The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 784 - Decided

'I didn't know...I thought they would only go after the kings and queens to bring them to their side, not hurt the civilians-'

Before he could finish thinking the thought, the scene started to change again and he was dragged to another place. This time it was an old city with 5 to 6 meters high stone walls on all sides with a grandiose Castle in the center.

It was bustling with life on every corner. Tens of thousands of people moving back and forth, the stone streets teeming with loud vendors offering their wares and services.

Well armored guard regiments were mounted on each of the three city gates and even more within the castle walls.

A whole slew of bodies constantly entered and left through the gates.

'Is this'

Both the places were in stark contrast to one another.

'But why?'

The world shifted in front of Hao Xuan's eyes and the rotation of the sun and moon reversed a handful of times. Time turned back enough for him to see the answer with his own eyes.

A well and somewhat oddly dressed party of youngsters landed atop the castle roof on various mounts.

A red sparrow was in the lead from which a handsome youth exuding the charisma and vigor of a ruler casually descended.

'Dai Zhi!'

The man Hao Xuan was supposed to kill.

The King and the Queen personally came out to greet him, despite their old age. They went to a well-decorated hall where rows upon rows of gaudily dressed men and women adorned with multiple medals and accolades welcomed them. Presumably all the government officials and nobles.

Dai Zhi exchanged a few words with them, gave, and then accepted a few presents before getting to the point.

"Serve me. Let your armies fly my banner and I will guarantee you a position worthy of your status when we take over your world. Your lineage will be secured and your bloodline preserved for as long as I live."

"Will that be...all?" the feeble-bodied old king inquired. He seemed to on his death bed with the grim reaper not too far behind.

A shrewd smile bloomed on Dai Zhi's face. He needn't say more, his gaze spoke volumes.

"War. Wage war with the other nations that have so foolishly turned down my offer. Burn every home, every farm from here till the oceans, slaughter every able-bodied man and woman in MY name. Bring other nations under your control and I will give you power the likes of which you have never seen before."

Dai Zhi extended his arm as a red-colored whirlwind erupted from the palm of his hand and grew in size until it covered the King and the Queen entirely. At first this greatly disturbed the rows of spectators but when it faded away a few seconds later to reveal a much younger couple, they were rendered speechless.

Strands of white hair still shinned through the gold-laden crowns but instead of looking like the bag of bones that they previously were, now they were now brimming with vitality.

Most of the wrinkles were gone, their skin devoid of the Age Spots left behind by the flow of time. At most, if one had to guess just from their current appearance, they wouldn't be a day over 40.

Then King stood up with wobbly legs and walked up to the window to check his reflection. He started laughing maniacally the next moment before falling to the ground, kowtowing in front of Dai Zhi.

The Queen followed suit and one by one all the others did the same, in awe and reverence of his power.

"All hail Lord Dai Zhi!"

"All hail his eminence!"

For these bunch of mortals that would not live to see the end of the decade, Dai Zhi had given them hope. The hope of a new life, of a longer life where they could achieve so much more.

Hao Xuan often overlooked the fact that Dai Zhi was a Vampire prince first and foremost. And as such, his power was nothing to scoff at.

But his demands left a sour taste in Hao Xuan's mouth. Not only because of how ruthless they were, but how they were phrased.

'In my name, he asked. Why did he want all this bloodshed specifically in his name?'

Regardless, that explained the slums. They were war refugees.

Hao Xuan was still digesting everything he had just seen when the time turned back a little more.

Dai Zhi was sitting across from another person this time. A shirtless muscular man about the same age as him, although who could tell how old they really were. In this man's embrace was a scantily dressed girl, rubbing her hands all over his body.

"Do we have a deal then?" Dai Zhi inquired curtly. It looked like he was in pain just looking at the two.

"I don't doesn't look like I'm getting the better end of this," the half-naked man mumbled while playing with a lock of the girl's hair.

Dai Zhi stood up abruptly, huffing and puffing.

"Tian Zheng! Don't push your luck. Everything has already been decided back home, just do what you're here for!"

'Tian Zheng!' hearing his name Hao Xuan remembered who this was. The first Guardian of the Hall.

'But weren't they supposed to be mortal enemies or something...'

Tian Zheng laughed, "Come on, can you really blame me? You want me to just stand back while you take all the mortals and have them kill each other in your name to create your divine spark, while I get what? Your half-sister? I mean killing her is only going to help you secure your position faster. So what do I get out of it?"


A beam of red swordlight shot at Tian Zheng's feet, making him stand up.

"Oi oi, this is one hell of a way to ask for a favor, prince charming!"

Tian Zheng's shadow bubbled and morphed, multiple pairs of beastly eyes making themselves known. But Dai Zhi was unperturbed.

"She is no sister of mine. The daughter of a demonic whore! Just because we share some blood doesn't mean anything. It has already been decided by our masters, do not force my hand again."

At the mention of his master Tian Zheng instantly relaxed.

"Tsk, fine. But you owe me one. And I won't kill your 'sister' that easily either. We will have some fun first and maybe if she's lucky, I'll even turn her into one of my brides."

Dai Zhi's expression turned unpleasant upon hearing his plan but he didn't stop him.

"Do with her as you will, so long as she doesn't lead this world alive."

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