Chapter 485 - Guests

And Gideon could only flash her another helpless smile. He could tell she was not lying just to make him feel better. This girl… what a real angel… how could she worry about him so desperately like this? How could she cry along with him like this? Others would be worried for their own well-being first. 

"So don't worry because I believe I won't be the type to get pregnant so easily." She said confidently and Gideon's body somehow stopped trembling. A great relief momentarily washed over him because he knew it is possible that she had not conceived his child yet. He could only hope on this possibility.

He touched her face and wiped away the remnants of tears on them. Then he pulled her to him and kissed her face so gently without saying a single word. 

The next moment, they both disappeared from the bed and appeared inside another room. A much larger, but darker room. The size was so large Vera thought that this must be the castle's master bedroom.

"Is this your room?" she hazarded a guess. The room had a similar aura as Gideon.

"Yes." He answered and he brought her near a tub. Vera watched his magic in awe as the water that was already in the tub slowly turn into a bluish colour and steam began rising from it. "Let's get you washed up." 

He lowered them both into the tub. With her sitting on his lap, he wrapped his arms so possessively around her. Vera was so relieved that he had finally stopped trembling. So glad that his fear had subsided. 

Letting out a long sigh of relief, Vera leaned her head against his shoulder, smiling now.

"This feels so nice," she whispered, and Gideon rested his face gently against her head. 

"Tell me if the water is too hot. I can adjust it to your preference." 

"Mm… it's perfect. I love it. I wish I can use magic too." She sighed out in satisfaction, revelling from just his nearness and the way he held her. "Too bad I'm only human." 

He did not comment on her statement but just hugged her tighter. And they both remained silent like that for another long while, just enjoying each other's presence. 

"Gideon…" Vera called out, lifting her hand to touch his face. 



"What is it?"

She smiled. "I just love saying your name, don't mind me." Her eyes began to flutter as they become heavier, influenced by the comforting warmth of the steam. She continued calling out his name. 

"Gid…deon…" her voice became weaker and weaker as she began to lose consciousness. "Gi… deon… I… I love you… love you… so… much…" as she lost consciousness, a small but beautiful smile remained curled over her red and luscious lips. Gideon was taken by the beauty and serenity of that smile and his heart wrenched at the sight, feeling a sharp pang in his heart. 

Gideon dropped his head on Vera's shoulder as soon as he felt her became totally limp and fell asleep. He shivered hard at her last words and held her close to him. 

He stayed like that for a long time. And when he lifted his face, he kissed her head with his eyes closed. "Please… don't get pregnant, V-Vera… please… please…" he uttered her name for the very first time. His voice begging with all his heart. 

Then he swallowed and the look in his eyes changed. "Because if you do, I won't hesitate to kill the child before it even starts to grow inside you. I won't let anything, or anyone claim your life." There was something so cold and so horrific dancing in the depths of his blue orbs now. "I'm a monster... you already know that." His whisper was so low and cold that if anyone had heard it, they would have shivers running up and down their skin.

The next morning, Queen Beatrice finally woke up. 

Evie was there in her room waiting for her to awaken, and as the two queens ate their breakfast, they could not stop chatting nonstop again. They truly and sincerely enjoyed each other's company.

Until the queen started to ask about Vera. Of course, Evie spilled the tea with her and caught her up with all the things that had happened in the last two days that the queen was asleep.

"And where is she now? I want to meet her!" Queen Beatrice was ecstatic, so damned pleased from all the things she had heard. It made her feel so happy knowing that Gideon might have finally found someone for himself. Someone who would breathe new life into his numb and cold heart again. At long last. She had been dreaming for this day to come for so long that she thought that it might not even happen. 

Evie leaned close to her mother-in-law and whispered. "I heard Gideon had brought her to his room in the middle of the night." Then she grinned wickedly at Beatrice.

Beatrice gasped in pleased surprise. "Oh my, oh my… Gideon never brings anyone to his room! Never!" her eyes sparkled as she thought of the possibility where she would get notice to plan out a royal wedding. She knew her eldest son. But she still held out hope that he would settle down and find himself a wife one day.

The queens looked so happy, grinning from ear to ear as they continued gossiping about Gideon. When suddenly, Alvion came knocking at the door and announced his entry, interrupting their blissful moment. Queen Beatrice frowned at having her time with Evie being disrupted. They were happily speculating if it would be soon that another daughter-in-law would be added to the family and that caused Beatrice to get more excited. She had been worrying for her eldest son for the longest time.

"You better have an incredibly important report to give for interrupting our breakfast, Alvion," Beatrice's voice was a bit intimidating, not happy that the huge man had disturbed her and her daughter-in-law's fun time. 

"Your Majesty… we have guests. And it seems that it was King Belial who had sent them here." 

Beatrice creased her brows with interest. Her husband sent more people over?

"Guests… who?"

"Prince Gavrael and his men." Alvion reported as calmly as he could. 

Evie and Beatrice: "!!!" 


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