The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 764 - 'More' Of It.

A few minutes ago...

'Warning! Warning!'

'Unknown Energy Readings Detected.'

'Abnormalities Detected.'

'More than 18 new mutations detected within the bloodstream.'

'Blood Purity Level Rising!'






'Foreign Energy Surge Detected.'

'Auditory system shutting down.'

'Visual system shutting down.'

'Internal Energy Levels Rising.'

'Internal Body Temperature at Critical Level.'

'Readjusting Measurement Criteria.'


'Bloodline Purity Levels Rising.'







'Bloodline Purity Levels Stabilizing.'

'Auditory and Visual systems Restarting.'

'Biological Aberrations Detected.'

Hao Xuan's naked body was covered in a slimy red liquid that dripped down the sides and back. He slowly opened his eyes to reveal their almond shape.

They were a little larger than before, his pupils a tad bit darker, somewhat murkier as if there was something swimming within.

His features were slightly sharper, especially the eyes.

"Hmmm," Hao Xuan tried to speak but his throat was so very dry and itchy.

He tried to clear it but surprised even himself hearing the hoarse voice that escaped his gullet. It didn't sound human at all. He got a little worried but-

'There is still some residual swelling within the larynx due to the mutations. Slowly massage it from side to side in a clockwise fashion,' Baracus quickly informed him of the truth.

Hao Xuan brought both his hands towards his neck but paused upon noticing the claw-like inch-long nails now adorning the edges of his fingers.

He stared at them for a moment and as if by magic, they retracted back into his hands like they were never there.

He followed Baracus's instructions while taking a look inside his body. His consciousness appeared next to his left heart.

The heart appeared to be a bit bigger than before and it didn't look like it was made from normal tissue anymore. It had a tinge of purple color spreading throughout each valve, especially the swollen part to the front where the growth was.

It looked much more pronounced as if it was ready to be pulled out like a piece of a puzzle. But Hao Xuan knew from one glance that it had bonded with the tissue on a much deeper level.

Maybe it was because his senses were a bit sharper than before but he could also feel a strange energy coming off of it, one that didn't felt like his own. Not to mention the equally strange symbols that were inscribed on the inside of the skin.

He could see their rough shape protruding outwards, as if there was too much pressure inside and they were bursting at the seams.

But seeing as it wasn't urgent, Hao Xuan returned to the outside world for a more pressing issue that was looming over him, quite literally.

He saw Lazar's face staring down at him but his eyes were a little unfocused as if he couldn't see him exactly.

Hao Xuan waved his hand back and forth but saw no change in its eyes.

'He really can't see me...'

'Affirmative. The white mist surrounding you is created from the charged particles that leaked into the atmosphere from the spirit stone. It not only obstructs vision but all other supernaturally powered modes of investigation.'

'How long will it last?'

'Close to 160 seconds or if you add or remove energy from the system yourself, whichever comes first.'

'So if I use Qi it will dissipate by itself?'


Hao Xuan nodded and started to survey the surroundings. He felt like he had taken a bath for the first time in his life. His entire body felt so sensitive and new.

He could feel the flow of energy in the air. It was so obvious and distinct that Hao Xuan was more than a little shocked by this new discovery. This would help him greatly in his own progression.

And maybe it was because he was naked but the hair located throughout his body could pick up the smallest movement within a radius of probably dozens of meters around him.

But strangely enough his vision did not get sharper. He could still only see as far as before but now he could see 'more' of it.

Of the many hundreds of beasts of all different realms that surrounded him currently, each one had a tinge of a different color around their silhouettes.

For some, it was very weak as if a light was shining upon them from somewhere far away but for others, it was strong enough to overpower everything.

A lot of yellow, green and grey.

Hao Xuan's pupils widened a smidgen upon seeing them. He raised his head again and smiled upon seeing a faint yellow and green hue around Lazar as well. He was one of the rare few that had two colors.

Hao Xuan took a deep breath in through his nose, closing his eyes for a moment to relish the tingling taste that shot through his senses.

"I can smell your fear!" he couldn't help but mutter under his breath.

Lazar's head suddenly jerked to the side. He had heard something.

He quickly leaned back before extending his hand forward. It was covered in a layer of black metallic armor that was melded with his skin.

Hao Xuan's lips arched into a ferocious smile upon seeing the approaching limb.

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