Monster Integration

3019 Emotions and Memories I

I poured the last mug of water on my body before getting up from the stone stool.

To my surprise, white towel and clothes appeared on the empty stone table. The towel felt coarse, but it had wiped away all the water from my body.

There is nothing magical about it other than it being a great towel.

As I dried myself, I put the towel away and took the clothes in my hand; the clothes were a simple hemp tunic and pants.

I first wore the pant before wearing the shirt.


As I had fixed the last button on my shirt, the door materialized in the outline, as the mural said it would; seeing that, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

I did not waste any time and walked toward the door, and to my surprise, my powers were still sealed despite walking out of the circle.

I am not worried about it; my powers will return after I finish with whatever the mural is asking me to do, for which I couldn’t help but feel a little excited.


Soon, I reached the door and pressed it open; like the door before, it opened smoothly, and I stepped inside.


The moment I stepped into the other side, a gasp couldn’t help but come out of my mouth.

I found myself in another gigantic area, which was even bigger than the second hall with the statue; this one also had statues, and they were a similar size to the one I had seen in the second hall.

There are nine statues, and each one of them gives me a feeling of reverence that, like the last time, I unknowingly bowed to them.

Though this time, I had come to myself within seconds and walked into the enormous hall with sealed powers.

This hall is a little different from the second hall, aside from being bigger and having more statues.

It had something more, the mats, there hundred and one mats in front of each statue, and also these statues are faintly revealing the divine energy, unlike that statue, which had revealed so densely that walking through it was a challenge itself.

Like the statue in the second half, these statues also had doors below their feet; there were also two more doors attached to the hall.

One is from where I came from, and the exact opposite of it is the other. I don’t know where it leads, but I will find out soon enough.

But before that, I have to explore this hall; I have a feeling that there is so much more in this hall that I am seeing through my eyes.

So, I looked more deeply.

As I looked, I saw that the nine statues belonged to different races; two of them were like one in the second hall and did not have a distinction of sex.

Earlier, I had thought that the carver intentionally obscured the sex of the statue, but it seemed like I had been wrong in assuming that it might be a racial factor.

I looked at all statues, and some had even surprised me, especially statues of the woman lying in sensual poses with barely any cloth covering her.

As I focused on her, all the erotic thoughts seemed to have burst out of my heart, and even my member had risen up and become hard as steel.

I immediately looked away and began to take deep breaths; it took me a few minutes to calm myself.please visit panda(-)

Only after that, I dared to look at the statues, but not more than a moment; after experiencing the extreme emotions, I could see each statue representing an emotion.

I don’t know what to think of it, as the extreme burst of emotions has kind of scared me, but after deeper thinking and looking into myself, I found no adverse reaction to it; rather, I felt a little calmer.

I analyzed my emotions carefully, not caring about the minute passing.

I remained on my spot with my eyes closed for more than ten minutes before I opened my eyes and walked toward the closest, which was nearly a mile away, a distance I don’t mind walking.

A few minutes passed, and I reached the front of the statue; it was a man who looked human but had eyes that seemed nearly twice as big as human eyes.

It also has seven fingers and toes rather than five, which humans have.

Though what attracted me most was its face, the smile. The smile is not big, but it seems to contain all the joy in the world.

This time, I was careful and only looked for a moment.

I looked down at it at the gate and then at the mats in front of me; there were hundreds of simple jute mats, big enough that humans could easily sleep on them.

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Though, I don’t think it is for that.

I looked around for a minute before sitting on the mat, which gave me the best view of the statues.

It did not matter where I sat, as the effect would be the same.

As I sat, I took a couple of deep breaths before finally I looked directly at the statue into the huge eyes, which seemed to contain an ocean of joys.

I immediately got lost in it, and before I knew it, my most joyful memories began to appear in front of me.

The oldest memory came first; it was of me and my parents; I may be two or three at that time, and they took me to the park; it was simple memory where I walked with my parents while they talked.

Not all things they talked about were happy, but it still made me happy, and this happiness is pure.

Soon the memory changed; this one, too, is with my parents, where they were drawing with me.

I even cried in this one, seeing how bad my drawing was, while my parents consoled me.

Soon another memory came from school, where we were singing with our homeroom teacher.

Memories after memories began to appear, and soon came the memory of the day when I saw Ashlyn hatched from the egg. From the moment she came, she was different; her siblings went to their mother while she remained alone.

The next few memories with Ashlyn, one in particular where she beat up her siblings when they had irritated her too much.

Soon, it was the time of our bonding ceremony, one of my happiest memories.

The memories changed, and soon, I saw the memory where I saw my sister for the first time and held her in my arms. She was tiny and fragile that my arms shook when I had picked her up.

More and more memories came by, and unknowingly, I started to cry for some reason, but I did not wipe away y tears.

I let them flow as I looked at all my memories, some of which made me smile, like the first time Marina kissed me drunkenly.

The embarrassment that appeared on her face for a moment was too cute; that I wish I could record it.

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