Monster Integration

3018 Ritual

I wouldn’t have minded spending such a massive number of divine crystals if it had given me what I wanted, but it did not.

The flowers may look bloomed, but they are not because their puffy petals are empty. They need divine energy, which they would turn into divine nectar, which is extremely pure.

It can be used in thousands of thousands of things, and if I had confidence that the last 50% of divine crystals could produce even a few drops of nectar, I would have used all the divine crystals I had.

I had far underestimated the level and quantity of the divine crystal I needed to produce even drops of nectar.

It is why I have done a wise thing and cut my losses by cutting off the supply of divine crystals and the growth energy.

Now, I have come across divine energy, which is thousands of times more than this plant needs, and I want to see if the plant can absorb it.

I did not dare to hope, I had hoped for the past two times, and both times my hopes were dashed by the powerful restrictions of this place; this time, too, there was a high chance the same thing would happen.

So, I just kept watching, and in less than three seconds of me bringing out the plant, a smile appeared on my face.

As I saw the plant begin to take the divine energy, there were no restrictions from this place as the rooms of the plant began to absorb the divine energy.

I watched the plant’s roots take more and more divine energy second, and for seven and half a minute, it kept increasing before stopping.

I continued watching for a few more minutes before removing my soul sense from the plant. From what I had observed, it would take three to six months for the flowers to be filled with divine nectar.

This is quite a long time, especially for me, which is used to seeing the plants getting to mature within seconds from the seeds.

I will have to keep the plant here; I don’t want to do it, but there is no other choice. I could not take the divine energy, so I will need to keep the plant here and return in three to six months to get it.

If nothing bad happens, then I will get the nectar, which will help me tremendously during my breakthrough, and for it, I am willing to take a huge risk.

I took one last look at the plant before walking toward the statue; there was a door there, and I would have to go through it if I wanted to reach the next place.

I could also go back and return a few months later to take back the plant, which is the safest choice, but since I have come here, I will see through everything.

Not to mention, this huge statue made of divine crystal had made me quite curious, and I wanted to see what this was all about.

So, I continued to take one step after another, even when the divine aura had denser with every step, making simple breathing a challenge itself.

Soon, there were only around ten meters between me and the gate, which was below the feet of the huge statue, and crossing these ten meters, would be a great challenge.

I took another laborious breath and moved my leg forward, it took all my effort, but I managed, and after taking another deep breath, which nearly took me a minute, I moved my leg for another step.

It is hard, but there is no other choice; I need to reach the feet of the statue to reach the gate, or I could just go back, which I will not do.

So, with each step, I would muster my will and move closer and closer to the gate while feeling quite grateful for the restriction that stopped the divine energy from entering anything other than the plants.

If it were not for those restrictions and this divine energy entering inside, I would have been dead.

The divine energy is extremely powerful, so much so that a simple breath of it would have overwhelmed me and popped me up like a balloon.

It took me a little more than one and a half hours to cross the final ten meters, and I reached the gate, which also had text in an unknown language above it, which I could not understand, but I still copied it to check it out later.please visit panda(-)


The door began to open smoothly as I pushed it, and when it opened wide, I stepped into the other side.

The place I had gone to was much smaller than I had been; it was spherical like the first room, and this time, it had murals.

They were instructions on what to do, and seeing them, I couldn’t help but feel slightly confused, but I did not dare to question it.

It is a ritual, and only by performing it will the door reveal itself.

p-A- n-d-A-n-0-v-e-1、(c)om

So, I took Ashlyn and Nero inside me, despite knowing they could see everything from the core, but still, I like to be alone when I do this.


I removed my shoes and walked into the large circle, and immediately felt all my power disappear.

For a second, I felt panic before I was able to calm myself with a deep breath.

Since the Grimms, I have become cautious, too cautious, and this ruin didn’t help much either in calming me.

Now, everything ticked me; I always have a trigger of full power in my hand, ready to activate the moment I sense danger.

While being cautious is good, being over-cautious is bad, but I do not have time to focus on it.

Every minute is precious, and this ruin has already been worth it with divine energy, and I hope I will find something more to help me with my breakthrough.

As I calmed down, I picked up the rope and the stone buck attached to it; both of those things seemed to be in great condition.


Observe them for a few seconds before throwing the bucket down the well; it made a thumping sound as it hit the water before entering.

Seeing that, I pulled the rope, and a few seconds later, I had a bucket filled with crystal-clear water.

With that done, I begin to remove my clothes for the ritual shown in the murals.

If I am not wrong, then it is some sort of cleansing ritual; I had to wash with water before entering inside through the door.

I removed all my clothes and placed them neatly on the stone table and sat naked on the stone tool, and began to wash myself with water with the help of the stone mug.

The water was cool, and when I tasted it, it felt refreshed, but other than that, I felt nothing from it.

Though all my strength was suppressed, I could not bring even an ounce of energy, and even with the rule-bending power, I was not able to take a single drop of water inside my storage.

So, the water may be common water or something else; I could never know.

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