Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 383 Khionah

Raising an eyebrow, Shiro looked at the woman sitting on the throne with mild surprise.

"You seem surprised. Though that must mean you're a pretty new queen that must have been chosen at random by the system." The woman chuckled.

"Hou~ Seems like you know a lot." Shiro smiled.

"Indeed. As I am one of the oldest living queens around you learn a few things here and there. I can tell you that as time passes and your power as the queen of a race increases, you'll gain a natural connection to other queens and notice when they're close. That's why I knew you arrived the moment you stepped into the mountain range." The woman replied while standing up.

"Now then, allow me to introduce myself. Khionah, frigid queen of ice. I govern all those who are born into the ice element. While you, I suppose I should call you my younger sister, is the ruler of sylphs and govern all spirits that live in the world." Khionah smiled.

"Sorry, I don't have any older sisters despite our connection as queens. Though, I don't suppose you'll be kind enough as to stop whatever you are doing. It would be quite problematic should you continue since this will hinder my plans three months from now." Shiro replied while making herself an ice throne to sit on as well.

"Ah, I don't think you have the qualifications to sit down in the same room as me just yet. So for now my younger queen sister, I think you should stand." Khionah flexed her finger and thawed the ice in an instant.

"That would not do since I am still in the end a ruler." Shiro shook her head and countered by flaring her mana and creating the throne once again.

"Mn… well I must say, if anything, you are quite rude oh younger sister. As the big sister, I may need to discipline you."

"No need, for you are not my sister. Though how about we cut the bullsh*t. I'm not here to have fun and games with you." Shiro cut the act short since from what she could tell, this woman was going to be annoying to deal with if she kept dodging the main subject.

"Hm, how rude. No respect at all to your elders. I say, between you and the annoying dragon b*tch of a queen, I wonder who's brasher. Despite knowing that you're only level 100 and I am capable of crossing worlds, you still enter here without restraint. Are you looking down on me?" Khionah narrowed her eyes.

"How can I look down on you when you're standing on a platform three times my height?" Shiro chuckled.

"Well at least you have the mood to joke. Compared to the other queen I just mentioned, I'd much rather converse with you since you didn't try to punch me straight away. Though you are trying." Khionah shook her head and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, all of the hidden weapons that both queens have deployed throughout the room were revealed.

Shiro's swords, axes and daggers were being fended off by Khionah's barrier while her weapons were being reduced to dust the moment they approached a certain radius around Shiro.

From what she could tell, Shiro would cancel out/cut off the mana within the weapons, thus reducing them to nothing.

"Well you are certainly talented for a level 100 but don't forget, every queen is just as talented as you for they are able to become the ruler of a race. Though as hateful as it is to praise the muscle head queen of the dragons, that girl can hold her own in a fight despite being a whole tier under me." Khionah shook her head.

"So, what is it that you desire from me? I know that you want me to stop my moving of worlds but the real question is, why?"

"Because it's annoying. You can move your world in another location as long as it doesn't bother my actions. Though, it would also be good if you told me how and why you're doing this to begin with. Let's just say that since I'm a new queen, I don't exactly know about the shifting of worlds and the previous worlds that have merged with this one." Shiro replied since Khionah was currently her best source for more information in regards to her questions.

"I see… I suppose I will do you one favour of giving you some information as you're the first queen I've seen to have entered this world. Currently, this world shall be the main hub that houses all living creatures from all worlds spread apart. Soon shall come an age of gods and demons. Humans who are given an advantage to grow during this time must cherish the safe haven they've been granted and level up should they wish to survive the coming age of gods. So far, the only queens that have touched upon this land are you and me. Soon to follow are the queen of fire and dragons as the difficulty of this world will increase." Khionah said while sitting down on her throne.

"For now, oh youngest sister of mine, focus on increasing your strength and solidifying your hold over your race. A ruler's powers are also dependent on their retainers as one cannot face the world alone. Even if you can, it will be a lonely place at the top and that loneliness may be the blade that ends your life. As for my current housing of this mountain, worry not for I shall leave in two months time. Once I am able to complete this anchor, I shall move everyone away from this local to place more anchors. For now, I shall bid you farewell. But remember this, in the future when you are more qualified to be called a queen of the race, I may seek out your cooperation." Khionah finished and waved her hand.

In an instant, a crushing pressure swept over Shiro and Lisandra as they were instantly forced into combat mode in fear of danger. But once they realised what had happened, the two of them were already outside of the city and in the middle of an open area.

Staying silent for a short moment, Shiro shook her head.

"Damn, this is annoying. What's so special about the current world and what the hell does she mean by the age of gods. Will the light f*cker come here instead of me going to him?" Shiro muttered in annoyance since she had just received quite a bit of information.

The fact that this world may become the only world left, an age of gods and demons, more queens coming and what Khionah meant by anchor.

"Mum, I think we have just uncovered a huge link that might help us prepare for the future." Lisandra said seriously since an age of gods didn't sound like the best situation. Especially since she knew that even a holy one that is the light goddess couldn't be called 'good' by all means.

Despite the warmth that light offers, it can also blind you in its radiance.

"*sigh* I know darling, I know. Though for now, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to record some vital information in regards to the city and the boss 'Shiva'." Shiro replied as there wasn't much else she could do. Khionah didn't look like she was going to tell her more information and had already told her that she was going to leave in two months. From what she could tell, Khionah was the only powerful being in the city but there could be more hidden in the shadows.

But if she could expel Shiro from the city in an instant, that meant her powers couldn't be underestimated.

As she was forging a video of some 'vital' information, she turned to Nimue who had a serious expression in her mana realm.

'What are your thoughts about this Nimue?'

{Mine? Well my biggest concerns are the safety of the spirit race with this whole age of gods and demons. She did also tell you to solidify your control over the race so that may be our next goal after you reach B rank and rescue miss Yuki.} Nimue replied.

'Indeed. What do you think Iziuel?'

{What I think? Well I suppose it's the same as Nimue. Though I'm more curious about when our little fire sibling will take form.} Iziuel replied while glancing over to the fire island.

'Give it some time. It does take a while to grow after all.' Shiro chuckled.

Returning her focus back to reality, she had just finished with the footage and made sure to edit it a little so it doesn't fully give away the city's location and only just suggest that it may be around a certain area.

"Now then, I suppose we'll claim our orange grade equipment and make our way to Tokyo then." Shiro smiled as there wasn't much else to do here.

"Mn." Nodding her head, Lisandra followed behind Shiro as the two of them returned to their form of Nytri and Lisa before leaving the mountain. 

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