Supremacy Games

Chapter 1564: Finding Inspiration.

Chapter 1564: Finding Inspiration.

1564 Finding Inspiration.

"I am sure she would have loved it if she was here," Thor remarked.


Felix's lips broke into a faint loving smile while envisioning Asna in the rose petals. Even when his emotions were being slowly corrupted by evil energy, his love for Asna wasn't touched in the slightest.

"The dark reaction usually manifests in the first years after the plant closes to ripeness." Felix soon refocused on his mission, "With time acceleration, I believe it will happen"

The instant Felix uttered the last word, asudden darkness seemed to cloud the air around the exquisite flower. The cubic petals, once adorned with stars, began to wither and warp as a sinister force attacked its DNA.

The dark reaction was at play, breaking apart the delicate genetic structure of the flower and threatening to consume its essence!

"Not in my watch."

With quick reflexes, Felix canceled the time acceleration and dove into the plant's DNA universe with his quantum vision.

Then, he extended his spiritual pressure like a protective shield around the affected DNA pieces, using his overbearing spiritual prowess to erase the fused dark substance. When he was done, the DNA strings were left broken apart like two pieces of a twig.

Felix was already told that reconstructing the DNA was just as important as getting rid of the dark substance.

So, hechanneled his sacred water healing ability and used tiny droplets of healing water around broken DNA string, gently caressing its strands and accelerating their reconstruction.

The petals began to regain their cubic shape, and the stars within them slowly twinkled back to life.

It may not seem like it, but it was a tense and difficult battle as the dark substance targeted millions of DNA strings, forcing Felix to keep on his toes the entire time.

Fortunately, unlike the dark reaction in the potion concoction, the dark substance merely fused with the DNA and spread slowly, allowing Felix to get rid of them before they do more damage.

'Will they ever stop appearing?' Candace said with a bothered tone at the sight of the dark substance multiplying nonstop.

'No.' Lady Sphinx anwsered, 'They will keep attacking the flower until it becomes ripe. This usually takes decades to centuries or even much longer, depending on the plant's type.'

'Damn, this is the same as being held hostage.' Candace cursed.

She realized that Felix would need to put a decent clone with a significant amount of mental energy on watch duty or even multiple ones and put them on rotation if he wanted to keep an eye on the dark substance's invasion without affecting his lifestyle.

This was exactly what Felix planned to do after he got decent training on dealing with the dark substance, so his clones wouldn't fail him.

Obiviously, it wouldn't matter much if his clones failed since this was still happening in the UVR and he wouldn't be getting anything from this but the experience for the real deal.n/.OIn

After spending a couple of days wrestling against the dark reaction, Felix finally passed the baton to his clones and let them have at it.

"No wonder you still want to find a better method to completely get rid of the dark reaction." Felix expressed in irritation to his master, "That was the most bothersome experience I had, I can't imagine doing this for years, don't even mention decades or more."

"You will get used to it." Lady Sphinx chuckled a little.

"I doubt it." Felix cracked his neck as he teleported outside of the garden at last, wanting to take a break from botany and focus on other matters.

Dealing with the dark reaction of the potion concoction was his priority at the moment.

After five years his clone had unfortunately failed to have a decent understanding of the dark reaction to mark it or create a soul-based poison to get rid of it.

This was the reason he was forced to rely on his mental energy as his main weapon.

"Is my master's method the only one available?"

Felix sat with his thoughts and a deep frown, feeling like he could do better than that with his current arsenal of abilities and powers.

"Your clone has focused mostly on understanding the dark reaction and failed. It's best to make him spend time learning Sphinx's method while you focus on coming up with a different method if possible." Thor advised, "This way, you will always have a backup plan."

"That's a good plan." Felix nodded in appreciation and acted on the suggestion immediately.

While Lady Sphinx was teaching his clone how to create microscopic armies and control them like her, he was wrecking his brain for a different idea.

Unfortunately, he wasn't so lucky this time and he came out empty after spending more than a couple hours.

"Sigh, I need some fresh air." Felix decided to drop the matter for now and switch his focus back to his main body in the dimensional pocket, hoping for some inspiration.

He walked out of the camp, not wanting to bother his friends, who were training inside their personal illusion domain's training zones.

For the past five years, they had been training every night in illusion domains with time being accelerated moderately. He also bestowed upon them copies of natural treasures and even copies of new potions he created from them.

With the wisdom eye added to the mix, most of them had gone through some positive changes.

Felix also learned the new time spells created by Selphie in his free time and other spatial spells, wanting to reach a level, where he could master omnipotent spells.

He wasn't just preparing his strength against Nimo's alter ego, but also his elemental prowess.

After walking for a while, Felix jumped on a tree and sat on a branch...He gazed into the sunrise peacefully, emptying his mind from his experiments, research, and stressful work.

As Felix observed the intricate dance of nature unfolding before him, a sense of peace and relief washed over him.

'I really needed this.' He let out a long exhale as he leaned against the tree trunk and closed his eyes shut, wanting to take a quick nap.

Chirp Chirp!

However, he was forced to open his eyes after hearing bird noise coming from a nearby tree. He glanced at it and almost instantly, he spotted the small noisy black bird through the myrmid of leaves and branches.

High above, a majestic, golden falcon soared through the cerulean sky, its keen eyes locked onto the unsuspecting prey below.

The falcon's killing intent while soft, Felix picked on it and made him lift his head and glance at it.

'The circle of life, the predator and the prey, each playing their roles in the delicate balance of nature.' Felix murmured in his mind for a moment before his eyes swiftly focused on another observer nearby.

Coiled amidst the foliage, a camouflaged snake lay in wait, its body perfectly still, its eyes fixated on the small bird and the eggs in its nest.

It was clear that the snake was biding its time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike and claim both the bird and eggs, having no clue that another predator was gunning for its prey.

'Who is going to get it?'

Felix watched the showdown in intrigue, captured by this little life-

and-death drama happening before him.

'Here it comes.'

Suddenly, the falcon changed its trajectory and dove head first into the tree, slicing apart branches and leaves with its razor-sharp feathers.

Both the small bird and the snake sensed the immediate danger, knowing that they were both prey to the falcon.

Still, the snake seemed like it had no plans to stay in safety and let the falcon steal its prey. It lunged at the nest, wanting to bite one egg before bailing out.

'Greedy, but will it w...Huh?'

Before Felix could finish the rest of his sentence, he was left stunned by what happened next.

The small bird neither waited for the snake nor the falcon to reach its danger zone.

It unveiled its dark wings around its nest and then disappeared into the shadow of the tree, leaving both predators lunging at each other!

The falcon immediately switched its target to the snake and dug its claws into its flesh before carrying it into the sky.

Just as it was above to leave Felix's vision, the snake exploded into poisonous acidic mist, causing the falcon's flesh and feathers to melt off and die with it...

'The hell is this place?'

Felix was left utterly speechless at the sight of the same little bird emerging for the same shadow with its nest, appearing like nothing happened.

'Haha...wait a second...'

Just as he was about to chuckle at his failed prediction, he couldn't help but draw a parallel to his struggles with the dark reaction to this exact scenario.

He had been waiting, like the snake or the falcon, for the perfect moment to intervene and protect the concoction from the explosive attack of the dark reaction.

However, as he observed the events before him, a realization dawned on Felix.

'Why am I waiting for the dark reaction to invade? I have a whole minute to save mixture before the invasion could even take place.' Felix's eyes widened the more he thought about this notion, 'It's impossible in accomplishing this in rank five and below potions, but for some reason, the dark reaction takes a long time to manifest in rank six potions. This is the key to my success!'

"What are you talking about?" Thor raised an eyebrow in surprise, "I believe Lady Sphinx must have already tried to do the same."

"I did try it, but I didn't have the tools to pull it off." Lady Sphinx smiled faintly, "On the other hand, you boy has the best tool to make it work."

"Master, you really think it will work?!" Felix exclaimed in excitement after realizing that his mentor had deciphered his new idea from the little details.

"There is only one way to find it." Lady Sphinx said calmly, "Return to the lab."

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