The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 765 - The Awakened Form

Hao Xuan's lips arched into a vicious grin seeing the forelimb closing in on him. He recalled all the trouble he had to go through because of his trap, the numerous deaths he experienced.

If not for the completely random ability he unintentionally got from devouring the Puer, Hao Xuan would have died here without a shadow of a doubt. But maybe that would have been a better alternative...

Hao Xuan extended his hand with the palm facing down. The Glaive trembled for an instant before shooting up into his grasp as if pulled by an invisible force.

A surge of spiritual sense ran through Hao Xuan's body as soon as he came into contact with it. It felt like he was holding a person's hand rather than an inanimate piece of metal. He didn't need to ask anything, all the answers directly came to him.

He could almost hear a voice. It was just a string of thoughts but they were alive, there was actual emotion there. It was asking what Hao Xuan wanted to do and he could feel its every intention.

He had never felt anything so pure in his entire life. It desired nothing, it saw nothing nor wanted anything other than fulfilling Hao Xuan's wish. He could feel the earnest longing through its intentions.

And in that brief moment, he knew that it now lived only for him. He had bonded with it completely and it had accepted Hao Xuan as its owner.

The bond between a weapon spirit and its master is unbreakable. The master can have another weapon spirit, but the weapon spirit will never have another master.

All the anger, pain, and revulsion Hao Xuan was feeling was drawn into the glaive. It thrummed loudly, its blade becoming a little larger, a little wider to complete its master's wish.

Hao Xuan wanted Lazar to suffer as he had, to feel all the pain as he did, and the glaive listened.

It changed its shape, its awakened form constantly shifting and splitting to compensate for Hao Xuan's wishes. Before his very eyes, it became something completely different.

Slight indentations showed themselves, serrated edges that looked like sharp teeth adorned the back of the blade while the front curved itself, becoming not only wider but longer. It suddenly dipped down near the handle where another pointed end laid waiting.

It drew power from Hao Xuan, from his emotions and his blood.

Hao Xuan could hear its cries in his ears as clear as day. It was thought turned emotion and emotion transmuted into raw power. It wanted to tear Lazar apart, it begged him to let it cut into his flesh, it was crying for it.

Hao Xuan's eyes glowed with brutality. His own emotions mirroring what the glaive was feeling.

He looked behind and saw teardrop spirit stone still shimmering with a fading golden light. There was still some power left in there.

Hao Xuan raised his foot before bringing it down into the crystal, smashing it to smithereens. Suddenly released from its prison the raw energy shot towards the only outlet that was nearby.

It lept onto Hao Xuan like a serpent, crawling along his legs and towards his chest where it gathered.

Hao Xuan's skin tingled under the increasing temperature but he did not plan to let it dig deeper. He raised the glaive above his head, redirecting every ounce of energy into it.

For just an instant Hao Xuan noticed the serrated teeth located along the back of the glaive suddenly open up and a jet of blue flame erupting from within. It was gathering all energy.

And when a large enough charge had been accumulated, it truly 'woke' up.

The bubble of mist surrounding Hao Xuan suddenly exploded. Lazar's hand was almost right above him when that happened so there was no way he could pull back in time.

Everyone listening, be it the barbarians or the numerous beasts, in that last moment they heard something. It was an abrupt swarm of loud whispers that sounded within their minds. Barely even a second but it was there.

The air hummed loudly for a brief moment before suddenly growing silent, along with the rest of the world.


Hao Xuan's words fell like hammers into the mind of every sentient creature on the floor. It was a heavenly decree, inescapable and inevitable. It was an order from high heavens.


The glaive fell, taking all the light with it for just an instant.

And in that momentary darkness, a vision of a man flashed past his eyes.

Hao Xuan found himself standing next to a handsome man in his early twenties. He had crystalline white eyes with a pattern of three semi-circles constantly rotating within them.

They were overlooking a humungous palace that floated above the clouds. All manners of strange creatures flew in the air, with even a few dragons mixed in.

"Are you leaving already?" the man asked Hao Xuan, heavy-hearted at the mere mention of it.

Hao Xuan nodded, "It's time. I must get back to my people. I have been gone too long this time."

The man lowered his head somewhat dejectedly.

"I wish you could stay a little longer. I wanted you to witness the moment I accept the throne."

Hao Xuan chuckled, slapping his back mischievously.

"Buck up, young master. What would your subjects think if they saw their precious 'Empyrean Emperor' pouting like a child? Plus, it's not like we'll never meet again. Everything is already taken care of so all you have to do is take your rightful place and become a good ruler." (Mentioned once before in CH12 'Sunder')

"I know. But I could have never done it without your help. If only you would let me tell the others-"

"No. No one must ever know I helped you. To the others I must only be your battle brother, nothing more. The truth will only put them in more danger. Promise me!"

The Empyrean Emperor saw Hao Xuan's solemn expression and couldn't help but nod along.

Hao Xuan simpered seeing him obediently accept his words without complaint, "Relax, have fun with your beautiful wife. Hell, take in a few extra brides too, there is no shortage of 'Heavenly Beauties' vying for your attention. Have a hundred kids or a thousand. So when I see you again in a few millenniums, there is a whole clan of yours to rival the other gods."

The Empyrean Emperor opened the palm of his hand to reveal a small book and a glimmering white crystal.

"Here, this is for you. It is the 'Celestial Mandate' I comprehended upon my ascension to the High Heavens. I want you to have this at least, and I won't take no for an answer."

He threw the items towards Hao Xuan and walked through the palace gates before he could refuse. His words sounded within Hao Xuan's mind.

"I will see you again, brother. Don't get lost in the river of time, it is not as small a place as you have made it out to be. While waiting for your return I will create a world that you can be proud of. The one we dreamt and fought for. Don't worry about a thing!"


A surge of emotions welled up inside Hao Xuan.. But when he came to, a scene of carnage waited for him.

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