Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 469 Abyssal Crypt

Upon entering the dungeon, they were greeted to chiselled stone walls that seemed like they were finely carved pieces of art.

Looking around, they were rather surprised to see the lack of monsters as this was not usually the case. If anything, they should be bombarded by attacks since this is a B ranked dungeon.

"Hm, strange. Do you think all the monsters are waiting in the next corridor or something?" Lyrica asked as she furrowed her brows.

"Perhaps. Give me a moment, I'll locate them all." Shiro smiled as she walked towards the walls. Pressing her hand against the stone, she closed her eyes and sent a pulse of mana through the dungeon.

Mapping out the entire dungeon within her mind, she could see red dots that represented the monsters and noticed that they seemed to be gathered within the deepest parts of this dungeon. Not only that, but she could also sense that some of them were shivering for some odd reason. As if they evacuated to the final room out of desperation.

"That's rather curious." Shiro muttered.

"What's wrong?" Aarim glanced over.

"The monsters, they seem to have run away to the deeper rooms. I can see that some of them are shivering. Do you think there is a rogue boss or something in this dungeon that made them this way?" Shiro replied.

"Well the only rogue monster I can think of is you. But if anything, this shouldn't be the case. This dungeon is supposed to be one of the more hostile ones." Aarim said while showing her a page that described this dungeon.

Furrowing their brows, the party looked at each other before nodding their heads.

"Let's go to the deeper parts of the dungeon then. I suppose if they're all gathered, it's a good chance for us to kill them all." Madison suggested.

Agreeing with her idea, the party made their way down to the deeper parts of the dungeon while making a few plans for battle.

"So far, we have 4 Attackers, 1 Tank, 2 Supports and 1 Adaptive. Lyrica and Lisandra will take the vanguard while Yin helps out from afar. Chen Yu, since you're an assassin, you can just make your way around the battlefield without too many problems. Madison, while you are a tank, you're more like a bruiser tank that can also fight due to your class having two forms. Your job is to mostly protect the supports while going up to tank the boss when he appears. Aarim, Silvia, you two will naturally stay at the back and I'll be with you, covering for everyone if needed ok?" Shiro smiled as she explained their party composition.

"Now that you lay things out like this, we've basically got 6 attackers including you and Madi don't we?" Lyrica chuckled since their party was heavily attack focused.

"Well that is true but it's not too bad now is it? Madi can tank everything amazingly." Silvia smiled.

"Yup. And with you buffing my defences while making sure my HP is up at all times, I can keep them at bay without too many worries." Madison grinned.

"Ah speaking of which, I would have thought that the church would be pestering you for your healing prowess. After all, isn't the church respected due to the healers they provide?" Shiro asked.

"Well… they did try to bother me at first before Lisandra had her class up. But after that, all of the church people were infatuated about her and couldn't focus on everything else so I was given a break." Silvia replied with a chuckle.

"Urg, please don't talk about the church when we're here. I've heard enough about them to last me a lifetime." Lisandra sighed.

"All right, all right, we'll deal with them before Keiko and Keomi arrive if we can." Shiro smiled.

As she did not know when the age of demons and gods will be coming, the best thing she could do was to level up for now. There was also the whole problem about Duan Han Yin that had killed her/Kuromi and imprisoned Yuki in the mountains. Now that they were B ranked, she was ready to go rescue her.

However, before she could do that, she needed to inform Keiko and Keomi about the truth of her situation and what her plans are. After all, they deserved to know that she had died once already and that they needed to be careful about Duan Han Yin should they see him again.

As they arrived in the final room, they were greeted by a giant wave of attacks that flew through the air.

"She's here! Kill her!!" One of the monsters shouted out in a panic.

Quickly stepping in front of the party, Aarim snapped her fingers before pointing upwards.


Suddenly, the gravity in the area in front of them shifted as all of the attacks were redirected to the ceiling.

Seeing as how they attacked the party quite abruptly, Shiro had a rather displeased expression on her face.

"Welp girls, you see the enemies and they're clearly not the best house owners as they have given us quite the harsh welcome. Show them how they should do things if they want to kill people.�� Shiro said with a grin.

Nodding their heads, Lyrica, Chen Yu, Lisandra and Madison dashed into action while Attie watched while being carried by Shiro.

Jumping into the air, Lyrica reached into her inventory and grabbed her sword.

Readying it on her waist, she narrowed her eyes before flooding the sword with mana.

Twisting her body, she swung the sword horizontally as it split itself into multiple segments that were connected through mana wires.

Slashing everything within a 20 meter cone in front of her, she then retracted the sword back to its original length and slashed at those that hadn't died yet.

Seeing this, Shiro couldn't help but raise her eyebrow in surprise since it looked like Lyrica had managed to procure the weapon needed for her hidden proficiency without her interference.

Activating her Analysis skill, she observed the construction of the weapon and couldn't help but notice the clear mix of mage craft and blacksmithing. There were runes hidden within each segment of the sword and with how each of the segments were connected to each other, Shiro could guess that Aarim had a hand in creating this weapon.

'With her skill set that involves gravity and forces, this is within her capabilities.' She thought to herself as she felt proud of the party's development. It still felt like just yesterday that Lyrica was shy and she was still mute from when they were back in New York.

Shaking her head, she dismissed the nostalgic thoughts and looked at the battlefield.

"I can't just let everyone do the fighting while I harvest the EXP with my connection to Lisa. That would be lazy." She muttered while bringing out her bow, Asteria's Embrace. While the bow cannot work in this environment due to the lack of stars, she could make her own. Setting Attie down for now, she was going to show him what she could do with a bow.

Snapping her fingers, a tier 4 magic circle suddenly appeared on the ceiling as a portal of sorts could be seen, slowly opening to reveal a multi coloured galaxy that shimmered with star light.

Since the enemy was that of the dark element, her bow's passive skill: Goddess' Blessing, was activated as her attack was enhanced with the divine attribute and dealt massive damage to dark elemental beings.

However, that was just one of her abilities. Since everyone was showing off what they could do, Shiro decided to join in the fun and activated the skills attached to her armour, Eena.

"First cast, activated. Second Cast, activated." She muttered as her armour glowed with a soft white hue.

The first cast of her armour gave her 60% Magic Penetration and 50% critical chance under starlight. But it's the second activation that the monsters had to worry about.

Second Cast: When activated, your weapons are enhanced by Astral enchantment, converting 50% of your highest stat into raw power for 30 seconds.

With her INT stat being off the charts for her level, half of that being converted into raw power was something this dungeon could not accommodate.

As the arrow was being formed on her bow, the floors and walls started to crack apart from the pressure.

With such a monstrous amount of mana being emitted behind them, there was no way that the party would be able to ignore it as the idea that Shiro had no match was once again solidified in their mind.

Despite the bow not being her main weapon, it was still many times stronger than what they could accomplish.

Charging the bow to maximum power with just the skills that she had activated, Shiro released the arrow from the bow as a flash of light filled everyone's vision.


Within a single moment, a tunnel of destruction could be seen as everything it touched was reduced to ash. Making sure to avoid the boss and her teammates, Shiro made sure that her attack was more of an opening act.

"Now then, with the appetisers finished, are you ready for the main course?" Shiro asked with a charming smile filled with sadistic intent. 

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