I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 780 - Begin Construction

Chapter 780 - Begin Construction

Landon had set up several rules for those who wanted to fly.

And let from the public airports, of course, there would be a one-way private jet service from Baymard going out only.

Last but not least, one shouldn't forget that the Navy, Marines, Army and Police officers will have their own choppers and mission air forces too.

Be it chasing criminals through the city from above, or dropping off people for missions outside Baymard, these armed forces would have their own hangars and took-off lanes within their headquarters and training facilities.

Again, there will be helicopter tour rides available too.

So it was better to start constructing these building structures now.

'Congratulations on your purchases host.

Transmitting information in 3... 2... 1...'



It still hurts.'

Landon massaged his temples while trying to digest the information that he had just bought off the system.

He had just one word for this system: stingy.

Why was it so expensive?

He felt like the system was definitely doing it on purpose.

A few seconds later, everything quickly calmed down and the annoying headache from earlier on had vanished as if it wasn't even there in the first place.

'Host, this system has to remind you that all airport transportation must be available within the airports.

The host must have this properly taken care of.'

Landon nodded while tapping his pen on his book: 'Hmmm... I know.'

Normally, one might have problems in this area.

But for him, this seemed like nothing.

In the case of transportation, just like the Ship Cruise situation within Carona, he would imply those same tactics here.


You see, after people got off the sh.i.p.s in Baymard, they could get bus rides from the Coastal Port.

And in Carona, the same idea was already implemented.

The massive estate/manor that is now use as the port has several Carriages, Wagons and Horses of different qualities available.

There were noble-looking carriages, as well as ordinary ones too.

So in agreement with the Caronian government, over hundreds of men and women were hired as Taxi drivers.

So visitors can pay for transportation and load as many items in as many wagons or carriages that they wanted.

From there, the driver would steer the horses to their homes or a nearby inn or establishment.

These Caronian drivers got their pay bi-weekly, so they took their job seriously since the pay was fairly high when compared to other jobs in their city.

Either way, they all flocked like birds to work for the Port.

And so it's that same concept that Landon wanted to implore here.

Within the airports outside Baymard, the same concept would be used.

Transport was a must!

So there would be Staff in charge of transport booking and whatnot.

Everyone will pay depending on the wagon, horse and carriage quality, as well as how many they used.

Additionally, the airports will be able to do parcel deliveries to and from any empire.


It was already a thing within the ports.


When sending to Baymard, all the person had to do was get the Receiver's full name, home number, and address.

The receiver's home will be called and he/she will be informed and asked if they should deliver it, or if he/she wants to pick it up at the post office.

After all, some things might be too personal or private to send.

Hence, they might just prefer picking it up with passport identification instead.

The situation in Baymard was fairly easy.

But outside, it requires a different procedure.

Take the port on Carona for example.

There was already a Post office system within the Port.

And when parcels were sent from Baymard to Carona, the responsibility mostly fell on the Sender and Receiver to properly get the parcel.

The port only needs the receiver's full name, Sender's full name, and delivery date, and time.

So when the parcel arrives, it will be kept for a maximum of 1 year before mailed back to the sender.

That's why they advise people that before sending anything out of Baymard, the receiver should already be aware and waiting for whatever parcel comes their way.

The responsibility falls on them.

The Port Post office has been running since Port's creation, and everyone now knows how to properly use it.

So that wasn't an issue.

And because of this, many nobles now have second homes within the Coastal city.

Now at least once a week, people go there to check the list to see if their masters or family members have any parcels there.

The list is updated each day and covers many boards.

It's all in alphabetical order without noble titles, so everyone can check it.

It has now become common practice to check the list each week or day for some.

This service was really amazing to many, especially the nobles.

They could send parcels in their subordinate's name, who will later pick it up on their behalf.

Again, the port's postal office has closed the communication gap to some extent, as those who have children in school within Baymard, could now send whatever they wanted to their families there.

And so, he had also decided to make a Postal office that will be in charge of delivery parcels via plane too.


With everything figured out, Landon quickly entered the time capsule and spent a few days (in capsule time) before popping out again.

He had already drawn plans and written all he could about this project.

How could he sit still now?

It was just 9 A.M, so he had time.

He hastily made a call to the Ministry of Transportation, where he requested for any available decision-making minister(s) to see him at once.

He also called the Ministry of Defense, as well as the ministry of tourism.

Since he would also create military and tourist buildings and facilities for army choppers and tour helicopters, of course he had to invite them too.

These properties will belong to the empire.

So the ministries have to be involved with project drafting and whatnot.

For sure, Landon had already drawn up the contracts for the contractors.

That said, he was inviting the ministers to come over, so that they could go over it in detail.

After all, it was his idea, and only he knew the parameters involved in this project.

Again he would be a major shareholder as well.

So he drafted the contracts for them.

After calling the various ministries, like lightning, they moved as swiftly towards the palace.

Landon briefed them about the project again, which blew their minds, making them tremble and look at him in awe.

"Your majesty, I'm in utter shock.

If this comes to be, then we can actually travel in a couple of hours to other empires?

How amazing is that?!!!"

"Your majesty, one more, you've blown my mind into tiny pieces."

"Your majesty, since we're done, then let's go now!"


Let go now your majesty.

As you always said, time is money.

So why are we still here?"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

"Let go!"


Everyone was in high spirits.

They spent 4 hours going over things.

And by the time it was 2:30 P.M, they were off to the lower regions.

They could've continued tomorrow or even the next day, but they dared not.

Their excitement at this point was indescribable.

They couldn't wait any longer.


Construction had to begin as soon as possible!

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