Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 539 Final Spark

"So Fei, what happened after I drove away the thunder king? I heard that I apparently succ.u.mbed to a disease." Shiro asked with a frown.

As she was reminded of that horrific day, Fei Ling's face paled as she calmed her mental state.

"I'm not too sure but after you won the battle, you went back to the kingdom in order to continue the kingdom. However, during this, you suddenly collapsed and started to cough up blood. You were bleeding from all of your orifices and the fire queen betrayed us after that." Fei ling shook her head.

"If that was it, you wouldn't have this kind of reaction. Something else happened didn't it?" Shiro narrowed her eyes since she understood what Fei Ling was like. While they didn't interact for a long time, Shiro knew her well enough to know that she was strong willed. For her to become pale, it must have been quite a disturbing sight.

"…Indeed. But before I talk about that, I must explain to you the contracts that I had made with the system." Fei Ling shook her head.


"Yes. Have you wondered why your quest changed history and why the ideas you had brought to us are carved into the walls? It was due to the first contract that this was possible. In the first contract, I desired a different end for the good people of the Yin Kingdom. I wanted a happy ending, one that did not have them suffer at the hands of the Thunder King. And so, my world became a story quest for you to complete, trapped in a limbo until I chose a desired outcome."

"However, as time passed, I became depressed from all the attempts I had seen from different adventurers. Some were more occupied with trying to win my heart and bring me to bed while others gave up due to the fact that they had to face off against 4 countries at the same time. During the quest, my memories were removed in accordance with the system so that the trials were consistent but after every attempt, I would gain all my memories back. Which meant that I knew of everything and my heart sank when no one had managed to achieve a desired outcome for the people.

"But, when my hope reached the lowest, I was informed that a monster with a special circ.u.mstance had been granted access to the scenario and I decided to play the scenario with all my memories. Surprisingly, the system accepted as long as I followed the scenario without any faults. Since I had experienced it over and over again, it was easy for me. I was quite surprised to see that the monster was in actuality, a little girl with a charming face. Sitting on a throne that was much too big for your body, I watched as you looked around in confusion before a serious disposition washed over your curious nature.

"You immediately adapted to your surroundings in an instant and started to figure out ways to save this kingdom. Watching you work, I became hopeful of the final results. I complied with everything you had asked of me even to teach you my martial arts and you absorbed all of it like a sponge. I was overjoyed. When I saw your preparations for the fated date, I was at ease. Your confidence was apparent and you seemed to have the entire situation wrapped around your fingertips. Then the first bomb was detonated and the entire scenario came to a close. You had succeeded in changing the fate of my kingdom for one that I had desired all along.

"And so, I accepted this outcome as the final result and history was changed. You became the ruler of the Yin Kingdom. However, as you were a part of a different world, the good times came to an end when your presence had to be erased. After you died and the fire queen rebelled, things were tough but not unbearable. I was satisfied enough with the results and knew that I couldn't ask for more.

"However, one day, large pillars of light ripped open the skies and incomprehensible beings descended onto our world. With power that could easily shatter continents like your bomb with a single wave of the hand, the world was soon placed under their control. They gathered worshippers from the citizens and those who did not share their views were branded as heretics and killed on sight. Unless you took another being as your god, you were slaughtered like livestock." Fei Ling sighed in nostalgia while Shiro listened in silence.

She could guess that it was potentially the age of demons and gods that she kept hearing things about.

"During this, I signed a second contract with the system at a price. I gave up the freedom of my world for it to be merged with your current world. At least that way, it wouldn't be destroyed at the hands of the entities that had invaded. However, it also meant that I had given up on the world's survival as I only had one thing left on my mind. I wanted your world to be safe. You who had granted me my wish and befriended me with honesty, I wanted you to avoid such a fate." Fei Ling said as she held Shiro's hand.

"By letting our world merge with this one, we supply everything our world has to offer. Mana, monsters and materials. Everything we had was given to this one so that it could survive. And so, in accordance with the system, the entities were expelled and my world was merged with this world. The citizens had their memories altered and they were spread out across the world. However, due to the price I had to pay for the second contract, I was not given this pardon. This is my final life and this form you see now is just the final spark." She smiled as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"I- I'm so glad that I can see you one more time before I'm gone for good." Fei Ling said as her voice began to choke up with emotion. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she hugged Shiro tightly.

"What do you mean before you're gone for good? Can't phoenixes resurrect themselves?" Shiro asked while returning the hug. Her heart sank with a bad feeling as she knew what was happening but she didn't want to believe it.

"I told you Shiro, I paid a price for my world to be merged into yours and that price was for me to give up my life. However, the system was kind enough for me to leave a descendant and that's the girl by your side." Fei Ling gestured to Yin.

"I figured as much." Shiro replied softly and hugged Fei Ling.

"I don't want to go especially after finally seeing you one more time. But the system has already held up its side of the bargain. I just hope that my world can assist you in surviving the calamity."

"Don't worry, it will." Shiro muttered.

"In the time that you were gone, I had done a lot to prepare for this moment you know? Since my descendant is passed onto you, I know that they'll need to get stronger so everything they need has been prepared. The artefact that I left behind is one that will help her evolve. The only reason that I'm appearing before you now is because she woke up my final spark. As with every flicker of fire, it will eventually extinguish. My spark will empower her flame and allow her to grow to new heights that have never been reached before.

"Thank you for appearing in my life, thank you for saving the people, thank you for granting my wish and thank you for being my friend. I wish I could have had more adventurers with you." Fei Ling smiled one more time through her tears as her body started to slowly dim.

Scattering into flames that seemed to wrap around Yin, her final expression was one of relief and peacefulness.

Standing on her spot, Shiro stayed silent as she bit her lip to stop herself from crying.

"Lil' Tian." Shiro called out softly.


"Help Yin with collecting the artefact that should be in this room. I'm going to take a breather." Shiro said as she stepped out of the room.

Watching her trembling figure walk out of the room, Nan Tian wanted to reach out for her but Yin grabbed his arm and shook her head.

"Let mum be by herself for now." Yin said as Nan Tian nodded his head.

Meanwhile, Shiro was walking along the corridor while looking at the carvings.

Looking at the carvings of Fei Ling, Shiro's final wall crumbled as she crouched down and tears started to fall.

"Idiot… Why did you need to die on me as well." She muttered as this was the second time a friend had lost their life for her. 

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