Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 470 Celestial Court

Seeing Shiro smile towards them, the monsters suddenly felt a chill down their backs as they quickly bowed.

"Please spare us!" The boss shouted out in fear, confusing the party.


"Please spare us Empress!" The boss repeated again as the party looked towards Shiro who had lost her smile.

Looking at the boss with a bland expression, Shiro was rather annoyed that she was not able to indulge and have some fun.

'Next time I shouldn't use such a strong attack as an opening I guess….' She thought to herself.

Walking towards the boss slowly, the clack of her heels seemed deafening as everything else was quiet. Even the party stopped their attacks to see what was happening. 

Pulling out her sword, Ataraxia, Shiro pointed it at the boss's neck.

"Why do you want me to spare you. You're nothing but a dungeon monster that would respawn once we've left." Shiro questioned.

"I-… I GOT YOU!" The boss smiled as all of his subordinates transformed into flaming spears that glowed with an ominous blue which was fuelled by using their life.

Before Shiro could even attack, hundreds of spears shot towards her.

"Tch, annoying twat." Shiro frowned.

"I don't know why the Empress of a race would come here but I don't have anything to lose!" The boss grinned as he slashed towards Shiro.

Sensing that her friends were dashing towards her as of this moment, Shiro decided to do nothing and make eye contact with the boss.

"You see, I got a few trustworthy allies of my own to cover my back. Not that I need it of course but it helps." She said with a grin.


Flickering in front of her, Lyrica parried the boss's attack while Madison slammed her shield into the boss's chest, pushing him back.

Just as Aarim was about to redirect the fire spears to the ceiling, both Yin and Attie made a move.

Jumping into the air, Yin manifested her Phoenix form and started to absorb all of the fire while Attie only waved his hand and a large portion of the flames flew to his side and floated there obediently.

Seeing that Attie could control the flames as easily as she did, Yin couldn't help but cry out in excitement.

"See?" Shiro smiled while gesturing to her friends that protected her without her even doing anything.

"Now then, shall we kill the boss fast or slow girls?" She asked.

"I'd say fast since we need to kill him a few hundred more times." Lyrica narrowed her eyes.

"I'd say the same as well." Madison followed up with a now.

"Welp, you heard them. Bye bye~" Shiro chuckled as she readied Ataraxia and slashed towards the boss.

Activating her Sword Domain and Asura Sword Path, she cleaved the sword downwards.


Slashing past the boss' body with ease, a wave of energy erupted out and started to carve away at the boss room.

Despite only attacking twice in this dungeon, Shiro had managed to heavily damage the dungeon walls that were meant to be some of the strongest material around. Of course, it was limited to the level of the dungeon but this is still something that even level 150 adventurers would struggle to break.

"I suppose I can let you girls handle the clean up right?" Shiro asked while gesturing to the remaining monsters.

"Of course, leave it to us." Lyrica nodded with a smile.

While the party was cleaning up the rest of the monsters, Shiro walked up to the boss' body that was cleaved in two with fear present in his eyes.

'How did he even know I was an empress…' Shiro wondered to herself before glancing over at her passive which could not be turned off.

Shaking her head, she realised that it was probably going to be a pain to use disguises in the future since they would just need to recognise the pressure they felt from her.

'I suppose I am also level 110 now. Most B classed adventurers can't harm me while those in the A class are quite rare. As long as I deal with Duan Han Yin, I'll be able to use my real identity without too many worries.' She thought to herself while collecting the corpse.

Of course, since this was her problem, she didn't exactly want to bring her mother and father into this since they may be hurt in the conflict. If anything, she hoped that she could deal with everything herself.

Checking through the boss' loot, Shiro was quite surprised to see quite a few purple grade equipment along with some life saving talismans. Since she had her rejuvenation skill along with her Celestial Runes to replenish a lot of her lost health, she didn't exactly need the talismans so she set them aside to hand out to the party later.

As for the equipment, their skills were pretty decent but she figured that it was probably better to have the rest of the party look at them first.

Walking back to Attie, Shiro picked him up before looking at the fire spears that floated around him.

"So you're able to control fire like your big sister huh? Not exactly surprising when you think about it since you're a fire spirit but to think you have this much power despite being so young. Good job Attie." Shiro smiled while patting Attie's head.

Hearing her praise, Attie burrowed his head into her shoulders out of embarrassment.

As the party cleared out the monsters, Shiro started to wonder what her absolute strongest attack was. So far, she knew that Wrath of Stars was to date, one of the best attacks that she had done. If she used it again with her links fully healed, then she could no doubt deal massive damage to Epona, maybe even wipe it off of the map. However, that was not her current limit. Even back then, she held back with Wrath of Stars since her links could not take any more stress.

With the amount of passive and active skills she had now and links that were 100% repaired, she could easily go above and beyond. Only question was, how far could he go?

'If I mix things up with my Nanomancer Class, I can create a continental type weapon that can wipe out entire mountain ranges with a single attack. If I then combine it with Celestial Raiment, Frenzied Incarnation EX, Spirit Assistance, Chimera Arts, Asteria's Blessing, Celestial Gardens, Eena First and Second Cast, Ataraxia Berserk Skill and my Soul Sword, what would the resulting power be like.' She mused to herself since she could stack all of them together as long as she made sure to use them in the correct order. After all, some of her skills had quite a short duration so she needed to use them last or else they'll run out.

Shaking her head, she doubted that she needed such power any time soon since it would attract too much attention to her.

Even dealing with the church didn't need this much fire power as a pair of hand cannons made with her current standard would be enough. Hell, she could even make a giant mech that she had theorised about way back in New York when she had first bumped into Lucius.

'Speaking of which, I wonder if he's sorted out his faction yet. Before going to the trial, he did mention something about his faction that is linked to Yin. Well that can wait for a bit. Once Keiko ad Keomi's arrived, I'll tell them about the situation in regard to Yuki and we can go save her. Hopefully, I don't run into Duan Han Yin or else it would be quite troublesome.'

Repeating the dungeon clear with the party for a day, Shiro familiarised herself with the skills that they can each use and started to make a few key notes in her mind much like what Kuromi would do in her sketchbook. Such as how best to set everyone out if they're in a huge team fight.

Not only that, but she had also been able to raise her level to 115 since they were able to clear the dungeon quickly.

Once she reached 115, she had also gained a new skill from her Celestial Sylph Empress class.

[Celestial Court Appointment]

You can appoint people of your choosing to take a position within your Celestial Court. If they accept, they gain passive bonuses in accordance to their role.

The role will be tailored to their class and you can only appoint a certain amount of people. So far, you can appoint 3 people to be in your celestial court.

You gain one additional slot every 50 levels. (150, 200, 250…)

Currently used slots: 0/3

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