I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 377 Another Big Family Reunion

Seated in a waiting area outside the audience room.... .from time to time, Alec and the rest couldn't help but catch a glimpse at the massive clock hanging on the wall.

They had expected that when they walked in, Landon and Mother Kim would be the ones to hurry and bow towards them instead.

In their minds, with the timid nature of those 2... wasn't that how it was supposed to be?


Their appointment was for 2 P.M today...but due to the warning that they had received in the letter, they had chosen to show up 40 minutes earlier instead.

They were told that if they were at most 5 minutes late, then the meeting would be cancelled and rescheduled for later.

So they had decided to enter the palace 30 minutes before their meeting time..... lest that bastard actually dared to cancel this meeting with them.


But in truth, they hadn't expected to wait so long once they stepped in..... as they truly thought that once their names were mentioned to Landon, they would be treated with utmost respect.... as well as ushered in immediately.

But who would've thought that the reality would be so different from what they had imagined?


In their minds, it was Lucius who had probably ordered everyone else to treat them unfairly... as they didn't think that those 2 cowards (Landon and Mother Kim), would have the guts to go against them.

Yes!... it was all that arrogant prick's fault.

So if they found could take him out, then wouldn't things just move smoothly for them?

Very quickly, they had soon placed all their blames onto poor Lucius.


'Tick Tock!

Tick Tock!

Tick Tock!

Tick Tock!'

Listening to the ticking sounds of the clock, every passing tick seemed to make them grow more and more impatient by the minute.

Cary soon began tapping her legs lightly, while crossing her hands over her chest impatiently.

What the hell was taking them so long?


1:53 P.M

'Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!'

Soon, everyone was reeled back to reality by the sudden sounds of footsteps unhurriedly approaching them.

These footsteps that perfectly synchronized with the ceaseless ticking of the clock.... seemed to belong to just one person.

Their eyes immediately shifted to a young lady in her late 20s...who was currently holding a pen and board with a thin sheet of paper on it

With her high ponytail, well fitted blazer, and overall corporate tailored attire... she looked completely serious and professional to Alec and his crew.


"Good afternoon.... are you all by any chance, Mr Alec, Mr. Eli, Mr. Connor and Miss Cary?"

"Yes they are!" Replied one of their retainers.

These days, their king, princes and princess..... had been in rage for the fact that they had been talking to these lowly beings like equals.

So as their retainers, how could they not want to ease out their pain?


Similarly, one should never forget that 8 out of 10 times... a retainer would always be the reflection of his/her master.

So of course, as proud Royal retainers..... how could they continue to watch their masters get insulted by this people this way.

Only great people spoke to Alec, the princes and even the princess back in Arcadina.

So who was a mere palace worker to look Alecand the rest in the eye and ask them such a stupid question?

And how dare they refer to them as Mr. Alec and all that?


"Yes they are!.... now quickly do you job and lead the way!" One of Alec's head retainers said, while glaring at the woman in rage.

"Alright....please follow me very closely." the woman said, while signing off their names from the list in her hands.

Why should she be mad?

She couldn't be bothered with these people at all, as she had already been briefed about how to handle angry customers during her job training phase.


'Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Tao! Tap!'

Very quickly, they entered the audience room..... and looked up towards the throne, that seemed to be a high mountain towering above them.

The entire mountain-like stage had a massive stairway, that ascended towards a high golden platform.

And on top of the platform, where 4 royal thrones there.

2 massive ones in the middle, for the King and Queen.... and 2 other smaller ones on each side of the larger ones, for the Queen Mother and the Empire's Father.


This room was the audience room, and not the room used for hosting events..... hence it was made to show off the royal palace's wealth.

So of course everything had been designed as if it were some rich ancient Egyptian Pharoah's palace.


They had to admit, it looked way cooler than theirs.


Looking up towards the mountain-like golden storm, they immediately spotted Landon, Lucy, Mother Kim and Lucius.... all seated down like Gods from the heavens.

Alec looked at Lucius in rage, as he felt that he should've been the one seating there instead.

But remembering his mission, he quickly let out a strained smile as he walked into the audience room.


"Your majesty.... the Barns are here to see you." The lady who was leading them said.

"The Barns?


This is my son here, so why are you making us sound so distant?

Son.... I knew you would make it after leaving Arcadina.

Ahh... Kimberly.....WE really raised him well didn't we.

Good! Good! Good!"



Everyone almost tripped on their feet, when they heard Alec.

How shameless could one person be?

Mother Kim looked at Alec in rage.

What did he mean by "WE raised him well?"

Why did this man add a 'we' there?

When they were still within the palace of Arcadina, this man had gone a total of 7 years without seeing his son once.

So where was the 'we' in the entire thing?


Even Eli, Connor and Cary....almost had their jaws drop to the ground as well.

Was this still their cold and arrogant father?

As for Alec, his thoughts were only on making a good impression.

That way it would be easy to make his moves on mother Kim later on.

"Son.... father knows that he didn't seen you a lot growing up.

But that was because father was extremely busy with the empire's affairs.

Of course now that you're king, you obviously know all about these sorts of things don't you?

Right now... father has changed for the better.

And to prove it to you, father has ready lifted the ban on Baymard ages ago

So now... we can be spend more time as father and son in the future." Alec said with a sad look on his face, as if he were regretting how he had previously treated them.


Landon smiled back at Alec, and almost wanted to give a standing ovation towards the man's performance.


With this sort of talent, if he weren't the ruler of Arcadina, even he would've hired the man in his theater as the main star of his shows.


Look!... even your siblings have missed you so dearly." Alec said, while gesturing towards Eli, Connor and cary.... who all smiled stiffly instead.

"Yes brother... we've missed you so dearly all this time." Cary said while trying to put up her best act on display.

As for Eli and Connor, they simply couldn't say what their father wanted them to say.

It was utterly impossible!!.... so Alec should just forget it!!

After all, they had completely changed their characters and had gotten along with the man's plans ever since they had gotten here.

So for once, let them operate on their own in public without looking like a puppet okay?

When their father was around..... they usually acted like the sweet, shy, and innocent princes that their father knew.

Even they were disgusted by these versions of themselves as well.


"See....?..... they all missed you tenderly.

And Kimberley.... I too have missed you so much as well.

Back then, it was all the fault of those jealous women, that caused me to never go look for whilst you were residing in my palace.

But you can rest assured, I've dealt with them for your sake now.

So you no longer have anything to fear again."



As Alec spoke, Lucius on the other hand.... started trembling from rage, while glaring at Alec furiously.

Even the lady who had previously led them in... as well as the guards standing within the room... were utterly shocked by Alec's behaviour as well.

Did this man really come all the way over here just to hit on a married woman?

'Bro... she's married already alright?

And why the hell are you treating her husband as if he were invisible?

Shameless!!', they thought.


Mother Kim looked coldly at Alec as well, as she truly didn't want Lucius to think that she had some sort of lingering feelings for the man.

"Anyway, now that we are all gathered together as one again.... why don't we make it official and become a real family forever?

My beloved wife Kimberly..... my precious son Landon..... what do you two say?" Alec said with a confident smile on his face, as if he had just nailed some sort of audition.


The entire room became quiet, as everyone wished for Landon to speak up first.

"I'm sorry Mr. BARN.... but we are here to have a meeting, and not talk about fictions of your imagination.

You have already eaten 7 minutes of your audience time.

So please, kindly keep quiet and sit on the table behind you.

And just to be perfectly clear with you, you have never been a father to me... and will never be one to me in the future.

So please, stop addressing me as if we are close..... as you mean absolutely nothing to me.

And as for the queen mother of Baymard..... please keep your perverted thoughts to yourself whilst in her presence.

Because if you make such redicoulos remarks again..... I can guarentee that you would be spending your next few days locked up whilst you're here.

Now..... let's begin the meeting shall we?"

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