Supremacy Games

Chapter 1368 The Only Method To End True Immortality

Chapter 1368 The Only Method To End True Immortality

1368 The Only Method To End True Immortality

As Felix exited the chamber, leaving behind the echoing screams of Manananggal and his family, a strange void began to fill him. °

He had expected relief, satisfaction, and perhaps even a sense of triumphant justice. But instead, he felt...nothing. it was as if his spirit, fueled for so long by the raging fire of vengeance, had suddenly found itself without purpose, without direction.

He was left hollow, a shell echoing with the ghosts of his past. The anger that had propelled him, the hatred that had kept him focused, had dissipated, leaving behind a stark emptiness that was somehow more painful than his previous torment...

It was like he realized that the moment he was done with his vengeance, the saga of his grandfather and loved ones was going to be closed permanently and he could do nothing to change it...

Still, even when those emotions were brewing in his mind, Felix didn't feel an ounce of hesitation about continuing with his vengeance.

'Let's bring an end to this.'

As Felix was walking away, his body began to disintegrate into light particles before he vanished completely.

When he reemerged, he was seen standing in front of Manananggal... Though, he had his eyes closed shut and seemed like he was in a deep slumber, oblivious to his surroundings.

Unbeknownst to Manananggal, Felix had actually put him inside two illusion domains stacked on each other!

One affecting his physical body and the other his mind.

Felix had to go this far if he wanted to kill Manamanggal once and for good.

"Are you going to start now?" Asna inquired.

"There is no time to waste." Felix nodded.

" Start with his memories...They are much easier to erase than the genomes. " Lady Sphinx advised.

"I understand."

Felix didn't question her decision as what he was about to do could be considered way above his league in terms of complexity...Unfortunately, it was the only method possible to erase Manananggal from the universe and not give him a slight chance of revival.

The plan was centered around Felix kidnapping Manananggal and keeping him occupied while he would focus on erasing the genomes and memories responsible for true immortality!

Felix understood that the moment he used his concept of erasure palms to mark and then erase them, Manananggal would be the same as he had never learned it in the first place!

This wouldn't affect only himself but also his empty vessels around the universe in addition to any drop of his blood!

If he managed to pull this off, he could finally kill Manananaggal and not worry about him resurfacing akin to a cursed ghost.

"This is going to take awhile."

With a cold determination set in his icy eyes, Felix reached out, his hand hovering over Manananaggal's forehead.

"Memories Recollection," he murmured.

White invisible particles crackled at his fingertips, pulsating like a heartbeat. Slowly, it began to sink into Manananggal's skin, seeping into his mind.

Felix's vision blurred momentarily before a whirlwind of images and emotions hit him; he was stepping into the chaotic realm of Manananggal's memories.

They flashed by in hazy fragments: laughter, bloodshed, fear, triumph, a myriad of emotions that held no value to Felix.

His focus was singular. He waded through the memories, his presence a foreign entity in the chaos until he found what he was looking for - the first memory of true Immortality.

It was guarded, a jewel amidst the rough, glistening with an otherworldly glow.

Carefully, Felix reached for it, his fingers closing around the ethereal construct. A rush of crimson mist coursed through him, the taste of immortality on his tongue.

With a determined grit, be engulfed it inside the concept destruction energy, the memory resisting as if aware of its impending doom.

Alas no matter how hard it resisted, nothing could survive Lord Shiva's concept destruction ability...

The memory of True immortality was forcibly erased, the space where it once existed was now an empty void.

As Felix withdrew his hand, he could see Manananggal twitch in his unconscious state.

'Let's go all out now.‘

Felix knew that he had just taken the major memory related to true immortality and there were still god knows how many more.

However, he had the plan to deal with them all at once, using a combination of Lord Loki's memories recollection ability and his concept destruction ability.

He had tested it out on Manananggal's clone during his preparation and while it was difficult to pull off, it was doable.

Without further ado, Felix began the process, his hands radiating a spectral glow.

The glow from his hands seeped into Manananggal's forehead, penetrating the veil of his mind. This time, instead of seeking out memories, Felix used the content of the deleted memory as a magnet to bring all memories related to it to the surface!

This was the true power of Memoriestreams Recollection, his fourth active ability. it allowed him to manipulate a person‘s memories and dreams to his desires.

lie could even use it to delete them, but he chose his concept destruction ability for this part since it was more thorough and smoother.

Unlike commoners, primogenitors were more than capable of recovering even lost memories on their own!

'It's happening.‘ Asna commentated, watching the memories beginning to rise, swirling around Felix like a tempestuous sea.

The whirlpool of images and feelings was disorienting, but Felix remained unwavering. He had one target: every memory linked to Manananggal's power.

Felix focused, calling forth every memory tethered to Manananggal's abilities. One by one, they rose, each glowing with its own spectral luminescence.

The power behind these memories was staggering as this was the mind of a primogenitor.

Even his memories were tightly guarded and if he wasn't at his weakest mental due to the torture, Felix would have been struggling now.

Once gathered, he invoked the second part of his plan.

"Concept erasure palm," Felix commanded.

A wave of energy surged from his palms, slamming into the concentrated memories!

They convulsed, writhed, and then began to shatter, each fracture erasing a fragment of knowledge, a piece of Manananggal's power.

When the echoes faded, Felix was left standing alone, the once vibrant whirlpool of memories now nothing more than a vacant abyss...

"Now to the hardest part." Felix requested, "Master, I will need your help on this one."

Deleting memories could be said to have no major repercussions even if he screwed it up big time...But the same couldn't be applied to erasing genes.

One mistake in targeting the correct genomes and Manananggal could get killed!

In this case? That was the worst scenario possible as it would mean securing his revival in another part of the universe!

As Felix looked down at the incapacitated Manananggal, his mind began to whirl with uncertainty.

He knew that the task was daunting, like trying to find a needle in a cosmic haystack. Even in his preparation attempts, he had failed almost every time to make it happen without causing Manananggal permanent damages.

The only fortunate news was that he was doing this inside his illusion domain, which enabled him to stop the situation from detailing the worst possible scenario.

Just then, Lady Sphinx‘s voice echoed in his mind.

"focus on the genome responsible for cellular regeneration. Look for abnormal sequences, those will lead you to the key."


Following her guidance, Felix began his search. With his illusion domain's control, he visualized the intricate structures of Manananggal‘s DNA, his mind becoming a supercomputer analyzing and sifting through genetic information.

While those strings of genes seemed illusionary and fake, they were actually connected with the real ones inside Manananggal!

It was like they were projected on the outside instead of him going to them.

"There," Lady Sphinx said, her voice echoing in his mind.

A string of genetic code stood out from the rest, its pattern far more complex and convoluted.

"That's the one responsible for True Immortality."

Felix trusted her judgment as this was the first time he saw the actual thing in front of them.

The genomes used in his preparation were imaginary but had the same properties as true immortality.

Instead of reaching out and seeking to erase it as he did with the memories, Felix went out. on his way to study all the genomes connected with it, knowing that the processes and characteristics in an organism were governed by a complex interplay of many genes, not just a single one.

These genes could interact with each other and the environment in various ways to contribute to the final outcome, whether that‘s a physical trait, a behavior, or even the risk of developing a certain disease.

For example, height in humans was a classic example of a trait that's controlled by multiple genes, or polygenic.

Hundreds of genes were estimated to influence how tall a person could grow. Similarly, complex diseases like heart disease or cancer were often influenced by a combination of multiple genetic and environmental factors.

For true immortality's quirk, the gift of eternity, there should be millions of genes if not more all connected in a perfect dance to make this ability possible!

'Here is one, here is another, and another...'

As Felix placed his entire focus on finding the connections to this peculiar genome, knowing that it was going to take him days or even weeks if he was unlucky.

He knew that he couldn't afford to be slow when Wendigo and Saurous were still outside, hunting him down to rescue their partner.


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