Supremacy Games

Chapter 1331 I Can't Let Him Down.

Chapter 1331 I Can't Let Him Down.

1331 I Can't Let Him Down.

"This is horrible..." Olivia commentated with a saddened tone as she watched the condition of the planet, Ectarion.

The demons, with their humanoid forms twisted by the feral characteristics of demons, appear to be grotesque caricatures of humanity.

They teem across the Ectarion's surface, their hellish silhouette distorting the crimson glow of the Ectarion's ever-present twilight.

Every source of purity in this desolate world was a target for their gnawing hunger, the only anchor to their fleeting sanity.

Once pristine lakes and rivers had been drained of their lucidity, the water was now tainted and murky.

The flora of Ectarion had not been spared, either. Where verdant forests and sprawling meadows once thrived, there were now only skeletal remains. Trees, stripped of their lush leaves and vitality, stood like ashen monuments to a world that once was.

Each plant's purity had been leeched away, devoured by the ravenous hordes to satiate their need.

"Let's begin before the planet loses its luster completely." Felix stated calmly.

"I am ready." Olivia nodded.

Without further ado, Olivia landed near the surface with Noah as her guardian, keeping the demons away from her.

Then, she gave birth to another World Tree and this time she fed it plenty of her energy and allowed it the freedom to grow on its own uninterrupted!

"Damn..." Felix expressed with an amazed tone as he lifted his head and watched the World Tree cast a shadow across thousands of kilometers, if not more.

It had gotten so big, it was seen from outer space!

'Here they come'. Asna disclosed lazily.

She was speaking about the rushing hordes of animalistic and lesser demons, rushing from every direction towards the World Tree.

Their bloodshot eyes and acidic saliva flying everywhere were enough to figure out that the World Tree's intense life force was an irresistible magnet on this barren planet!

Felix and his companions knew this was going to happen, which was the reason they didn't plan on seeking to group up the demons.

"There are at least hundreds of millions rushing at once." Felix asked with a solemn tone, "Can you really handle them?"

"Trust me." Olivia merely smiled in response.

"Get them."

Felix didn't bring out the subject again and retracted to the backlines, sitting above one of the trillions of the World Tree's leaves.

'One million, hundred million, or even a billion demons. It's my time to prove my worth to Felix after everything he has done to me: Olivia thought with a firm expression as she stood at the World Tree's base. 'I can't let him down.

Her hands gently touched the rough bark, her eyes closed as she connected with the consciousness of the tree.

While the World Tree's consciousness needed a lot of time to become intelligent and represent Lady Yggdrasil, it still possessed a consciousness that could respond to calls.

Because of Olivia's purity and good-natured personality, she was easily accepted by the World Tree's consciousness, which was one of the reasons it was easier for her to handle demonic armies of such magnitude.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for her to manually control each branch, leaf, or twig to defeat those demons.


Suddenly, with a deafening roar that shook the ground, the tidal wave of demons had gotten too close to comfort.

Their forms were a nightmarish tableau of humanoid and animalistic entities, their howls echoing in the desolate expanse.

With their seemingly infinite numbers, most people would have shat their pants and escaped...But Olivia stood unflinching, a bastion of tranquility in the face of chaos.

"Kill the animalistic demons and capture the humanoid demons!" With a resolute expression, she commanded the World Tree.

Vines erupted from the ground, lashing out like whips, piercing and ensnaring the approaching animalistic demons!

Leaves sharp as razors descend from above, slicing through the demonic horde with lethal precision.

Each stroke of nature's wrath, guided by Olivia, ended a grotesque existence, cleansing Ectarion of its monstrous invaders!

Since those attacks were filled with potent pure energy, those animalistic demons had been killed permanently.

"Little Oli has really come a long way, huh?"

Asna expressed with a faint charming smile as she watched Olivia slaying millions of animalistic

demons each second, whether they were in the ground, sky, or under...Nothing escaped from the World Tree's precise attacks.

"She sure did." Felix broke into a smile too.

He never thought a day would come when he would fold his arms and watch from the backside as he left everything for Olivia to handle.

She was always naive, pure, easy to bully, and overall seemed as unreliable as a child...But this scene was enough to make anyone understand that Olivia merely needed a chance to grow and mature.

Felix had given her both an opportunity and a push to achieve that...She didn't make him regret it at all.


As the last of the animalistic demons fell, the humanoid entities, lesser in their demonic forms yet equally ravenous, seemed a bit hesitant in their relentless charge.

'What a monster!'

'I don't need purities anymore!'

'Screw this crap!"

Some of them were smart enough to fight off the crazy urge to eat the World Tree's purities and tried to escape with their tails between their legs.

However, because they were too hurdled up by other demons, it wasn't easy in the slightest to change their trajectory.

Unbeknownst to them, Olivia's battle strategy changed...She was not a senseless exterminator but a savior with a plan.

Once again, she marshaled the World Tree's power.

This time, silky strands of glowing biomatter sprout from the tree, enveloping the humanoid demons.

They resisted, their claws and fangs slashing at their restraints, but the World Tree's cocoon was unyielding.

One by one, the lesser demons were encapsulated, their struggle ceasing as pure energy seeped into them, beginning the arduous process of reversing their demonization.

The battlefield, once a frenzy of chaos and violence, now became a curreal nursery of glowing cocoons now became a surreal nursery of glowing cocoons, a sanctuary of redemption in the making.

The transformation was slow and peaceful...

"A few more times and the whole planet will be returned to us." Felix smiled.

"The Gelatinous Cube is on the way: Candace updated, 'I think it will arrive after we finish the entire reverse process on the planet."

"Good." Felix stated, "Lucifer should have been informed by now and we need to save as much as possible before he starts complicating things."

As he mentioned, Lucifer indeed knew about Olivia's ability to reverse the demonization process.

The news came from none other than Prince Beelzebub as he had witnessed the entire process through his subordinates' recording with their AP Bracelets after he was revived.

Speaking about the bracelets, the SGAlliance had already found out that demons were capable of using them and by bulks a long time ago.

The first thing they did was vote to ban the demons from having their consciousness linked with Queen Ai at all.

While the voting went through, the end result didn't change and the demons were still capable of

accessing the UVR.

They had no clue about this as they trusted that it was a done deal since Queen Ai could never go against their unified orders.

Unbeknownst to them, there was someone above them in authority when it came to dealing with Queen Ai.

Anyhow, the demon princes and Lucifer were knowledgeable about the matter and no one knew what they were planning against it.


Meanwhile, the real Felix in the Elementals Galaxy wasn't having as good of a time as his clone.

He was struggling to pull out a plan that would help him win over Foremother Siamese and help him in his training.

He had been working on this for over two years now and his mind was coming up with nothing but air.

"She is the consciousness of an entire galaxy that lived much longer than even primogenitors...She is considered a god in her territory with control over the life and death of even the tiniest blade of grass. Worst of all, she hates me for some reason." Felix ruffled his hair with a desolate deep exhale.

Felix never gave up on any situation as he always found out a solution regardless of how impossible it seemed... But this? He really was starting to think that it was an idiotic idea in the first place. Who could blame him?

Foremother Siamese needed nothing in her life as she had everything, which meant Felix had nothing to offer her for a deal.

The only thing that Foremother Siamese wanted from Felix was to stay away from Lord Zurvan, which was already a done deal and he wouldn't dare to break it.

'She clearly prioritizes Lord Zurvan's needs more than hers. Asna suggested, 'I think you should find out a method that you can help Lord Zurvan with something, and in return, he will ask for your favor to be fulfilled by her!

'How can I do that when I am banned from meeting with Lord Zurvan or contacting him again?" Felix shook his head, 'I refuse to break the terms of the deal, which means he has to come to me.

Felix was certain that Lord Zurvan wouldn't do that since there wasn't anything that he could do for the time primogenitor...The closest one to be considered to have all answers in the primogenitors' circle.

"I think it's time to admit that I was way over my head with this idea." Felix smiled wryly, "Instead of wasting my time on this, it's best to start learning a concept destruction ability."

"Wait, I think I have an idea..."

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