Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 309 Killing The Reaper Part 1

Crouching down slightly, she dashed towards the Reaper and aimed all the weapons on her miniature mech.

"You dare interrupted the sacred ritual?! Die for your foolishness!" The reaper frowned and stood up.

Measuring at a humongous 3 meters tall, he brandished his greatsword and swung it towards her.

Surprised at how weightless the greatsword seemed, Shiro knew that this was just the result of the reaper's ridiculous strength.

Pivoting on her foot, she raised up Ataraxia and attempted to parry the demon's attack and have the weapons fire at his unguarded body.

However, just as the greatsword came into contact with Ataraxia, it phased through the first sword much like what would happen if she used Refraction.

But since she knew of this skill, she had already prepared by having a second copy of Ataraxia in hand.


Shocked by the recoil, Shiro gritted her teeth and redirected the sword as best she could.

Crashing into the ground, the impact almost made her lose her footing but she held out in the end.

Glancing over at the demons, she had a look at how much damage her guns did to him.

'Oh f*ck…' She thought to herself.

She could see several white marks, symbolising the bullets that had failed to penetrate his skin.

Regenerating the lost health instantly, the reaper grinned before reaching out for her head.

Berserker Path!

Countering his grab, Shiro piloted the miniature mech to circle around the reaper and pin his arm to his back.

Flexing her fingers, one of the shoulder panels morphed into the destroyer sniper and aimed at his head.


Firing the weapon without hesitation, she was surprised to see the reaper turning his head and bite the spear tip, stopping it from going further.

"Well damn, didn't you drink a lot of milk." She couldn't help but say.

{I don't think it's the best time for jokes my queen.}

'It's fine. It helps me focus in battle and throw off my opponent.' Shiro replied while jumping back to avoid the reaper's spare hand.

Massaging his wrist, the reaper narrowed his eyes at Shiro.

"What is that armour woman? In all my years of being the dungeon boss, it's the first time I've seen such a contraption." He asked with a frown.

"What?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Annoying woman. First you interrupted my sacred ritual and now you can't even register a simple question?" He snarled at her before charging at her once more.

'Hmm he seems to remember everything in the dungeon. Does this mean that he is used to the feeling of being killed?' Shiro wondered to herself.

"What sacred ritual are you on about?" Shiro questioned while avoiding his strikes. Using the phantom path footwork, she was able to keep a certain amount of distance between her and the reaper.

"None of your business!"


Punching the ground, hundreds of hands erupted out and tried to grab onto her.


Quickly jumping backwards, she created a set of rocket thrusters and flew high into the air.

However, the reaper only spread out his wings and chased after her.

'Just what I wanted.'

Turning her body, she raised her hand towards him and activated Frozen Slumber.


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Seeing that his body was slowly being frozen, the reaper only frowned before activating his inferno aura skill.

Fire burst out around him and started to melt the ice slowly which surprised the reaper since most ice would instantly evaporate due to the fact that the skill scales up to his INT value.

"Surprised? Do you want to know why?" Shiro asked with a grin. This was only her distraction since she had already activated Fae Illusions and was charging up an extra strong destroyer shot that would hopefully injure the reaper.

Even if he does regenerate everything that happened in the past 5 seconds, it should be fine if she had two shots ready.

"I permit you to speak, woman." The reaper frowned while tearing off the chains with brute strength.

"Well I won't tell you." Shiro laughed before she charged towards him with both copies of Ataraxia.

"Fool, do you think a mere illusion can distract me?" His calm voice rang out as he shot towards where Shiro's real body was.

Understanding that things were starting to go south, Shiro fired her sniper.


His body flickered away and dodged the shot with ease.

Gritting her teeth, Shiro understood a huge flaw with Destroy.

While it's power and ignore defence was strong with the spear, the fact that it uses the spear as ammunition makes it so that the travel time was a lot slower than what she had hoped, giving her enemies a small opening to dodge.

Looking at the reaper that was literally steps away from her, Shiro made the decision to abandon her armour so that she could fight around using her rift walker skill a bit more.

But before she could do that, she needed to survive this hit first.

Activating all of the defence skills and modules on the mech, she gritted her teeth and prepared to parry whatever the reaper threw at her.

Twisting his body, the reaper activated one of his attack skills and swung his flaming sword towards her body.

'Which skill is it? Flaming Duplication or is it Severing?' Shiro wondered with a frown. Both skills had a similar visual cue but the effects were completely different. Duplication would have 5 blades appear before contact and attack the enemy 5 times with the base power while Severing would give the boss 50% bonus attack damage.

Regardless of what happened, she'll need to make sure that she blocks this or else she'll suffer quite a lot of damage.

Narrowing her eyes, she focused her mind.

Unknowingly, she had activated her skill analysis and peered into the body composition of the reaper.

Surprised at how she was able to see his muscles, Shiro failed to react in time and took a heavy hit on the arm.


Sliding back a few steps, Shiro quickly healed up her shoulder.

'To think that analysis skill could also help me see the muscle movement along with the internal composition of an item. Then again, I suppose it's only natural since it's pretty similar.' She wondered to herself while disassembling the armour.

"Oh? Are you not going to use your armour anymore?" The reaper asked but didn't stop his attack.

"I don't need it against someone like you." Shiro replied with a grin.

While she could now see the muscle movements, it was still quite a lot of information to process at once so she couldn't do it perfectly just yet.

Not only that, since she could see the movements, the faints become much harder to differentiate.

'Hmm… this is both good and bad. Good because once mastered, I'll be able to see the enemy's movements as clear as day but bad because it's quite overwhelming to track everything.' She thought to herself while dodging his blade narrowly.

Focusing her eyes on his arm, she would see when he's ready to swing his sword since the muscles would tense up. Not only that, if she followed the movement to the chest, and the side chest, she'll be able to see the direction of the swing.

Moving her body just before he swung, she was able to open up a much bigger gap for her to retaliate.

Sword Domain + Asura Sword Path!

Swinging Ataraxia at the reaper's shoulder, she attempted to disable his movement as much as possible.


Before her sword could even hit, he blocked it with his wing and sent her sliding backwards with a single flick.

'Tch, I focused too much on his body.' Shiro frowned.

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If she didn't have this activated, she would have seen the wing try to block her attack and work around it. But at the same time, should she not have this, she wouldn't have gotten this chance either.

In the end, she decided to keep this on since it gave her a little more freedom with movement.

Taking a deep breath, she ignored the slight pain from flooding her eyes with mana constantly and activated Element Shift, Celestial Armament along with Celestial Element Wheels.

Choosing lightning as the base element, her hair turned into a silver blond while electricity flickered off of her body.

"Let's try this again big boy." Shiro grinned and pointed her sword at the reaper.

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