on a Boss before. For a Warlock to have so much HP was quite terrifying, not to mention that she had already been weakened by 30%.

A Shadow Bolt hit Azure Sea Breeze and dealt nearly 3000 damage, but in a flash, his HP was quickly replenished by his two healers.

“You don’t know what it is to fear…” Lady Sevine began as she raised her Magic Staff.


As Lu Li’s voice rang out, an anti-crowd control totem was immediately placed onto the ground, but there were still many players running around in Fear.

Fortunately, the key players like the Main Tanks could be protected by the Priests with an enchantment. Although this needed to be cast in advance, it was 100% effective in protecting them as opposed to the anti-crowd control totem.

Dark Rain of Fire!

A dark flame descended from the sky which burst as it hit the ground. Many players were either hit by the explosion or burned by the fire. The initial impact damage was higher, but the burning dealt continuous damage.

“Be careful. Don’t step on the fire,” Lu Li instructed.

The players began to move around. Although some of them died, the death rate was at an acceptable level. As long as there are no other guilds or casual players harassing them, the number of player deaths wouldn’t be too high with the right commands.

After the ultimate skill, Lu Li suspected that there would be a short pause, so he quickly commanded everyone to rotate around on the battlefield.

“Breezy, go towards the left as it starts to move. Everyone else, slowly keep up.”

This rotating around meant that the players participating in the fight would move in to replace those who had died, and the healers would move in to revive those who had died.

The EXP loss of dying in the Wild was quite high, but this could be mitigated if they were saved by a healer.

Lady Sevine had a wide range for her aggro and wouldn’t drop it just because players were moving around. Once the players had repositioned, she began releasing more skills.

This time, she chose to cast Hypnosis.

Hypnosis – cause the target to fall into Deep Sleep.

The whole process had three stages – a slow phase, a sleep phase and a waking up phase.

In the slow phase, the player’s skill channelling duration would increase. In the sleep phase, a player couldn’t cast skills or move. The waking up phase was the same as the sleep phase. Each phase lasted for three seconds, for a total of nine seconds. Over this duration, the target would lose most of their combat power.

If Lady Sevine only cast this on one player at a time, it would be manageable, but this was not the case. She would often cast this on dozens of players at a time, bringing chaos upon the battlefield.

“Your party leaders are responsible here. You will have to support yourselves and keep your healers safe.”

Lu Li was still very calm and didn’t seem to think this would be difficult.

After two minutes, the Hypnosis had been cast and it affected over 40 players.

As a result, more players died in this time than the total deaths over the previous ten minutes. Lu Li had to ask Azure Sea Breeze to reposition again because he felt like this was quite significant damage, but the morale among the players was still high.

This skill should have been enough to wipe most other Dawn teams, but they had only lost 1/5 of their players.

As long as they could reposition, they would be able to recover. As for the loss of EXP, this was just unavoidable when fighting a Wild Boss. It had all been factored into the calculations and it was quite common for an ordinary player to die several times.

After Hypnosis, they reached the tail end of phase one and were about to enter into phase two.

Initially, this almost seemed the same as phase one, but Sevine didn’t cast Hypnosis again so quickly. Otherwise, they would require more players to participate in the fight. The Game Company couldn’t design such a strong Boss at this current stage.

If they did so, the combination of constant Hypnosis skills and competitors wreaking havoc from the outside would make these Bosses impossible to kill.

“You don’t even understand how powerful dark magic is. Look, here is a gift from the Twisting Nether!” Lady Sevine cackled.

Plumes of flame fell from the sky again, but this was not Dark Rain of Fire as they didn’t burn after landing, but rather turned into Infernals.

The core constitution of an Infernal was Shadow Rocks, and they would not only cause damage when landing, but would also stun an area around themselves for 3 seconds.

These Infernals were different from other summoned creatures. They were born out of pure chaos energy and their bodies could barely be supported by magic. Once they left the Twisting Nether, their bodies would quickly disintegrate.

Therefore, the Infernals summoned by Lady Sevine could only exist for 60 seconds.

The players could choose to either survive the 60 seconds, or kill them before they got into range. Lu Li chose the former option and ordered each team’s Main Tank to aggro the Infernals. He also instructed the healers to keep the Main Tanks topped up on HP. Everyone else was to continue dealing damage to the Boss; the Infernals were going to vanish after 60 seconds anyway.

At this stage, there were quite a number of player casualties, but fortunately, the second phase soon passed.

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