The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 724 - Expectations

"It would be a bloody Chaos in every sense of the word. I hope that helps you understand just how big of a threat he actually is."

Hao Xuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva to wet his dried throat but it felt like needles as it passed down. He coughed and cleared his throat.

"But I still don't understand how he is connected to me. How did you know to look for me?"

Mr. Hyde's gaze hardened as he recalled the events that had led him here. He didn't want to tell Hao Xuan this but to need his full cooperation he needed to be truthful.

"Growing up, I had more than twenty brothers that all served as his generals, leading his many legions through war. But when the strongest of my siblings saw the reality of what father was doing, he rallied nearly half of us to stand against him."

"So long as we could kill him, we were willing to do anything. We even sold our souls to the Demon Lords of Hell in exchange for unparalleled power and together we attacked him when we thought he would be at his weakest."

"But we had greatly underestimated his powers. Our leader who was the strongest of us died by his hands while the rest of my brothers that still followed him fought tooth and nail, defending him until more than seven of us died and many whose fate was left unknown."

"That was when I realized we might never be able to defeat him using conventional means. So right after the battle ended, I broke into one of the most well-guarded research facilities and found the last person he had 'tried' to visit. It was his most closely-guarded secret," his lips arched into a smile at this point, "And who do you think was?"

Hao Xuan hesitantly pointed at himself, "M-Me?!"

"Correct. With some help from fathers many machinations and the Demon God Maʾmūn, I made the sacrifice that he could not and at the cost of my own physical body found you. But I still got the timing a little off and only managed to reach you when your memories first got sealed instead of at the time of your birth."

"I have tried my best to keep track of the things you have been doing since then but there are many limitations to my powers. The more I reveal myself, the faster my power fades because I still don't have a suitable vess-"

"W-Wait!" Hao Xuan jumped to his feet, cutting him off. He pointed at Mr. Hyde with a shaky hand.

"Doe-Doesn't that mean you're from the future?!"

Mr, Hyde frowned at his slow speed of comprehension and incorrect priorities, "Did you just understand that? Yes! And that is not what you should be focused on!" he slammed his fist on the armrest, startling Hao Xuan.

"Even when our armies were at his door, he took the time to try and reach out to you somehow. I don't know why, but something that you did or will do in the near future will have a huge impact on whatever he is planning."

Hao Xuan wanted to get angry too but Mr. Hyde's overbearing aura did not leave much room for another angsty man in such a confined space. So he lowered his voice and spoke calmly instead.

"Look, I don't know what you want me to do. You tell me all these things and expect what exactly? This shit is way beyond anything I can deal with. I already have so much on my plate, I can't do much more."

Mr. Hyde stood up as well, "I'm not asking you to do anything, it's just..."

"Just what? You tell me you're from the future, from basically another world, you people are fighting gods and shit like it's nobody's business, I have no place in any of this. You're asking if I have seen someone that could potentially be him? Well I don't know, okay? I am just not sure if I have met a time-traveling genocidal psychopath recently tha-"

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Hyde yelled in a flurry.

The lights dimmed and the entire room shook once.

"Know your place, fleshbag! I did not sacrifice so much to be talked down to by the likes of you! I am well aware of your weaknesses and I expect nothing from you. You are a mere pawn in the great game. Even your death would do nothing. If I wanted to, I could kill you with a mere thought! Do you understand that?"

"I have kept you alive, helped you on so many occasions not because you are important, but what you might unwittingly accomplish. It could have been anyone so do not let it get to your head!"

Hao Xuan who was trying his best to stay calm could not hold himself back anymore.

"Oh please! I have better things to do than to worry about you and your life. You keep bitching and moaning about your "dad" like some spoiled teenage brat that is rebelling against his demented father. To me, both you and he are the same. One kills without thought, and the other rather sell his soul to the devil than to fight against him fairly. For all his faults, at least your father had the foresight and common fucking sense to not align with the fucking DEMONS! Do you know how utterly retarded you sound right no-"




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