I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 376 Ready As Can Ever Be

Of course Alec and his family weren't the only ones who were taken aback by the news.


--Gracio-Dero 4 star hotel, Baymard--


"Young master..... we followed those men last night and stopped within the District closest to the lower region, just as you had ordered.

So we didn't see what exactly went down there.

But, we did see an entourage of multiple cars drive by later on as well."



Within the massive hotel suite, 4 men were currently kneeling down in respect..... while giving out their report to their master.

They had been tasked with following last night's intruders over the past few days.

But their master had told them not to follow these men to any restricted areas within Baymard..... and the lower region was one of these areas.


Right now, for spies, assassins and other secretive forces..... Baymard was like a ticking time bomb to them, that seemed to know everything that went on within its empire

What if they had followed these men in, and had been somehow spotted and grouped into one category with these men?


In short, ever since they had come to Baymard .... they had seen all sorts of safety measures that were kept in place here, which utterly frightened them.

One would always fear the unknown..... that was just how things were.

Hence they had decided to never venture into those forbidden places for now.

What if those intruders wanted to sneak into the military base within District B instead?

Were they supposed to follow those fools in and get caught as well?


William had just listened to the news, and couldn't help but praise how fast it was being announced.

This Baymard was really something.


The important thing that he had noted....... was that there would be something called a 'Court Trial', 4 days from now.

What was that, and how could he attend it?

"Collins!.....McCain!... find out more about this Court Trial thing, and get us seats there immediately!"

"Yes young master!"



--Royal Palace, Baymard--


Back in the palace, Landon and his family on the other hand were about to go for one of their royal visits to the hospital....So no one had work today.

Hence right now, they had been laying around in their private lounge..... while listening to the news.


"Goodness little Landon!

These days, things really aren't safe anymore.

So all should be careful about where you go to from now on." Mother Kim said, while reprimanding everyone..... including Lucius, as if they were kindergarten kids.

Landon looked at his anxious mother, and couldn't help but shake his head helplessly.

Once a teacher, always a teacher.


In truth, right from the time when those intruders had approached the fence.... they had already tripped the underground Pressure Sensors that had been buried 5 meters away from the fence.

These sort of systems were very common back on earth for catching home intruders..... and were also used by some prisons and government secret agencies.


To put it simply, from the moment they were 5 meters away from the fence... their weights and pressures triggered an alarm within the

Main guard room.

One should know that each region around the perimeter had its own separate sensor system..... so stepping on any of them, could tell the guards a general idea of where these intruders were around the perimeter


Typically.... If one went to the guard room's control center, they would see a massive board of red colored light bulbs there.

And written below each lightbulb, one would find the locations to which they were receiving the triggered signals from.

So when the men triggered the sensors, the light bulb immediately turned on.... and a loud alarm within the room immediately alerted the officers there, who in turn contacted those within the patrol towers.


From there, those men took out their night vision goggles and pinpointed exactly where the intruders were.

One could ask why these men weren't using their night vision goggles from the start.... but that was utterly unrealistic, to expect people to wear and hold up those goggles throughout the entire night while scanning the perimeter diligently.

If it were really possible, then all the prisons back on earth would've already done so ages ago.


Bottom line, they already knew that these men were already present way before these men had attempted to climb the fence.

So why did they night attack then?

Well.... the answer was simple!

In truth, they wanted to rest out their defences on real life targets.... and not practice dummies.

Plus, they also wanted to know how effective the fence really was as well.


And from their assessment, they had also decided to work on making several more strategic beam patterns, and so on.

This whole thing showed them where they were lacking, as well as what they did wrong during their operation... so how could they have stopped these men from at least attempting to break in?

And for the dogs, they had gotten their own piece of action as well.

So one could say that last night's intruder scene, was really used as practice to them for more future scenarios.


"Mom.... let's forget about that for now, and focus on tomorrow instead.

Mom..... are you ready?"


The room immediately quieted down..... and everyone's attention was soon drawn to Mother Kim, who was currently staring at her teacup seemingly lost in thought.


Was she ready?

That question was one that she might never have an answer to..... even at this moment.

Because of her, Landon had been rejecting their request for an audience with that tyrant of a man.

But later on, she had talked Landon into accepting their request.... as she felt like it was better for her to get it done and over with.


So..... Was she truly ready to meet Alec again?

Probably not!

But looking at the encouraging faces around her, she knew that she would be fine by the end if it all.

As queen mother, how could she turn chicken and tremble at the feet of another ruler?


"Little Landon..... I'm ready!"



The day was spent with the citizens talking about those 7 intruders frequently... as they were utterly shocked by how bold some of these visitors were.

But so what?

They knew that they had a strong protective team around them, hence they felt somewhat at ease about the entire situation altogether.

Night came, and just like that.... the day had finally gone by quickly, and in came another.


The sun quickly took her rightful place in the sky, as she let her rays cascade into Baymard..... bringing the entire empire into full blooming glory.

Under the sun's broad light, the people felt a sense of serenity and happiness.... as peace seemed to invite itself into their souls and minds.

It was the joy and peacefulness that came with Summer.



On the busy streets of Baymard, Alec, Eli, Connor, Cary and some of their men... had all gotten into several cabs, and were now making their way into the palace in anger.

They had previously heard that when the former King of Carona had come, Landon had sent an entire entourage to receive him.

So why didn't Landon send for them in that same manner as well?


Sitting in these commoner vehicles, how could they feel happy about it when they had previously seen one of Landon's cool limousines instead?

Wasn't this yet another insult to their status again?

Fine!... they would hold it in until they had finally gotten what they wanted in the end.

Thinking like this... they immediately adjusted their thoughts, and focused on observing their surroundings instead.



Just Marvelous!

The palace of Baymard was not something that one could describe with just words alone.

Their eyeballs almost shot out of their sockets, as they watched the seemingly mythical palace draw in closer and closer to them.

And soon, their taxi cabs quickly parked out of the palace gates.


With that, everyone immediately got off, showed their audience letter, took several passes from the gates... .. and waited for a guide to lead them into the palace patiently.

One should know that the palace itself had several castles within it, and was extremely massive as well.

So for sure, walking around it would even take close to 1.5~2 hours to do so... which was similar to walking around a national Zoo.

It was that huge!!

Hence during appointments, several guides would come over with golf carts, open roof tourist buses and at times even minivans... just to pick up these guests.


"Please step into the vehicle in an orderly fashion.... and I'll soon bring you all to see his Majesty."


Soon, they were all seated within these palace vehicles.... and taken straight to the castle with the main audience hall within it.


As the vehicle moved further into the palace, Alec and his crew couldn't help but nod in appreciation from what they saw.

Wasn't this better than their own palace back in Arcadina?


Alec's eyes soon became filled with greed again, as he felt entitled to every good in life.

Seeing all this made his blood boil with excitement... as he felt even more determined to accomplish today's mission.

Soon, this would all be his!

But for now, it was time to meet that cheating wife of his.... alongside his unfilial son.

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