Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 424 Nurse

Spending night at the inn, they continued to sell toys for two more days and had made quite the substantial profit. While it couldn't be compared to what a big family may earn, it was more than enough for their current group.

In addition to this, Kuromi had also given each of the shadow guards their names so that it was easier to talk to them.

During these two days, they noticed that there had been a few people observing them hidden on the roofs but decided to ignore it for now since they were going to be leaving this city once the guards finish collecting all of the information.

Currently, they were spending their final night at the inn. Shiro was looking out of the window at a few of the observers while Kuromi was writing in her notebook as usual.

"Kuromi, what do you think about taking one of them hostage and interrogating them for information about who's been keeping an eye on us?" Shiro suggested.

"You know that's a bad idea. Just try to be tolerant for now until we can consistently use Celestial Energy without fulfilling a bunch of conditions." Kuromi replied.

"Urg… What are you even writing in your notebook? I know that there is a bunch of information about the guards and such but what's this second notebook for?" Shiro asked while looking at Kuromi.

This was one of the things that set them apart since Kuromi seemed to like writing in her notebook a lot and had quite a bit of patience while Shiro was more of a hands on person.

"This? Oh just some information about this world. I'm writing down a few strategies with the information I've gathered. These include battles inside the city and what we should do should you accidentally piss off one of the people that live here. There are also some strategies for our guards so that they can help us earn money without us being here." Kuromi replied.

"You know, if it wasn't for your cheat of a database, you'd probably be doing what I'm doing." She smiled.

"Well duh, we're the same person. You're me but without my Nanomancer class and the benefits it comes with." Shiro shrugged.

"True. Anyways, if you were wondering about who was keeping an eye on us, I've already tracked them down so you can lead a bunch of our men to try to see if you can capture them. Thankfully, they're not too powerful so it should be doable."

"Eh? You have?" Shiro widened her eyes.

"Yeah, unlike you, I've been working my ass off every day. All of this just so that you can have some fun and actually fight." Kuromi sighed while massaging her neck.


"Well my expertise is in punching and stabbing. I'm not fit for delicate operations like this." Shiro lied.

"Yeah bullsh*t. You're just too lazy to try. We're the same person so what I can do you can do as well." Kuromi rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, take this note that I've written and give it to Nui and Prim. Those two girls are best for delicate operations like this since they focus on stealth."

Handing Shiro a note, Kuromi started to write in her notepad once more.

[Target – Tau

Slave merchant residing near the red light district. He kidnaps and sells young women to the brothels and gets a hefty sum from the sales. Not only that, he's one of the bigger traders in the nearby cities so he may have some information in regards to what's happening in Teriu. As for his guards, he has two level 3 guards standing outside his room whenever he does the 'act' so your best choice is to take him during this time.]

"Hmm… Kuro, what do you mean by level 3 guard?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Oh right I still haven't told you the level system that I thought up to categorise them huh? Well basically, level 1 users of Celestial Energy could be a match for level 50 adventurers, level 2 is around level 75 and level 3 are level 100 adventurers. This is still a work in progress so the scale might not be entirely accurate since I haven't seen nor analysed their fights in detail. But with what I've heard of his guards, they should be level 100 give or take in our world." Kuromi replied.

"Heh~ In that case then what are the levels of our shadow guards?"

"They average to around level 2 with a few in level 3. Nui and Prim are level 3 hence why I'm having you take them with you on this quest."

"Is that so… Wait a minute, would they even agree to this? I thought they didn't want us to be fighting?" Shiro tilted her head.

"You're not fighting. You're only getting rid of a cancer to women in this world. Think of it as medical treatment. Plus, fighting is a last resort since you're a liability right now." Kuromi replied while glancing over at her.

"I see… if they knew what Tau was doing, it's no surprise that they'll be on board for this."

"Indeed. Now you'll find Nui and Prim in room 5. I've already talked to them about this so they should know the moment you come into their room." Kuromi smiled.

"Cool. Welp, time to stretch my body a little. It's been so long since I had a good run." Shiro grinned.

"Mn, see you later then Nurse Shiro haha." Kuromi chuckled.

"Pft, what the hell do you mean by Nurse Shiro. Do I look like someone who would be a nurse?" Shiro frowned.

"Of course. By that I mean in the kinky way. Have you not seen the nurse outfits that they have? To be honest, I'm pretty sure that if I pitched this idea to dear ol' Lyrica she'll have a nose bleed over you." Kuromi giggled softly.

"Oh whatever. I'm more like a serial killer disguised as a nurse then." Shiro rolled her eyes.

"Fair point. Though I suppose I would make quite the seductive nurse no? Get one of their outfits, a pair of glasses, a lab coat on top of that and some tights. When a patient enters I'll be like 'Ara ara, you've been quite a clumsy person haven't you? Come closer so I can give you a thorough check up.'" Kuromi said with a seductive tone.

"Oh god f*ck that's strange. We have the same appearance right now you know! Look at my arm, I've got goosebumps!" Shiro protested since it was an awful experience for her to see 'herself' try to act like a seductive nurse.

"What do you mean by strange? Big sis Kuro's gonna be hurt you know? I'm trying to teach you some techniques to bring Lyrica into your bed. It might be helpful who knows. Plus, even if you don't get with Lyrica, since she's your best friend, I don't mind Helion either you know? As your big sister, I approve of them both to be my sibling in laws." Kuromi laughed.

Blushing slightly at the thought, Shiro quickly left the room since she didn't want to think about that.

'God what is Kuromi even thinking about bringing that up.' Shiro thought to herself as she quickly snapped out of it.

However, the thought lingered for a short moment. After a long day's work in the dungeon, she'd come back to her room to relax and get a gentle massage by either Lyrica or Helion. As they continue, it'll slowly develop into something else…

"GAH!!! DAMN IT KURO!" Shiro shouted out in embarrassment and slammed her head against the wall to get rid of the thoughts.


"Young miss!?!?!" Phillip widened his eyes since he just saw Shiro slam her head against the wall all of a sudden.

"Eh~ Oh it's just you Phil. It's nothing don't worry~" Shiro smiled as she was a little dizzy from the hit.

Talking to Phillip for a little longer in order to convince him that she was fine, she calmed herself before looking for Nui and Prim's room.

She was going to take out all of her embarrassment on Tau for making Kuromi torture her like this.

*Knock knock

"Come in." Nui's voice rang out.

Entering the room, Shiro saw both Nui and Prim ready with their gear.

"Second young miss, as first miss instructed, we'll be protecting you during this excursion. However, should we detect any danger, we'll be bringing you back immediately ok?" Prim said as she kneeled down in front of Shiro.

"Don't worry, I understand." Shiro smiled.

Discussing the plan once more so that they understood what they should do, the trio left the room through the window. 

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