Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 384 Orange Grade Weapons

Upon leaving the mountain range, Shiro pulled out her bike and made their way to the guild.

Asking the receptionist to inform the guild master of their intent to meet her due to some intel they  managed to collect, they were led to a waiting room.

However, this time, they didn't need to wait too long for the guild master to arrive.

"I heard that you collected some information? Quite quick considering how little time you spent in the mountain range." Hitomi raised an eyebrow.

"Well what can I say? Maybe I got a passive called EX luck haha." Shiro joked around before pulling out the video chip from her inventory.

"Here, you can have a look at this. I've managed to see a new boss monster making contact with what seems to be a monster city. The location was around the western side of Mount Fuji but it may have changed I don't know."

Looking through the recordings, the guild master had a serious expression before nodding.

"Mn, this is indeed vital information. At least now we know there's a city of these monsters and that there may be several strong bosses in there." Hitomi said seriously.

"Then I suppose I'm eligible for the orange grade equipment then." Shiro smiled.

"Indeed. Come with me, I shall show you the few you can choose from." Hitomi nodded and gestured for the two of them to follow her.

Going through a few illusions, that of which Shiro detected with ease, they arrived at what seemed to be a vault.

'Hm, by having illusions here, it seems like they want to prevent anyone from knowing the exact location of the vault.' Shiro thought to herself. However, unfortunately for them, with the help of her skill analysis, she had been able to make a map of the vault in her mind.

Of course, it wasn't as if she was going to rob them. That would be quite mean.

"You can choose between weapons or armour."

"I'll go for a weapon." Shiro replied since she already got one of the better armours on her now.

"Mn, good choice. Here are your choices." Hitomi said while pointing at the assortment of glass cases.

Strangely enough, Shiro wasn't able to get the stats of the weapons through the glass but she was able to see the descriptions on the bottom.

There were two bows, a sword, an axe and a dagger for her to choose from.

She immediately ignored the axe since it wasn't something that she used often. Same with the sword since she already had Ataraxia. This only left the dagger and the bows.

[Izanami's Crest LVL 120 Orange (Dagger)]

A dagger enhanced by the power of Izanami, the personification of Earth and Darkness. At night, the dagger's stats are doubled.

[Sun Eater Bow LVL 120 Orange (Bow)]

A bow possessed by a rumoured sun eater. Whenever the user pulls back the string, it will convert the energy of the sun. When the sun is at its peak, the bows power is enhanced by 300% that will last for 1 minute. After this period, the bow will decrease in strength. You cannot use this bow at night.

[Star Gazer's Bow LVL 110 Orange (Bow)]

A bow that is enhanced with the number of stars that can be observed. At its peak, a single draw of the bow can summon down a meteor shower. At night, the bow will receive the star's blessing.

Raising an eyebrow, her thoughts immediately homed in on the star gazer's bow. For one, due to her cosmic ice, her spells will open up a galaxy filled with starts. She wasn't sure if this would synergise but it is definitely an interesting bow.

There was also the Sun Eater bow and the Izanami's Crest which were also quite interesting in Shiro's opinion.

The fact that the dagger had a goddess's name made it quite a rare weapon.

"Hmm… I think I'll go for the Star Gazer's Bow." Shiro said since she can see stars regardless of the time of day.

"Oh? You don't want the dagger or the Sun Eater bow?" Hitomi raised her eyes in surprise since the Star Gazer's bow was the weaker one of the bunch in her opinion.

At higher levels, one can fire an array of attacks so the skill where it will fire a meteor shower was quite weak.

"No since I'm a mage. I fight from longer distances after all." Shiro shrugged.

'Bullsh*t! You think I'm blind!? I saw what you did in the test!' Hitomi retorted in her mind but made no changes to her expression on the outside.

"Well if that's what you want." She nodded and opened the glass container for the Star Gazer's Bow.

Handing it over to Shiro, they led her out of the vault.

"Now then, I suppose we should go to an empty lot and give this bow a try no?" Shiro said with a smile while leaving the guild with Lisandra.

"Mn, I'm quite curious about what it can do as well." Lisandra nodded since she knew of Shiro's spell that opened up a sky filled with stars regardless of time.

Bringing out her bike, Shiro started to drive towards Tokyo while looking for an empty space.

"Hmm this seems good." Shiro muttered while looking at the surroundings.

They were currently surrounded by an empty plain of grass. There were craters here and there but grass had regrown, making it look like a giant had just punched the ground.

"Seems like this place had been used as a testing ground of sorts for other people." Lisandra said while looking at the craters.

"Well that's good for us then since it means I can try out this bow." Shiro shrugged.

Pulling out the bow, she examined the construction in more detail.

The body of the bow was coloured gold and brown with highlights of blue scattered around the edges.

The string itself looked like it was crafted from stars as it glistened in the sunlight.

Since the bow was level 110, it meant that Shiro couldn't use it. However, it was nothing a nanotech growth infuser couldn't resolve.

Installing the infuser onto the bow, she lowered the level down to 100.

"Now then… I need some preparation." Shiro said while looking at the sky.

Closing her eyes for a short moment, she raised her hand before swiping it down.


A rip opened up in the sky as a galaxy could be seen. What was a sunny day became shrouded in a blizzard. Her white hair fluttered in the wind while her hands reached out for the string.

Mana erupted from her body the moment her hand touched the string. Pulling the string back, the star light above them shot down and coagulated into an arrow.

"Fu… that's quite a bit of power." Shiro muttered since it was getting harder and harder to pull the string back.

Taking a deep breath, she enhanced her body with mana and pulled back the strings fully.

Letting go of the strings, she watched as the arrow shot into the air, leaving behind a train of light.

The stars that were within the galaxy that she summoned glistened with light as Shiro could tell that the arrow seemed to be increasing in strength and speed.

Continuing to fly through the air, the arrow started to split into several parts which then also split apart.

Soon, the air was filled with arrows that simultaneously combust into flames.


Watching the destruction that rained upon the green plain, Shiro couldn't help but whistle in admiration.

"This would be quite good in a team fight huh?" Shiro chuckled.

"That's only if we don't hit the teammates first." Lisandra smiled.

"True, but it can serve as a good opening act no?"

Storing the bow away, they left the area quickly before anyone realised that she had just destroyed the surroundings.

"You know, you should really repair that first right? Don't you have a forest attunement?" Lisandra raised her brows.

"Ah." Stopping the bike, Shiro reversed slowly before flicking her wrist.

The ground started to shake as dirt and wood filled the craters that she had created.

What was a destroyed plain was now a small forest.

"There, that should do it." Shiro said while making sure that there weren't any more craters.

"Mn, now we can make our way to Tokyo. Mum, you should really think about the consequences of your skills you know?" Lisandra smiled wearily.

"Hai hai~" Shiro replied while driving her bike. Their next stop was Tokyo and if she was to increase their speed a little, they should arrive by the next day.

"Buckle up." Shiro warned.

Without waiting for her reply, she left the area with a burst of speed.

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