Supremacy Games

Chapter 1330 A Ludicrous Plan!

Chapter 1330 A Ludicrous Plan!

1330 A Ludicrous Plan!

In another sense, humans were already finding it difficult to resist the invasion even when they were at their strongest, which meant that even if tens of billions of humans were saved, they still wouldn't be able to defend themselves again.

"You think I didn't think of that and came up with a method to handle it?" Felix stated calmly before anyone could open their mouth to support Emperor Runnonth.

"What's your plan, exactly?"

"You don't have to worry about that. All you have to know is that no one will get demonized twice under my watch."

"No! With this method, we can finally reverse the demonization of my husband and the rest of the high-profile figures. We must focus on them!" High Chieftain Lokaka's wife Shaman Noballi suggested with an agitated tone after seeing that everyone was caving in to Felix's decision.

She had taken control after her husband switched to the other side and now that she found hope of him returning to her side, she would be a fool to give up on it.

"You know we can't do that since the chieftain is now considered Lucifer's second hand and helper in his travels." Queen Alfrada shook her head.

"The same applies to other higher profile targets as it would be much more difficult to reverse the demonization when they are displaying such an abnormal level of loyalty to Lucifer. We aren't in a place of wasting time convincing loyal subjects to turn when we have billions of willing subjects."

With that being said, Felix left the meeting under Shaman Noballi's hateful look, knowing that he had the votes on his side in this matter and she could do nothing to change it.


"You're crazy! But, why do I think it will work?" Asna reacted after hearing about Felix's plan in more detail.

Felix really didn't bluff the alliance's leaders and had thought of a method to ensure that those humans would not get demonized again.

It was actually through using the unique void creatures, Gelatinous Cubes!

"I always had in mind of using the Gelatinous Cubes to devour planets and everyone on it to keep them protected. Sure, their dreams will be devoured, but they won't be harmed physically and mentally even with centuries passing by" Felix stated "With Nimo's unquestionable authority, he could easily order the Gelatinous Cubes to expel the planets back to the universe after we end the war without a single fault in them."

If this plan was ever presented to the alliance leaders, they would have questioned Felix's sanity!

Who could blame them? Felix was literally attempting to imprison hundreds of billions of people if not more inside the stomach of nightmarish monsters!

As much as Ludacris sounded, Asna, Candace, and the rest of the tenants found it quite a genius move.

"You never bothered to mention it before since you know that no sane human will agree to it and you can't force them against their will." Candace smiled, "But, if we told the recently saved people about it, they will most definitely agree to it if it meant escaping from the horror of being demonized again."

"It's the same as choosing a lesser evil." Felix nodded. "Only, this strategy will actually help us keep a significant amount of humans safe without worrying for a second about them."

Felix was sure about this since the Gelatinous Cubes were immune to evil energy and not even Lucifer could do anything to them.

In addition, most of the Gelatinous Cubes across the entire universe were busy getting guided to devour fallen planets under the demonic rulership. This meant, there must be hundreds of planets inside of them with an unfathomable number of slumbering demons!

With Olivia's assistance, they could reverse the demonization process and help them...In other words, this plan was already in full gear before Felix even proposed it!

"For this plan to work, we need to minimize the movement of the Gelatinous Cubes, which means we must prioritize planets with the most significant casualties." Felix addressed.

Even with the void realm involved, the Gelatinous Cubes were still too slow and Felix didn't want to keep hundreds of void citizens accompanying it all the time to open void rifts big enough for its size.

"I am ready." Candace asked, "What do you need me to do?"

"Take me to the nearest Gelatinous Cube." Felix disclosed, "We need to clean it up first."


Since Felix's clone was already in the Milky Way Galaxy as he was also providing help through commanding large armies of void creatures, it took him a couple of days to reach his destination.

What came into his sight was a Gelatinous Cube in the process of devouring a planet.

The spectacle was oddly hypnotic, akin to an undersea creature consuming its prey.

The planet was steadily absorbed, gradually losing its colors as the cube's body slowly took it in.

The devouring was silent yet dramatic, the cube's insides dancing with the final embers of a once vibrant world.

As it floated through the cosmos, the humongous Dreamer offered a chilling reminder of the unknown threats that lurked in the vast expanse of the universe, it's dark beauty a symbol of the uncanny and terrifying wonders hidden in the cosmos.

This magnificent creature was under Felix's control, which was really hard to believe even for him.

After waiting a couple of hours until the planet was completely within the Dreamer's body, Felix requested Nimo with a serious tone, "Order him to expel all the ruined celestial bodies to save up some space. Also, make sure to not damage the latest devoured planets."

Eee Eee!

Nimo swiftly jumped inside the void realm and appeared right next to the Dreamer...With the size difference between them, the scene looked like a raccoon was floating in the atmosphere of a planet.

Still, the moment Nimo's eyes turned red, the Dreamer seemed to freeze in its place. In a few moments at best, the Dreamer restarted its movement.

Within its spectral form, most of the absorbed celestial bodies began to shift and roil. The gelatinous mass shimmered and convulsed, undulating with strange cosmic energies.

Suddenly, with a silent, otherworldly energy, the spectral cube contracted, and in a cascade of luminous, iridescent jelly, it expelled the ruined celestial bodies!

They emerged, twisted and broken, fragments of once majestic worlds and dying stars, tumbling back into the endless void of space.

The visual was hauntingly beautiful, a celestial elegy for the devoured, their remains expelled in a silent funeral procession across the star-studded expanse.

"Good work."

When Felix saw that the newest absorbed planets weren't touched or affected by the process, he couldn't help but sigh in relief.

The Wrathful Creators, The World Eaters, and Gelatinous Cubes might not possess the same intelligence as their peers, but they were still capable of understanding the simplest orders as long as they came from a source of authority.

In this universe, there were only three sources of authority...Nimo, his alter ego, and the Paragon of Sins.

"Candace, choose the planet with the highest number of demons and take it there." Felix ordered, "I will meet you there with Olivia and Noah."

Felix had to oversee the plan personally since Nimo was a must to command the cube and avoid having him devour the planet and cause it to clash with the others.

Although the chance was minimal, it was best to make sure that it wouldn't happen.


A few more days later...

Felix, Olivia, and Noah had arrived at the latest invaded solar system within the Bardot Empire.

Fenrir was outside of the galaxy, so it was going to take him a while to arrive even with Bodidi as his personal space worm and a void citizen at his disposal.

Felix assigned Bodidi to help out Fenrir since he had improved immensely in the Elemental Galaxy and even surpassed many senior space worms in his race.

Right now, he was helping only Felix's loved ones like Fenrir, Selphie, Olivia, and Noah during their travels.

his role was more important than anyone could anticipate.

In those hard times, the space worm race had retracted most of their citizens inside new hidden dimensional pockets to avoid High Chieftain Lokaka from finding and demonizing them.

Because of this, most of the express wormholes were left without anyone to fuel them and caused a universal wide shutdown of the wormhole network.

This was one of the reasons why the SGAlliance was falling much harder as without a wormhole network, they couldn't send reinforcements in time even if they wanted!

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