Supremacy Games

Chapter 1367 Your Personal Hell. III

Chapter 1367 Your Personal Hell. III

1367 Your Personal Hell. III

"Talking animals, huh? If you truly believe so, you wouldn't have any problem with this." Felix said, pushing Mananaggal's chair closer to his exposed wife.

"I already told you, I am not going to give you the satisfaction of torturing me." Manananggal smiled coldly. "Also, you made a fatal mistake of not killing me the moment you captured me."

Without an ounce of hesitation, Manananggal attempted to commit suicide in the most destructive manner...Soul Implosionll

This was his last tramp card, one could say the ultimate ability of his true immortality!

When other people use soul implosion, it was a true death sentence since they couldn't even enter the spirit realm if they wanted.

This was the reason most fighters would rather die normally than be insane enough to blow their souls.

Unfortunately, Manananggal didn‘t seem like he was going to he exploding anything as his consciousness ocean didn't create a single wave even after a couple of seconds went by...

"Hmmm?! Why is it not working?"

l-lis pupils expanded in bafflement as he expected his soul to be exploding now and hopefully taking Felix with him.

"You are really unfamiliar with the illusion domain, are you?" Felix shook his head as he took a seat next to him.

"Well, let me help you understand your situation in better terms. You see, in this dreadful castle, you can consider me as a god." Felix patted him on the shoulder with a faint sinister smile. "As your god, I am the one in control of your life and death."

"What have you done?" Manananggal felt his heart skip a beat.

"Nothing, I just made it impossible for you to die in any shape or form even if it was the last thing you wanted in life."

This was the true horror of illusion domain and Lord Loki, its creator!

The moment someone step inside his domain without adequate resistance, his life no longer belonged to him and he could do whatever he pleased!

It didn't matter if it was a primogenitor or a commoner, all would suffer under the same fate as domains weren‘t considered the most horrific abilities in the universe for no reason!

Touching upon the laws wasn't to be underestimated as even unigins were getting punished left and right the moment they abused them!

"Also, don't bother switching your focus to your other wisps outside of the domain," Felix added, his smile was as cold as ever. "I have severed your consciousness link with them the moment you entered my domain."

Manananggal didn't trust him and attempted to seek a connection with his wisps.

Alas, no matter how hard he tried, he felt like he was calling through a void and no one was on the other side to pick up.

'It can't be...‘

Now, Manananggal was truly freaking out internally as he realized that Felix could keep him inside this illusion domain and torture him for as long as he desired!

His overpowered true immortality was absolutely useless as he couldn't even kill himself to activate it!

" Looks like you finally understand your position. "

While the situation seemed f*cked in his eyes, Manananggal still turned to stare at Felix with the calmest look ever.

"You are really foolish to assume that you can keep me held up in here for as long as you want." Manananggal said calmly, "My partners will sense something isn't right the moment don't contact them in a couple of hours at best. Then, they will make sure to tom the universe upside down if it meant finding my location."

"That's all true, but all I need are a few seconds to break you apart." Felix stood up from the table and leaned closer to Manananggal‘s ear. Then, he whispered with the creepiest tone. "Or have you already forgotten the greatest quality of the illusion domain?"

"Time manipulation." Manananggal's expression turned grim.

He had experienced the time manipulation greatness personally under Lord Loki's hands when he slept for billions of years inside his illusion world.

liven when he knew about the time difference and that it was all an illusion, both his mind and body still perceived it as a reality...5econds became years and years became millenniums.

It was a freakish situation that caused all primogenitors to both respect and fear Lord Loki even more.

Now, he was going to experience it yet again, but this time he would be tortured each second of it without the ability to even kill himself!

Manananggal let out a deep exhale in defeat before switching his attitude completely.

"Fine, you have gotten my interest. Tell me what do you want? Do you want to end our conflict once and for all? I can convince my partners to drop it." He offered with a serious tone.

It might sound like a ploy to free him, but Manananggal had absolutely no problems with going for it if it meant freeing him from his current situation.

It was an understandable decision as no one in his right mind would desire to get tortured for god knows how many years if there was a solution to avoid it.

"End our conflict? Your hatred might not be running as deep as mine to even propose such a bullsh*t offer, but I can tell you right now and here...You ain't f*cking going anywhere." Felix replied, his usually calm and composed face twisted in a grimace of pure loathing.

He didn't even spend a second to consider his proposal as he had no intentions of ending this conflict this easily.

He might have accepted his family and friends' death, but there was no way he was going to soil their unjust passing by accepting such a disgusting offer.

"You are a deity now. Are you really planning to go this far for the sake of some dead useless leec..."


Before Manananggal could finish his sentence, Felix's fist shot forward with the force of a raging tempest meeting Manananggal's jaw with an audible, bone-rattling impact!

The sound echoed throughout the room, a sharp counterpoint to the unsettling silence that had prevailed just moments before.

Whooosh! !!

Manananggal was catapulted from his chair, his body twisting unnaturally in mid—air. The world seemed to slow for a moment as he sailed through the room, a look of shocked surprise etched onto his face.


Then, with a deafening crash that shook the very foundations of the castle, he slammed into the wall!!

Dust and debris rained down around him as the wall cracked from the impact, creating a Spiderweb of fractures in the once—flawless masonry.

"Keep them out of your filthy mouth." Felix said word by word with a suppressed tone, his anger wasn't appeased even a little by the punch.

fact, it just triggered him to beat the sh*t out of Manananggal even harder. Still, he took control of his emotions and walked towards Manananggal slowly.

"From today onward, you will be spending day by day feasting on your pregnant wife while listening to the names of all the innocent people you have killed on my planet." Felix uttered coldly, "I don't care if you repent and seek forgiveness...'l'his will be your life until the day I decide to put you out of your misery."

Without waiting for Manananggal to respond or react, Felix snapped his finger as he walked towards the throne Chamber's gate.

Meanwhile, Manananggal was already back in his seat with his children and wife, each giving him a different look.

"Don't do this...You brat, don't do this!"

Manananggal's calm demeanor was shattering akin to a mirror as he realized that he couldn't control his body anymore.

His hands picked up the knife and the fork against his own will and reached out to the belly of his beautiful and gentle wife.

"Honey, what are you doing?" She asked, tilting her head in con fusion at the sight of the knife being placed directly above her stomach.

"No, no, no, no..."

Manananggal's hand kept shaking, trying his very best to stop the knife...Alas, his efforts were as useless as pouring a bucket of water on a burning building.


"Argh!!! Honeyll It hurts! Stop!!"

His wife cried out loud in agony as the knife cut through her belly in a clean fashion, causing a flood of blood to rush outside.

"This isn't real, this isn't real..." Mananananggal tried his best to ignore his wife's cries and the horrible look of her opened stomach, repeating in his mind that be was in an illusion and none of this was real.

Alas, no matter how much he repeated it, it was as real as it could get...

"Bon Appetite," Felix said one last time after glancing behind him and seeing this heinous and absolutely wicked view...

With a look of grim determination etched on his face, he pulled the gate closed, the gate groaning under its own weight.

His steps were measured as he walked away, the cries of Manananggal, his wife, and their baby echoing behind him.

'l‘heir pleas and screams resonated in the massive hallway outside the throne chamber, a haunting melody of desperation and fear.

'Don't be soft, don't be merciful, don't be Lenient, and don't be humane. He deserves more thousand times much worse punishment.‘ As the voices invaded Felix's mind, he kept reminding himself of Manananggal's past and recent crimes.

His face was hard, and his heart hardened even more. This was the justice he deserved, he told himself.

The suffering he had caused to all those innocent pregnant women was now his own to endure.

Ka—thumb! !

As the gate sealed with a resonating clang, their screams were muffled, becoming haunting whispers in the wind.

Felix walked on, the cries growing fainter with each step until all he could hear was the silent condemnation of his own heartbeat.

The chamber, and the scene of retribution it held, were left behind, their cries a ghostly echo in his mind...

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