Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 538 Old Friend

Waving the dust from her face, Shiro glanced into the tomb despite the shocked faces of the people behind her.

Gesturing for Yin and Nan Tian to follow, they entered the tomb and the door behind them began to close as the seal was activated once more.

"Seems like all we need is your blood. If we need other people to help us collect the pieces, I'll just give them one of the vials I have left and it'll be fine." Shiro chuckled as Yin raised her eyebrow

"Isn't it better for me to be there though?" Yin asked while tilting her head slightly.

"True, I won't be doing that unless necessary of course. Who knows, you might get some important information left behind by your ancestor." Shiro chuckled.

Making their way deeper into the tomb, Shiro noticed that the pillars that support the infrastructure of this place had several carvings on the surface which depicted what had happened. Recognising the carving of a girl holding up an item as herself, she glanced up and saw another carving of the mana pulse bomb that she had created.

Thinking back to the bomb, she understood that she could create around 10 mana pulse bombs right now at the weakest power output. If she wanted a high power output, she could probably make one without a problem with her current mana count. However, with such high MP regeneration, that wasn't a problem.

"What did you even do in the quest? These depictions are… rather interesting." Nan Tian asked with a chuckle. He could see a few carvings that had the earth give way for her along with the armies retreating.

"Nothing much. I just nuked one of the countries and killed their king in order to make the other countries submit to me. It worked and I got Yin out of it." Shiro replied nonchalantly as Nan Tian suppressed a laugh that had almost slipped out of his lips.

"You nuked them?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, they had something called a fabricator. As for why in the hell such an item was even in the past, I have no idea but it allowed me to make a bomb even though I couldn't use my second class. My links were fried back then so it'll be impossible for me to make something so destructive. The best I could do was a sword or something." Shiro shrugged.

"I see… that's certainly one way to protect a kingdom. Since it was in the past, I doubt they had ever seen a bomb of that scale." Nan Tian nodded.

"Honestly, I don't know how to feel about your dismissing my place of origin so nonchalantly." Yin's smile twitched a little as Shiro patted her head.

"Don't worry about it. After all, you're my daughter now aren't you? I still remember when you were just a tiny bird stealing my C class mana stones even though I only had a limited few." Shiro smiled as Yin averted her gaze.

"You sound just like a kidnapper haha. I took you from your home but don't worry about it since I took you as my child." Nan Tian laughed as Shiro elbowed him in the ribs.

"Oi, don't slander my name. I technically gave birth to Yin since I hatched her egg and even raised her ok? I never kidnapped anyone." Shiro frowned.

"Just because you hatched my egg doesn't mean you didn't kidnap me from my nest~" Yin stuck out her tongue in playfulness.


"Are you in your rebellious phase? Because I will discipline it out of your system right here and now." Shiro smiled as Yin shivered for a moment and glanced towards Nan Tian for help.

Seeing this, Nan Tian coughed lightly but Shiro's harsh glare stopped him from saying anything.

Understanding that Nan Tian's never going to be able to help her out against Shiro, Yin could only shed a silent tear.

'Damn! Mum's going to be the dominant one in every relationship. I'm screwed.' She thought to herself as she could only hang on Shiro's arm and act cute in order to lessen the punishment.

Rolling her eyes, Shiro ignored Yin's cute act and continued deeper into the tomb.

Brushing her hand against the wall, Shiro sent out her mana and started to examine the entire tomb as she soon realised that there was only a single path to the end.

Raising her eyebrows, she shrugged it off since it just makes things easier.

Approaching the end of the hallway, a giant staircase leading down could be seen in front of them as another set of doors was at the bottom.

Jumping down the staircase with ease, she pushed open the final set of doors.

Once the doors opened, Shiro's eyes widened at the scenery. Soft glowing crystals could be seen gently illuminating the room as a coffin laid in the centre of an altar.

There were dancing motes of light that seemed to hover around the room along with wind that seemed to be singing an orchestra due to the passages that they rushed through.

Looking at the coffin, she noticed two statues kneeling besides it. One of Fei Ling and one of the Void Beast.

Despite not interacting with the Void Beast much in the quest, she could tell that it must have been a treasured companion so she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty at changing the past.

Walking up to the altar, Shiro made her way up the staircase and eventually came face to face with the coffin. Looking at the carvings on the side of the coffin, she could recognise it to be a message of some sort but she didn't recognise the language which was unfortunate.

Placing her hand on the top of the coffin, Shiro wondered if her 'body' was actually placed inside. According to Lucius, she died shortly after pushing back the other countries so there was a chance of a second Shiro inside this coffin.

While she was doing this, Yin seemed to be in deep thought as her eyes glossed over for a moment. This didn't escape Nan Tian's notice and he made sure to keep an eye on her in case anything bad happened.

"I see…" Yin muttered as fire started to flicker from her body.

Transforming into her phoenix form, Yin flew to the top of the altar and perched herself just behind the coffin.

"Yin?" Shiro furrowed her brows in confusion.

However, Yin didn't respond.

Raising her wings, fire started to spread as they were slowly absorbed into the crystals that were illuminating the room.

Suddenly, mana surged around them and a second life force of sorts could be felt.


A phoenix cry echoed through the room, forcing Shiro to cover her ears.

As this was happening, Nan Tian quickly flickered next to Shiro and created a barrier around them in order to block out the sound.

"Are you ok?" He asked with worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't know what Yin's doing thought." Shiro replied with a small frown.

Looking around the room, she could see pillars of fire slowly erupting from the ground.

"If I had to guess, that second cry originated from a different phoenix. I suppose what Yin is doing is reviving it since I can feel a second life force emerging from in this room." Nan Tian narrowed his eyes at the gathering fire.

Slowly, the fire started to merge into the form of a phoenix. With blue and purple fire being the main body, the majestic beast was twice as big as Yin.


Crying out once more, a pair of eyes landed on the trio.

Seeing Yin, the eyes softened a little before glancing down at the two people. The moment her eyes landed on Shiro, her pupils shrank in shock before it started to water.


Crying out for a third time, the cry was now filled with relief and sadness.

Furrowing her brows, Shiro stepped out of the barrier and walked towards the phoenix.

For some reason, her mind was telling her that she knew this phoenix and the only person in mind was Fei Ling.

However, she was someone she met in the trial, could she actually exist now without forming a contract that she did with Lisandra?

Pausing for a moment, Shiro looked into the phoenix eyes and opened her mouth.

"Fei Ling?" She called out.

Hearing the name, the phoenix's eyes softened as her form started to shrink.

Slowly, the phoenix transformed into a woman with light blue hair, pointed ears and golden eyes. Looking at the familiar face of her subordinate and friend within the trial, Shiro couldn't help but smile.

"My liege." Fei Ling bowed as Shiro shook her head.

"Did you forget about what I asked you to do?" Shiro smiled.

"I asked you to call me liege no more. Call me Shiro as you are my friend before servant." She placed her hand on Fei Ling's shoulder.

With a tear in her eyes, Fei Ling nodded with her head.


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