Chapter 486 - Bickering

With widened eyes, both Beatrice and Evie quickly rose from their seats. Utter shock was etched in their faces. The identity of their guest had taken them by shock.

"Gav?" Evie was the first one to regain her wits and spoke up excitedly. "My husband is here?!" 

"Yes, Queen Evielyn." Alvion nodded with respect and Evie's hand flew to her mouth as her eyes began to gleam with so much happiness. It had been quite some time since she had last seen him. Even their method of communication with the dragons had been cut off for quite some time. She always knew that he would definitely come for her – it was only sooner or later. Despite knowing about his curse, the one that made him not able to set foot in the Under Lands again, Evie did not have the slightest doubt that Gav will make the impossible happen. She had always believed that he would somehow find a way to get back to the Under Lands. But even then, she had not expected him to overcome that issue so quickly and arrive this soon! 

Her heart thudded in excitement and longing. She wanted to see him so bad, to hold him close to her heart, this beloved husband of hers. With a smile as brilliant as the bright morning sun, she rushed towards Alvion. 

"Where is he right now?" she asked the huge man urgently. 

"He should most probably be crossing the bridge by now, Queen Evielyn." Alvion answered promptly, seeing how anxious the light fae queen was about news on her husband.

Evie's head flew towards Beatrice, her eyes still twinkling so bright in excitement. She was beyond excited as well for Queen Beatrice to finally be able to meet up with her son again after such long years of separation! But upon seeing her still standing stock still where she had stood, Evie calmed down a bit. The queen must be having all sorts of conflicting emotions running through her right now that she might be somewhat overwhelmed by them.

Glancing again at Beatrice, Evie saw that the queen was standing there, looking quite paralyzed. Her eyes were filled with disbelief mixed with longing and a hint of sadness. 

Seeing her reactions, Evie approached her with steady steps and reached out to clasp both her hands in her own, squeezing it gently as a show of support and encouragement. She could only begin to imagine how Queen Beatrice would be feeling right now. As a mother, she had 'lost' her son for so many years since. She was definitely longing to see her son that it would probably be like a dream come true to her now, listening to Alvion's report saying that Gavriel is on his way here and about to arrive. 

"Go, Evie…" Beatrice finally spoke but she gripped Evie's hand on her, shaking a little. "I will wait here in the castle for now. You should go meet up with your husband first. I'm sure he must be dying to see you right now. The fact that he had rushed over so quickly is a testament on how worried he is for you and how much he misses you. I'll stay back and calm down first." She said as she took deep breaths. 

"I can't be letting my son see his mother in such a state, right?" Queen Beatrice's smile trembled a little as she tried to gather her wits about her. 

"I understand, mother," Evie smiled at her and Beatrice hugged her. Before Beatrice fell asleep two days ago, Beatrice had already asked Evie to call her 'mother'. Evie was a bit shy at first, hesitant in using such familiar calling names with someone she just barely came to know. She also had considered the fact that Beatrice was also a queen herself, thus it might not be proper in her addressing her as such. But within just a few hours of them together, Evie had found herself feeling so comfortable around her that even calling her 'mother' did not sound that awkward anymore. It was amazing how it felt so natural, how easy it seemed for her to get used to it. Evie thought that maybe it was because Queen Beatrice had such a warm personality and is such a sunny person that she resembled a warm light, drawing your heart towards her. 

"Take your time daughter dear, okay? I know you both missed each other so much. I will wait for my turn patiently." Beatrice smiled knowingly and Evie grinned at her as well. She nodded and hugged her tightly one last time as a wordless form of gratitude in understanding her feelings.

Once they pulled away from each other, Evie immediately jumped onto the window ledge. She could no longer contain her excitement now and she wanted to reach him as soon as possible. 

Spreading out her wings, Evie flew off directly from the window and Beatrice watched the bright butterfly flying up there with a smile on her face. 

At the bridge, Gavriel and his men, including Claudius had just stopped by the city's gate. Azrael and Kione were already there to welcome them into the city. They too had received the message from King Belial informing them about the arrival of the younger Prince Gavrael to the Under Lands.

"Oh dear, it's indeed the devil sprout." Kione muttered as his gaze was fixed on the approaching prince. This younger prince who had earlier on left the Under Lands and gave up everything in the name of love is finally back in his homeland. How long has it been since he had left? 

"But something's not right. His eye colour is strange. No matter how long it is that I have not seen him, I'd still recognise his eyes. And that… is definitely not Gavrael's eyes." Azrael commented in a contemplative tone. 

"It's not that strange, you idiot. That's exactly the same eye colour as the queen's. If King Belial overhears you saying that, you can be 101% sure that your head would be rolling on the ground right now." 

Azrael actually felt the chills running down his spine as he imagined what Kione just said. He knew how much King Belial dotes on his wife and everyone knew how the king deals with anyone badmouthing his beloved wife. The man was pretty extreme whenever it comes to any matters relating to the queen that any dark fae who treasures their lives would never even dare make any bad statements about the queen. Well, things had changed now since that time as queen Beatrice herself managed to gain the dark fae's respect without being forced by the king's absolute authority. But by now, everyone knew that King Belial would still blaze in anger if he hears of someone making bad comments about the queen no matter how small it seems. 

Clearing his throat, Azrael tilted his head again as he observed the approaching prince. "He seemed weaker now, don't you think so? I can't sense any more dark magic in him. Had he found a way to suppress the dark magic within his own body? When I went to the vampire's land, I didn't notice this matter as I had left immediately, thinking that he'd notice my presence even from afar like he used to be able to do."

"One look and any dark fae could tell that he no longer possessed any dark magic anymore." Kione commented as his observing gaze scrutinized the prince further. 

"This means he's only a vampire now, just like the queen." 

"I said watch your mouth, Azrael." Kione hissed at him, warning his friend to watch his speech.

"My bad, my bad." Azrael rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm not trying to downgrade the queen or him. I know full well that the queen herself is powerful despite not having any magic. I am just not a person like you who is able to use the right words every single time in whatever situation he faces!" Azrael rolled his eyes at Kione as he complained mildly.

Kione sighed. "That's why I always tell you to watch your mouth every single time! You always tend to put that huge foot of yours into your mouth! I'm telling you…that mouth of yours will be the death of you one day." He shook his head then sighed again. And when Azrael was about to speak again, Kione stopped him. "That's enough. Don't even think of bickering with me right now. I'm not in the mood."

"Because of little red spending the entire with Gideon – ugh!"

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