The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 1044 - Plea


The blades swept inwards from the left and the right, passing soundlessly through hundreds of grunts already on the barrier and even more that were nearby.

Once the movement was completed both of the blades vanished and a couple of seconds after that every grunt that was touched by them fell to the ground in two pieces.

Henrik looked beyond the barrier where the actual threat lay. The grunts were mere cannon fodder for him and since using the 'Beast Slaying Formation' put quite a toll on his body he needed to make it count.

The function of the formation was to essentially copy everything the user could do and magnify its effects significantly meaning, it depended greatly on the user's capabilities.

Henrik brought both hands together in a praying gesture and circulated his Qi around the hands and the bottom of the abdomen.

This time a faint light blue circle with a radius of a hundred meters materialized more than 300 meters away, exactly where most of the horde was gathered. His hands began to shake as if there was an immense wait trying to force them apart but he still maintained the gesture until all the Qi was concentrated around the palm of both hands.

The reflection from the formation caused a blue halo to appear over his head which could only be seen by people below him. And since he was hovering in the air, everyone could see it.

Calming energies shrouded his body as he muttered the words, "Burial of the Sword of Saints: Emergence!"

And in the same manner as earlier another technique was executed within the faint circle on the battlefield.


A blue sword shot up from the earth and impaled a grunt straight through the middle. It took a moment for the others around him to realize what had happened but there was not enough time to do anything about it.

It started with one but a second later another sword shot up in much the same manner. Then another and another. In less than 10 seconds the entire 100-meter square area looked like a forest of blades.

There were so many in fact that they outnumbered the corrupted spawn three to one.

The onlookers were left speechless. One person had managed to change the tides of battle they were all but certain to lose.

Rhisiat jumped on his Mastiff and gave the order, "Everyone back to your positions, don't let them get close to the barrier!" and rushed out before anyone else.

Following him were Hazel, Fulke, and then surprisingly Princess Inara. One by one each of the cultivators left the safety of the barrier along with the demihumans under the assumption that the 'Beast Slaying Formation' would have their backs.

What they forgot about was protecting the most important cog in this machine of war, Henrik himself. As the one controlling the formation if something happened to him then they would be back to square one.

And as fate would have it, many eyes looked towards Henrik, even the insidious ones watching from the shadows.


Eurig was sitting in the room enjoying himself to the fullest while watching Arnett console his younger sister who was on her last legs already.

Arnett was cradling her body which was burning up. There were tears in his eyes but he forcibly kept himself calm which was no small feat considering the situation.

"The healer is coming soon Eva, just hang on a little bit is coming...any time now..."

Eva couldn't even open her eyes but still managed to give a weak nod, "M-Mhm, everything...will be okay..."

Arnett bit his lip so hard that it drew blood. His clenched fists turned white as he whispered, "Yeah...everything will be okay, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you, I swear it."

The more Eurig listened the wider his smile became. There was not a shred of empathy anywhere in his soulless eyes, only sheer delight.

Just then the mark on his chest lit up. A burning sensation began to spread throughout followed by some voices.

"You found the magic circle? Great, everyone meet up on the position and destroy it. Kill everyone there and then don't stop. I want a massacre the likes of which no one has ever seen before, hahaha!"

But his merriment was cut short a moment later. His brow scrunched up in confusion as Eurig jumped to his feet.

"What do you mean they are winning? How?"

The mark dimmed and brightened a few times as all the relevant information was sent directly to his brain.

"One man did all that? Where is he? I'll take care of him myself. the city needs to fall no matter what. There must not be any resistance when the savior arrives."

He swiftly turned around and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him with Arnett and Eva still inside.

Arnett's ears perked up as he listened for the footsteps to fade into the distance. He waited a few more minutes before gently laying Eva down and running up to the door, banging on it as loudly as he possibly could.


His fists banged against the door repeatedly turning bloody from the impact. Just one room away the old groundskeeper was sitting in a chair sipping tea.

She could very clearly hear Arnett's pleas for help but her eyes were completely blank as if none of it was even registering.

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