I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 781 - Contract Finalization

Chapter 781 - Contract Finalization

The overly excited group had already made a stop at Tim's industry.

For now, only the facilities were going to be constructed since the system hadn't given him any knowledge of aircraft design.

So, the construction workers would have to build these facilities now.

Even so, Landon had to briefly explain the concept of airplanes, because some parameters in the airports required an understanding of airplanes in general.

Tim's hands trembled while holding the book in his hands.

He briefly glanced through it all merrily.

But, as usual, he still hammered Landon was numerous questions.


Tim scratched his head in confusion: "Your majesty, why are you designing and emphasizing that the runways are situated in positions that follow the normal wind direction?

And why's the runway space so big?"

Tim felt that there were too many empty fields around the runways, which was a waste of space.

They could build multiple buildings and farmlands there.

So why waste that much more?

Landon understood what he meant and chuckled.

He couldn't blame Tim and the rest for thinking that way.

Of course, the runways were long so that the airplane had enough take-off room.

But why were there always empty fields around it tha could go for miles?

"Tim, those empty spaces are one of the key factors for airplane flight.

When a massive field is empty and isolated, the winds don't have anything to reflect against, like buildings or trees.

So the winds there are usually stronger on larger empty fields.

These strong winds help the new get off the ground.

So the wind definitely dictates the runway design."

This was true.


Looking back on earth, one might not see a pattern for airport designs at first glance, but they were there.

If one overlapped the prevailing winds in their area on maps, it would be easier to spot the wind patterns.

These patterns in turn help decide how take-off lanes should be positioned.

For example, most airports in the Northern Hemisphere like Dubai... are aligned from East to West which coincides with the normal wind directions there.

Examine any airport, and you'll find that they followed the wind direction when creating their lanes.

One should know that each location in the world has specific wind and weather ranges in which they can fall.

And the weather change rarely goes out of those range estimations.

The head-on wind adds extra lift to the plane, reducing the power required for take-off, which in turn reduces landing speed too.

Of course, there might be times that planes will land with heavy crosswinds that are against them.

This is also possible, but it won't be fun for the passengers or easy for the pilot... That is, If the pilot can land it at all. (^∆^)

For sure, the crosswinds that each can tolerate differed with each airplane design.

Some have larger vertical surfaces and stabilizers that help to some degree.

An example would be a regular-sized plane like the Boeing 737 that can withstand a crosswind of about 60 Km/h with a dry runway and 55Km/h with a wet one.

Anything above this and the crosswinds will take the plane off track and might even damage it.

That's why lanes were made the way they were.


If one thought about it more, then they would be able to see subtle things that airports and pilots do.

Sometimes when one has arrived in their designated city or town, the pilots would fly over a city and make a U-turn back to the airport just to land.

High up in the air, they don't really need to worry about crosswinds.

But when landing or taking off, they need to do so in the direction of the normal hemisphere winds.

Also, in some runways, one could see large white-red striped windsocks there tied to poles.

This was generally a great help to the pilots who constantly look at the sock that was filled with air.

And when the winds are too fierce, the sock dances crazily.

The airports had several things that they had taken into consideration when making their airports.

In the early days, the Wright Brothers chose an isolated strip of a beach to test out many principles of flight.

Take-off and landing flight were much better on a massive empty space due to the winds.

But when testing in a crowded place, take-off was much more problematic.

It was possible, but just too power consuming and tasking.

So of course most airports were ridiculously spacious with several lanes.

And Landon dared not compromise when building Baymard's airport.


"Ah!... I see your majesty.

This is different from the hot air balloons that don't need this much space." Tim said while nodding in understanding.

"Your majesty, So we will maintain the same areas that exist in the Landport and Coastal Ports?"


Baggage, Arrival, Departure, Lounges, Customer service, First Aid, Terminals, Gates and many more areas in the ports will be in the airport as well.

But now, we'll have a few new areas, Like 'Transfers' for connecting flights.

And we'll also have more moving walkways and other amenities too.

"No problem your majesty, I'll take note of all these.


Your majesty, I've seen that you've applied the golden hour plan here too."

"Of course!

It's the perfect way to make money, no?"

"Your majesty, you're a sly one."

Landon chuckled: "where am I sly? I'm just doing my job as an honest business person."

Tim laughed when he saw Landon's innocent expression.


The golden hour!

What was it?

Well, it was better to envision it like so.

Say you've checked in your luggage and complete the rigorous security check-in phase.

And now, the weight is off your shoulders.

This is the time that you're not likely to spend cash on whatever fancies your eye, and the airport will make that possible for the traveller.

So what do they do?

Their methods dive into the realms of subliminal coercion.

Most airports have walkways that curve from right to left, and this is because most people are right-handed, drive their cars on the right, and hence spend more time looking right than left.

If a person was right-handed, they'll pull their suitcase with their right and unconsciously walk to the left because of the imbalance.

So if the walkway curves towards the left, then you would subconsciously turn your face to the right and see the countless shops lined up on the right side.

Again, after coming out of security checks and entering into the golden hour with so much free time before the next flight, most people are inclined to spend money.

That's why the first shop many people see after clearing security is the duty-free shops.

Every trick in the book has been used to ensure that the airport kept getting money.

And being the businessman that Landon was, how could he not use these tricks?

What slyness?

He was here to make money for Baymard, alright?

More money for the empire!

More money for the empire!


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