Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 425 Kidnapping

Jumping out of the window, Shiro had a grin on her face since this was when she felt most alive.

Even though she couldn't use mana or Celestial Raiment to reinforce her body, she was more than capable of shifting momentum to her advantage.

Kicking off the wall, she jumped onto the opposite building and dashed along the roof.

Both Nui and Prim were used to Shiro's monstrous parkour abilities with just her physical body so they weren't too surprised. However, that didn't mean it wasn't a sight to behold.

Following behind her, Nui and Prim watched out for anyone that would be observing them at this time of night.

"Nui, one to your left around 200 meters. Prim, one behind you on the roof." Shiro called out without even looking around her.

Pivoting on her foot while in motion, two daggers slid into her hands from within her sleeves as she threw it towards their locations.

"Arg!" Crying out in surprise, the two observers revealed their locations as both Nui and Prim finished them off quickly.

"Second young miss, if you don't mind, can I ask how you did that?" Nui asked curiously.

"Instinct. I just trace their stares back to their source. We as humans have times where we know someone is watching us and their general direction. For this, this is just heavily enhanced." Shiro replied with a smile.

Leaping across a gap between buildings, she slid on her feet for a few steps before throwing two more daggers at a few observers that were drawn to their location due to the commotion.

With Shiro being the scout of sorts and pinpointing the enemies with her daggers, Nui and Prim cleaned up after her as they sped through the city without too many problems since they killed their enemies before they could even use their Celestial Energy.

As they were approaching Tau's residence, Shiro wondered if she had enough daggers at hand.

'Thanks to Nui and Prim retrieving them whenever we attack our enemies, I still have around 10 daggers in my sleeves. This should be enough but if we get into a fight, I might not be able to delay them as much as I hoped. Maybe we should go to an enchanter or something to see if they can upgrade these daggers.' She thought to herself while crouching down.

Since they were about to reach Tau's residence, the number of guards nearby had increased dramatically and if they didn't want to be discovered, they had to be quiet.

"Second young miss, the moment we fight, everyone nearby will be alerted so we'll retreat immediately should anything bad happen." Nui reminded.

"Don't worry, I know." Shiro smiled before climbing down onto the balcony.

Stabbing her dagger into the wall, she slowly removed a few of the bricks to form a gap just big enough for each of them to enter.

It was located just above the second floor so that she would be on the support beams.

Entering the building, she balanced herself on the support beam and hid it in shadows. Waiting till both Nui and Prim entered into the building, the trio made their way through the support beams without alerting anyone who were patrolling below them.

As much as she wanted to just attack them all and get things over and done with, she knew that it would just over complicate a few things. Thankfully, most of the people here were only level 1 guards so even if things went wrong, they can deal with it quite easily.

"Nui, Prim, since we're trying to avoid being seen, I'll be relying on you two to tell me if there's someone around the corner ok?" Shiro whispered as the two girls nodded.

While Shiro and Nui were advancing forward, Prim pressed her fingers against the ground.

"Spider web." She muttered as a translucent web of string started to expand from her location. This spell was a rather weak one as it doesn't use too much of her energy but it was great for locating where people are. Not only that, but due to its low cost, it was quite hard to detect.

Of course, she could also increase the output to make the strings harder to get rid of.

Closing her eyes, Prim could see the location of everyone who's tripped her strings.

"One person at the next corner to our right. He should be looking away from our entrance in around 5 seconds." Prim reported quietly.

Making an ok sign, Shiro whispered in Nui's ear.

"When I'm about to turn the corner, I want you to punch towards me and I'll use that momentum to surprise attack the person."

"Understood." Nui nodded since she trusted Shiro's commands.

Walking forward a little more, Shiro counted down from three with her fingers.

Once it reached zero, Nui twisted her body slightly and punched towards Shiro as she had instructed.

Shiro jumped into the air lightly and stepped against Nui's punch, using it as a springboard.

As her body launched forward, she entered the man's line of sight. Quickly kicking against the wall, Shiro arrived before him with two daggers drawn.

The first dagger stabbed into his mouth while the second into his temple. Using them as handles, she swung her body around his head and used the two daggers as a corkscrew to snap the man's neck.


Breaking his neck and killing him, Shiro quickly balanced herself and made sure that no blood flowed down. Placing his body gently against the wall, she nodded to the other two as they continued to proceed towards Tau's room.

Thankfully, since she was swift in killing the man, he wasn't able to scream so no one was alerted.

"Right then, he should be in the room below us." Shiro muttered as grunts could be heard with soft sobs.

Taking a deep breath since she knew what was happening, she looked towards the other two.

"I know Kuromi said we should take him alive but do you want to just kill this f*cker now?" Shiro whispered.

". . . Why don't we take him back anyway? I'm sure some of our sisters in the shadow guards are more than happy to torture him." Nui suggested after a moment of thought.

"I want to kill him now but Nui makes a good point." Prim followed up.

"Hmm… how about this, we'll take him if we can but if things go south, kill him straight away then leave." Shiro replied after a moment.

Nodding her head, the two girls agreed.

Carefully removing the wooden panels, Shiro looked down into the room and was instantly overwhelmed by the smell of incense.

'F*ck! My nose!!!' Shiro cried out in her mind as she recoiled back a little. The thing about having sharp senses was that good becomes great and bad becomes worse.

Stabilising herself so that she didn't make any noise, Shiro shook her head lightly and prepared to attack.

Handing the two a rope that she had kept under her waist sash for emergency situations, she tied it to one of her ankles and slowly descended into the room with the help of the two.

Making eye contact with the woman who was under Tau, Shiro made a shushing gesture before she could shout out.

Tau was a rather thin man with hardly any fat but he wasn't exactly muscular either. His features couldn't be seen as she was behind him but she didn't care for that since her goal was to kidnap him.

Once she was behind him, she was about to slam the pommel of her dagger against his temple when his head suddenly recoiled back and hit her in the face.

'F*CK! MY NOSE AGAIN!' She shouted out in her mind with anger and quickly knocked the man out.

"I'll come back in a second." Shiro whispered to the woman who nodded her head with a face full of tears.

Climbing back up the sash, now with a second person, Shiro handed him over to the girls and had them restrain him.

 Naturally, he was quickly wrapped with some bedsheets since she wanted to spare her eyes the torture of seeing him in full nude.

Climbing back down, she carefully dressed the woman up before carrying her up to the ceiling with just one hand.

"I need you to be as quiet as possible for the next few minutes ok? If you can do that, I'll get you out of here and help you have a new life." Shiro said with a small smile.

Seeing the confidence and comfort she could feel from the white haired girl that was carrying her, the girl nodded her head since she didn't want this opportunity to fly away.

Making their way back out of the building without alerting anyone, the three of them, plus one hostage and a victim, managed to get away without much trouble.

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