The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 1043 - Cleave

All the light that had been converging on her body abruptly traveled back through the Grail Seeker and shot straight up into the air for almost 60 meters. It looked like she was holding a pillar of golden light.

The moment it solidified and took shape Hazel swung the Grail Seeker back down. A relatively simple movement that was not only powered by the awakened weapon itself but also Hazel's own law.

The rod of golden light moved with the Grail Seeker and connected with the tank-like beasts that were lined up in front of her.

Unlike what many expected there was no loud explosion or anything 'too' flashy. It looked like the air itself had cracked open and each of the creatures in front of her had been stopped dead in their tracks.

Their bodies were crushed by the light pillar which even left deep indentations where it connected with them.


Hazel pulled the Grail Seeker back and stood up to gaze at her handiwork. The biggest threat to the barrier had been neutralized but those were only a handful of the creatures. Behind them was a literal army that had no end in sight.

The grunts were accompanied by their completed versions which were not only almost twice their size but were also faster and deadlier in every possible way.

Hazel didn't know what to do. She wanted to order the cultivators to come outside and engage with them before they got too close but without knowing the full extent of their abilities it was a suicide mission. There was no telling how many would be sacrificed in a matter of minutes.

But she couldn't just let them draw close. The barrier would not be able to hold for long if thousands of these things attacked it all at once.

The adrenaline quickly wore off and reality set in.

Just these 60-70 people were not enough to hold this tide of monsters back, especially with such limited resources.

She peered down at the Grail Seeker that had become much colder to the touch and its light had diminished greatly.

'She needs to recharge but...' her grip tightened, 'We can't retreat. Some sacrifices need to be made.'


'Come back!'

A familiar voice sounded in her ears. It was confident but not overbearing. Gentle but not cowardly.

Her legs moved on their own and by the time she came to Hazel was already standing inside. The others looked at her in confusion. Earlier she was about to say something but all of a sudden her whole demeanor changed.

Behind them, a spark of bright blue light ignited what looked like a firework show. All kinds of different colors of light followed by strange energies could be both seen and felt coming from that direction.

Rhisiat breathed a sigh of relief seeing that it was completed just in time.

"Clear away, moved to the sides everyone!"


An electronic buzzing began to sound in the ears of everyone within a 500-meter radius and it was getting louder every time as if building up to something.

The mortals without any Qi especially the demihumans with heightened hearing had to physically block their ears while the cultivators used Qi to soften its effects considerably.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Brina yelled towards Rhisiat since he seemed to know where it was coming from.

She was more worried about the hundreds of grunts and bigger creatures that were almost at the barrier but this was not something that could be so easily overlooked.

Rhisiat held up four fingers and slowly closed them one by one and by the time the last finger came down the buzzing also came to an unexpected halt.


"What WAS that?"

Rhisiat grinned, "Our saving grace!" and looked in the directions the lights were coming from.

The rest followed his gaze and saw a figure slowly fly up into the air. Well, he wasn't REALLY flying but rather standing on a transparent circle with thousands of intricate designs which was slowly moving up.

The circle itself was almost invisible but there was writing and a lot of symbols all around it that were glowing with a bright red light.

The person in question was of course Henrik, and the magical circle he was standing on was the formation he had been working on all this time. His eyes were closed which made it look like he was asleep.

Rhisiant could not contain his smile. If his lips arched any more then they would simply fall off.

"That's a beast slaying formation! Hahaha, look to the front!"

As surprised as everyone was, especially the locals like Princess Inara and her guards, they still managed to tear their eyes away and peer towards the city gate once more.

Behind them Henrik slowly extended his hands and several portions of the formation lit up with blue light while the rest dimmed down considerably.

An ethereal copy of these lightened symbols separated from the formation and wrapped around Henrik's arms. He made a grasping motion as if holding onto the hilt of a blade.

Shockingly, following his movements two 15 meter long ethereal blue swords materialized just outside the barrier.

Henrik opened his eyes which were burning with the same blue light.


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