Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 308 Revenant Inferno Reaper

Teleporting to the second layer, Shiro saw that she was still within the castle. This meant that she could be surrounded at any moment.

Summoning all 7 copies of Ataraxia to float around her so that she could defend at a moment's notice, she created her Destroyer Sniper and made her way through the castle slowly.

Releasing her killing intent at will, she left a frozen tundra behind her.


Suddenly, a swarm of spider humanoids jumped out from the corner of the walls and spat venom towards her location.

Flexing her fingers, ice shot out of the ground around her in a 5 meter radius and pierced the spiders. Some were pierced through the body while others were pierced through the head. The venom that had hit the ice froze over instantly and shattered to dust.

Smiling softly, she traced her fingers across the face of one of the spiders before crushing it entirely.

"Free exp. Who doesn't like it? Since you're a spider, surely you have a whole nest behind you right~" Shiro said with a grin.

Stomping down as hard as she could, the entire corridor froze over with a sheet of ice. All the spiders that were hiding were revealed as she snapped her fingers.

All the copies of Ataraxia flew out from around her and started to shred through the frozen spiders.

In only a few moments, the corridor was soon filled with corpses.

"Hmmm… didn't level up that time. A little unfortunate but not too bad I suppose." She muttered with a smile.

Since she was now level 75 and the enemies were level 80, the 5 level gap EXP gain was going to be a lot smaller so levels won't come as frequently. Of course that's not to say that she won't level up anytime soon.

Continuing through the castle, she was ambushed several times by all kinds of assassins. Their drops varied in quality as well but despite the fact that she had a 50% chance to get a rare item, they were rather poor in her eyes. The bonuses that they gave weren't percentage based so they weren't worth it in her eyes. Regardless of how much of a bonus the skill gave her, it would soon become redundant as it didn't scale up with her level.

During this time, she had levelled up to level 76.

Assigning her stats once more, she looked towards the broken set of doors and knew that the boss was behind this.

Flexing her fingers, she created her new sniper, Destroyer, and narrowed her eyes.

'Let's see how well the armour penetration works on the boss.' She thought to herself.

Stepping through the doors, she immediately activated her Fae Illusions and had 'herself' walk towards the centre warily. While this was happening, she was climbing up the side of the boss room to get a better view of the entire place.

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Looking down the scope, she watched as the bonus damage slowly increased. At the same time, she made sure to keep an eye out on the boss. After all, if she didn't hit her mark, the bonus damage would be wasted.

Waiting patiently, she controlled her illusion to explore around the room in order to lure out the boss.

Just as she reached the far corner of the room, a giant maw suddenly extended out of the wall and swallowed her whole.

Widening her eyes, Shiro wondered about the chance of escaping with Rift Walker should she be in that situation.

'If I react fast, I will have a 50 to 70% chance of escaping. If I'm a bit slow, I'll definitely be eaten.' She thought to herself in shock.

Quickly aiming at the centre of the head, she narrowed her eyes and pulled the trigger.


The spear shot out of the sniper with incredible speeds as a flaming red aura could be seen flicking around the entire body.

As the spear pierced the spider's head, the force caused the spider's head to recoil backwards while it screamed out in pain.


Seeing the spear burrow deeply into the skull, Shiro knew that she should take advantage of this as much as possible.

Making a second spear, she fired it towards the abdomen and pinned it to the ground.

Finally realising who had shot it, the spider glared towards Shiro.

"What's the use realising now? You're already dead." She grinned and fired the third spear.


Hopping down from the wall, Shiro walked towards the corpse of the spider and couldn't help but marvel at the power of her new sniper.

While the boss was more of an assassin type rather than armour reliant type, it was still quite amazing that she could kill it in only three shots.

Resting the sniper on her shoulder, she crouched near the body and excavated the mana stone.

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Collecting the corpses, she wondered what kind of loot that she'll obtain.

Unfortunately, there were only 3 items that dropped and two of which were rather poor.

The only worthwhile item would be the Venom Dagger that the boss had dropped.

Paired with the skill, Venom EX, it would deal heavy amounts of poison damage along with a chance of paralysis.

The poison would naturally wear off after an hour but within that time, it was a powerful combat tool.

Recycling the dagger instantly, she applied it to her sniper so that it would deal both armour penetration and poison whenever it hits an enemy.

[I can't help but feel that this sniper will become something horrific.] Nimue raised an eyebrow.

'Well I need something that can kill after all. I can't present them a pretty flower hoping that they'll just drop dead haha.'

{True. But why didn't you add that to your hand cannon?}

'That's because I'd have to readjust the already delicate balance of the hand cannon. In terms of stability, the sniper is much better since it only revolves around 1 concept rather than multiple. If I added this skill to the hand cannon, I'll need to do a bunch of optimisation and redesign to make it work.' Shiro shrugged. Redesigning the hand cannon would be a pain. Plus, the times that she'll need this skill would be again humans that are high levelled or monster bosses so the sniper would be the best choice.

There was just a slight problem since they could just grab the spear and throw it back at her.

"Imagine the irony? Being killed because they threw my weapon back at me haha."

{Well it's not like you haven't almost killed yourself several times with your own weapons already.}


Taking a moment to regenerate her missing mana, Shiro teleported to the last and final layer.

Once the light faded, she saw that she was in a giant open space with an altar of sorts in the middle.

Kneeling in front of the altar, a large winged demon was praying silently.

[Revenant Inferno Reaper LVL 80 BOSS]

HP: 200,000,000/200,000,000

MP: 300,000,000/300,000,000

Not only does this boss have a huge amount of HP and MP, its defence stat was also quite high, reducing the amount of damage that it would take.

To top it all off, it had the Rejuvenation skill as well. This was the skill that she had ran into when she killed the Yeti Berserker way back when Yin was still a little bird. The main use of this skill was to regenerate all damage received within the last five seconds so she couldn't even ambush it at the start since it'll regenerate everything.

'Since it's going to be a rather prolonged battle, I'll need something that's quite heavy duty.' She thought to herself while browsing through all of the armour blueprints that she had stored in her mind.

Going over to the heavy tank type armour, she searched for the most powerful one that she could build right now.

'Generation 2 Mobile Rail Tank. While it has great power and defence, the mobility is non existence. If I used this against the boss, it would drain my mp rapidly.' She furrowed her brows and ignored the first option. Going through a few more, she finally settled with the Third Generation Diamond Guardian.

While it doesn't have as much attack as the other heavy duty mechs, it has decent mobility and amazing defence.

This was what she required rght now since power could be compensated later but mobility was rather difficult.

Flexing her fingers, she released a stream of nanobots which slowly covered her body. A mechanised suit was created piece by piece with the final result being a miniature mech that had crystal white amour.

Creating a few guns, she had them attached to the back and hip while she held two copies of Ataraxia. Now that she was ready, she took a deep breath and prepared herself for a long fight.

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