The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 723 - "Just"

"He has been setting a plan in motion for eons, throughout the eras of antiquity to the present. To most, he is just a helpful stranger they meet during their journeys but, he doesn't move a muscle without there being a reason."

"He is a shadow, a ghost. No one knows when or where he will appear, or even in what form, but you can see his influence in the history books. He is a monster that needs to be stopped at all costs!"

By the end his voice sounded like three different people were talking in unison, but perhaps not even one of them was human.

Fueled by such a deeply rooted hate for his own father that made Hao Xuan question his sanity, Mr. Hyde finally ended his one-sided monologue and the room fell into a deafening silence with it.

Hao Xuan was at a complete loss for words. It was obvious how much Mr. Hyde hated this man he still called his father for some reason but..."Why? What did he do that was so bad?" he asked in a low voice.

Mr. Hyde slowly turned to face him with a grim expression, "What?"

Hao Xuan gulped seeing the fire in his eyes but still decided to ask anyway.

"No I mean, he just went back in time and helped some people right? Why is that such a bad thing?"

Seeing the look of genuine confusion within Hao Xuan's eyes that stemmed from a lack of knowledge and experience, Mr. Hyde quickly regained his composure. How could he lose his cool in front of a boy that was not even in his thirties? If his brothers found out...

Mr. Hyde cleared his throat, "My apologies, I get a little... "passionate" when I talk about the past," he fixed his shirt collar and straightened his jacket before taking in a deep breath. His gaze cleared and focused as he thought what would be the best way to explain everything.

"I did mention he can time travel right? I don't mean he can see the future or something trivial like that, but that he can actually travel back into the past and the future with his own body and full power intact. This feat by itself is nothing short of impossible. No one since the inception of time itself has been able to pull this off."

"Sure, there were people that could maybe send their consciousness into their past selves for a little while but that was it. Or at most they could do it once, sending their entire soul through the river of time but it was a one-way trip."

"But "he" has broken every known law and managed to do the impossible. That alone is enough of a reason for him to be hunted like a dog wherever he goes. A power like that that could change the past, there is no telling what he could do with it. It is too dangerous for any man, especially for one like him."

"Every single power that stands today or has ever had a foothold in the greater world, no matter which side they belong to, they all unanimously agree on this one point. If there ever was someone capable of doing something like this, they would all work together to destroy that being."

"But it is 'him' that has this power which makes it that much worse. For example, by your standards, I would be considered something along the lines of a 'demon'. I have killed perhaps tens of thousands of beings of many different races, not because I wanted to but because I had to. But him, his ruthlessness knows no bounds."

Seeing Mr. Hyde's solemn expression Hao Xuan also couldn't help but hold his breath as he waited for him to finish what he was saying. It was like he was listening to the introduction of a supervillain.

"The very first thing he did when he stepped on the cosmic stage was to eliminate an entire planet. He slaughtered more than 7 billion individuals, not warriors, not soldiers, but ordinary men, women, and children. Not even their gods were left alive. Why? Just to make his presence known. So when they looked at him, they would know what he was capable of."

"And it wasn't even that he killed them, but that he completely destroyed their souls down to the last speck so they could never exist in any shape or form from there on out. Not even Daemonic Gods do that."

"He killed until Hell itself opened up and swallowed him whole. Do you understand how evil one has to be to pull something like that off? And that wasn't the only time either."

Mr. Hyde took in another deep breath to calm his nerves before continuing.

"In the world I come from, he is hailed as a hero. A just Emperor who fights for the weak, for the forgotten and the broken ones. For those that cannot fight for themselves. But could he do both these things? They don't know his real identity, nobody does. If not for my older brother who gave his life trying to bring him down, we would have never known."

"So far, for whatever reason, he has kept out of the greater world but it is only a matter of time and is bound to change. He has been amassing an army the likes of which have rarely ever been seen in the greater world.. And if they were to ever find their way here, can you imagine what would happen? It would be a bloody Chaos, in every sense of the word."

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