Supremacy Games

Chapter 1563: Working as a Unit as a Hive as One Mind.

Chapter 1563: Working as a Unit, as a Hive, as One Mind.

1563 Working as a Unit, as a Hive, as One Mind.

Felix spent countless hours scouring through the finest details in his experiments, not skipping a single thing.

With his wisdom eye in play and peak concentration, Felix finally spotted the missing link.

'Is this?'

It was a small detail, almost inconspicuous amidst the wealth of information he had gathered.

In one of his experiments, he moved a pair of parent plants to a different location within his garden. These plants had been subjected to increased x10 sunlight during the afternoon hours.

As Felix reviewed his observations, he noticed that the plants exposed to the afternoon sunlight had exhibited a subtle change in their physiology. Their leaves had tilted slightly towards the sun, and their flowers had opened wider during those hours.

"This is it!"

Felix realized that the angle and intensity of sunlight played a crucial role in the pollination process of these particular plants.

It wasn't just about the standard factors like soil, environment, or weather; it was the specific alignment of the sun during pollination that triggered seed production!

With newfound excitement, Felix set to work immediately.

He carefully marked the exact position of the sun during the successful pollinations, using a sundial and meticulously noting the angles. He also began to track the changing position of the sun throughout the day, paying close attention to the afternoon hours when his breakthrough had occurred.

As he conducted a series of focused experiments, controlling the angle and duration of sunlight exposure, Felix watched in anticipation. And then, it happened.

The two parent plants produced a seed—a single, small, but promising seed!

"Haha, I did it!" Felix laughed excitedly while eyeing the seed on his palm.

It was the result of his dedication, patience, and the tiny but crucial detail he had uncovered.

"Now, you can start the crossbreeding." Lady Sphinx remarked with a faint smile.n/)/.()--1--.-I.-n

Felix rubbed his hair with a foolish look, knowing that he was getting excited over merely succeeding in the simplest step.

The journey was far from over and it would only get harder.

Without wasting time, Felix manifested multiple seeds in the same manner until he had a couple of thousands.

Then, he started planting them in isolated see-through glass gardens. Each small garden had a different soil, different time acceleration, different shade of light, different watering systems, elemental energy levels, and the list goes on and on and on.

There were like a thousand experiments running simultaneously and Felix understood that even with such massive quantity, it wasn't guaranteed to find the proper growth conditions for the seed.

"This is the true burial ground of botanists. While your illusionary garden made everything a hundred times easier, you have to be focused and pay attention to the smallest details for each experiment." Lady Sphinx advised, "If you missed even a single detail, it might be the key to whether the plant will become an SSS or not."

"I understand, I am planning on putting multiple clones on watch duty." Felix nodded with a serious expression.

"Good, finish what I have started."

Lady Sphinx had never succeded in crossbreeding an SSS+ natural treasure and it was all because she didn't have Felix's cheat codes.

Even with the UVR's assistance, she was still forced to wait patiently for centuries, millennia, and sometimes even hundreds of thousands of years before the plant failed due to some tiny issue.

This would force her to restart the entire experiment from the top.

Now, Felix had the chance to surpass Lady Sphinx in her field and he had no plans to disappoint her.

Day after day, Felix observed the plants closely, waiting for that elusive moment when the seed would sprout into a bud.

But as the days turned into weeks, it became painfully clear that the majority of his experiments were failing.

The seeds simply refused to germinate, despite the meticulous attention he had given to every detail.

Felix's frustration grew, and he found himself constantly adjusting conditions and restarting experiments in search of that magical combination.

However, persistence was one of Felix's defining traits.

On one particular attempt, after countless failures, three buds finally emerged!

Each one was distinct, not only in appearance but also in the subtle energies they exuded.

One was vibrant green, another had a fiery red hue, and the third had a calm and serene blue aura.

"Three variations?! Let's go, this seems more promising now."

Excitement coursed through Felix as he carefully collected these three unique buds.

He understood that each bud represented a different path of evolution for the plant. While all three of them could fail eventually, it also meant that he could get three different types of SSS natural treasures at the end!

"There might be other variations, I shouldn't give up on the rest of the seeds."

Felix knew that while progress had been made, there were still countless possibilities to explore.

Each seed held the potential for something remarkable, and he was committed to unlocking their hidden potential, one experiment at a time.

So, he made some changes to their growth conditions and moved his focus to the three buds.

He moved his hand once and created another garden with hundreds of seeds provided with the same conditions as the three budding seeds.

This helped him branch out more on his experiments again, putting each budding seed in a different environment and setting.

"If only Asna could see this." Jörmungandr smiled gently as he watched hundreds of versions of Felix, working as a unit, as a hive, as one mind, for the sake of creating a single SSS natural treasure.

This wasn't all as there were many other clones on duty focusing on SS natural treasures, running experiments on them to invoke their evolution into SSS natural treasures without needing crossbreeding.

Obiviously, he had to be a great geneticist to run such experiments since they require genetic modifications.

Fortunately, he left a clone to study genetic-related books left to him by his master in the past weeks and he also received some guidance.

So, he was running three types of fields in alchemy simultaneously, which in turn was more than enough to name him as an alchemist like his master!

All of this insane hard work was to create a mere single recipe, a single recipe, which wasn't even guaranteed to work.

Yet, Felix never allowed such thoughts to ruin his resolve.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, and before long, a whole five years passed in the dimensional pocket. Yet, Felix's determination remained unwavering.

He had meticulously run close to one million experiments. From this unimaginable number of experiments,a small plant had finally yielded the result he had longed for.

Its slender stem stood proudly, bearing a single, exquisite flower with cubic petals that seemed to contain stars within their crystalline facets.

Each petal glimmered with a soft, ethereal light, casting a gentle, otherworldly glow in the room.

Surrounding the plant, a dense aura of gravity-related elemental energy pulsed with newfound life.

The atmosphere seemed to ripple with the power of this remarkable creation as if the very laws of nature had altered to accommodate its existence.

"I created this..."

Felix stood before the flower, his eyes filled with awe and appreciation.

He marveled at the beauty and uniqueness of this botanical wonder he had nurtured through countless trials and experiments.

As he gazed upon the cubic petals with stars twinkling within, Felix knew that he had achieved something truly extraordinary...He had surpassed Lady Sphinx in her field, reaching a height, she never came close to.

He knew that this was still not considered a fully grown SSS natural treasure since he had yet to even deal with the dark reaction and the challenges that come from its growth to ripeness.

Still, he felt a profound sense of accomplishment and fulfillment wash over him, knowing that his endeavors had borne fruit and passed the most difficult obstacle in crossbreeding.

"What are you going to title it?" Lady Sphinx asked with a faint pleased smile.

Felix gazed at the flower, his eyes filled with wonder and admiration, and then, with a soft, poetic murmur, he spoke a sentence that resonated with the essence of his woman:

"Asnaleigha's Rose, your radiance in bloom, a starlit dream in every petal's twinkle..."

With those words, he named the exceptional plant that had defied the odds and blossomed into a symbol of his enduring love and dedication, the Asnaleigha's Rose...

In response to his name, Asnaleigha Rose's stars twinkled brilliantly for a moment before becoming dim, seemingly, accepting the title with grace.

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