Monster Integration

2956 A Way II

Note: To make up for yesterday, I have written a double length chapter.

He had said that the goblet of fire would come and come in an hour, but I had got it within fifteen minutes.

After me getting the main ingredient, I started preparation for a method.

While I am saying it is a method, it is much more complicated than that; one simple method is not enough, but the method is the most important part.

“I will need these processed from Grandmaster Salvador; tell him it is a priority,” I said, and a storage bag came out; the high grandmaster keeping an eye on me, couldn’t help but become surprised, considering my storage had been confiscated.

“It will be done, Lord Zaar,” he said and walked to the teleportation formation and disappeared. A couple of seconds later, I sensed another person coming and taking his place.

At my core, I begin working on the formation; it needs to be good; my life depends on it.

So, another four days have passed in designing everything and studying the method; I mostly stayed at my core working, sleeping for only three hours a day.

Grandmaster Salvador had also finished up my resources, and I got some resources I needed from the Pyramid. Some of the resources I have asked for were pretty high-level, but they had given them to me.

I walked out of my core and called Grandmistress Charline; it would be too straining to do everything by myself, but it is better I take her help.

A minute after I contacted her, she appeared, and she did not appear alone; there was that bastard Carmichael with her.

“Grandmistress Charline, Lord Carmichael,” I said as I greeted them.

I did not make a fuss about him being here, it would be even more helpful, and he could keep an eye on me, not that I would let him see what I did not want to.

“This is the formation I want you to carve, along with resources,” I said and sent the things.

Carmichael immediately looked at the formation and began to study it, and soon surprise couldn’t help but appear on his face.

“The formation you have created to reduce the risk of the method is quite good,” he said as she looked at me.

“Your words mean a lot, Lord Carmichael,” I replied.

He studied the formation for a few minutes before he and Grandmistress Charline began to work. The formation is quite big, and they needed nearly an hour to paint it, and they checked it twice for mistakes.

“It is done, Grandmaster,” said Grandmistress Charline. “Thank you, Grandmistress, Lord Carmichael,” I said and floated to the center of the formation with the little energy I had.

I landed in the center of the formation; usually, I sit, but since my body was frozen. I lay in an awkward position.

I did not immediately activate the formation, instead looked at the small goblet with a black fire burning in it. This is considered the most dangerous fire in the world, even more, powerful than the fire of the golden fire werewolf, which is merged with the power of the art grand art.

This is an abyssal fire, the most dangerous fire in the world.

It could kill me if handled wrongly, even in the slightest way; other than Matron Mavis, it would be suicide to do something like that. Even for me, it is a huge risk, but other methods are also risky; this one at least promises to deal with all my troubles.

It was quite a surprise that Pyramid had even given me permission; it might be because they believed me or, more likely, they hoped that I would die, and they would get out of this predicament of trusting or not trusting me.

For a moment, I want to stop and work on the formation even further, make it even better to reduce the formation.

I could do it, but I do not have time.


I did not waste any time and activated the formation. It lit up as it did, and the resources began to melt and merge.

For the first twenty minutes, nothing had happened before finally paste that had been made with the merging of all the resources began to flow toward me. It touched my feet at first and climbed over me, covering me as flow over me.

Soon another stream touched my hand and another my head and waist, spreading to cover my body.

Within a minute, my whole body got covered in a green paste, and it began to thicken rapidly; after two minutes, it had completely solidified.

As that happened, another change began in a few seconds; the runes, which had been silent till now, began to move. They began to move also change, covering me from side till every part of my body got covered by them.

There is not a single needle could be passed through the hardcover; even my nostrils have got covered by them.

Now the important part, the first of the most dangerous part. I hope it will work as I had designed it, or there will be hell to pay.

A few seconds passed, and a tiny kindle of fire came out of the goblet, very small, and flew toward me, to the center of formation at my heart.


The moment it touched the center of the formation, it spread like wildfire, shocking Carmichael and Grandmistress Charline so that they called out in horror.

It took less than a second for the fire to spread through my whole body, that now all the runes were covered in a faint abyssal fire.

I also felt relieved that it was not burning the hast paste, which meant till now, everything had gone well.

Buzz Buzz

A couple of seconds have passed when finally, the formation covering my body had activated, and so had the formation inside my body.

I have made the formation inside me with my own runes; I could use some of the runes of my inheritance.

I have made them for this purpose, as some methods require the runes internally, and it is very painful to bring them inside.

As both of the formations had activated, they connected to each other, and that happened; half of the fire covering the runes went inside.

It is not just fire that is going inside, but also half of the essences covering me; they are as necessary as the fire.


I tried to make the process as painless and safe as possible, but as the fire passed through me. I felt pain similar to what I had felt when I was trying to burn the old snake; now, when I could not control myself, a sound couldn’t help but escape from my frozen mouth.

Still, this was just the beginning; the real pain would come soon.

Within a few seconds, half of the fire had come to runes inside me, and there was no fear in my mind that fire would burn through my runes.please visit panda(-)


It will not; I have full confidence; that my runes will be able to handle the fire. There won’t be any leakage or burnout.

Now that fire has entered the runes inside, the most dangerous and painful part of the method will begin.

I hope I will be able to bear it and not be burned to death.

A couple of seconds passed before finally the method was activated.


Both the formations hummed, and through them, through them, the wave of abyssal fire released.

It spreads into my body, soul, and energy; it begins to spread through me, including the deepest part of me.

As the abyssal fire spread, they began to melt the part of the old snake; blood, soul, divine energy, and above the limit.

Except for the above-the-limit element, everything had melted faintly, and that melted part merged into my body and soul with the aid of essences.

If Carmichael and Grandmistress Charline had seen it, their eyes would have gone wide; as I have told them, I would execrate these parts, not merge with me. It would be like, poisoning myself deeply with the poison that had already affected me.

When I first started, I also planned to execrate these; as the Grimms are anathema and every part of them harmful to us, but I am a little different.

In the past few days, I have noticed that my body and soul are consuming very-very tiny part of it without the slightest side effect. Though their speed is very slow, and if they continued as such, it would take nearly a decade to absorb it all.

I do not have a decade, but I do have a method and am intelligent to do it very fast, with even lower risk than the execration.

I watched as they merged, and when I saw there was not the slightest resistance, I couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief.


Another hummed rang out through the formation after thirty seconds, and another wave of abyssal fire released, reinforcing the one which was already burning.

As more fire was added, the abyssal fire covering the thing began to burn even more brightly and melt even more substance, which would then merge with my body and soul.

It is painful, and with same hum, it is going to be even more painful, and there is nothing I can do about it other than bear it.

Humm Humm Humm

Every thirty seconds, a wave of abyssal fire would release from the runes, which would melt even more substance and with will come greater pain.

Every second, I wanted to stop, but I continued. I will not stop till my body and soul reaches the limit, no matter how much pain I would feel.

I am keeping on everything, not only me but also my clones; they are watching everything. If we see the slightest problem, we will stop.

My life comes after everything else later.

It continued for thirty-three minutes before the method stopped; my body and soul reached the limit. It could still absorb more but could not bear the abyssal fire, which is getting stronger at every cycle.


Seeing the body and soul reaching the limit, the formation activated, runes lit up, and all the abyssal fire that had spread into me began to get sucked into the runes.

The process went better than I had imagined, much better, as I had not thought I would be able to continue for more than fifteen minutes, but I have lasted more than half an hour but barely used 10% of the kindle’s fire.

Soon, all the fire gathered into the runes before the runes inside me sent back the fire to the runes above, which was extremely painful.

A minute later, all the fire from the runes gathered into the center, forming the kindle, which then went back to the goblet.

Seeing that, I felt relieved.

The progress I made today is nothing much; less than 1% of Grimm substance has melted.

Most of it was the pure essence of Grimm’s body and soul, a very tiny bit belonging to divine energy, while the abyssal fire was not strong enough to do anything above the limit element.

Which is not surprising; it is already quite surprising; this bit of abyssal fire was able to burn the purified divine essence, which spoke the power of it.

“Grandmaster Zaar, was the method successful?” asked Grandmistress Charline with her voice shaking; “Yes, it was,” I replied with energy.

As I had said, the progress I had made was barely anything; it did not bring any noticeable change to me.

I was still frozen without the ability to twitch, and my body looked so thin, beyond a normal person could be.

My flesh is literally sticking to my bones. If there had been any normal people in such a state, they wouldn’t have been able to survive.

“I am glad, with it within a few months, you will be able to return to your peak,” She said, “Thank you for the kind words, Grandmistress,” I replied.

“Grandmaster Zaar, if you don’t mind, can you have a sample of excrement?” asked Carmichael, and I could see Grandmistress Charline giving him a look, but he pretended not to see it as he looked at me with hope and other emotions.

Crack Crack

“Sure,” I said, and a cracking sound rang out, and soon a grey-green piece fell out, which floated toward Carmichael.

“I hope you will be able to find something that will help in recovering faster, Lord Carmichael,” I said as he caught the piece.

“Of course,” he replied with a smile.

I have collected a lot of data with the method, and my clones have already started working on the supplementary formation and changing the ingredients it needs to make the method more efficient and fast.

At my current speed, I would need four to five months to merge fully, but that is too long, given we are fighting a war for our survival.

I planned to finish it in about a month, and if I needed to take the risk for that, I would take it.

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