Monster Integration

2955 A Way I

“What was the treatment you have prescribed for my students?” asked Patriarch Bradford when it came to his treatment

“Our goal was to reduce the elementaliz….” I begin to explain, and the more I explain, the greater change occurs in the face of the old man Carmichael; he had also tried to heal the twins but had failed.

He is the second last; the only one who remains is Professor, who is staring at my frozen body while I spoke through the energy.

“…it had finally succeeded,” I finished the detailed explanation that had lasted more than ten minutes.

“Lady Josephine,” said Matron, to which Professor shook her head. “There is no need; I know he is Michael,” she said to that.

Matron sighed and looked at me.

“Grandmaster, apologies, but you know why we had to do it,” she said, the first time using my title since she had come here.

“Of course, I understand,” I said. If I had been in her place, I wouldn’t have been able to do such things; a meta-scan would have been enough for me to know the truth.

“We will shift from here, but your access will be restricted. I hope you understand,” she said, “Yes,” I replied, and immediately teleportation flashed. I disappeared and appeared in the familiar med bed; it was my personal lab.

I am not the only one who appeared; the Grand Lords, too, have appeared, including the Professor.

“Lord Zaar, your condition, from what I understand, is not good, right?” asked Matron, “It is very bad,” I said simply, and both Carmichael and Grandmistress Charline nodded at that.

“I don’t know whether I would be able to recover from it or not; I haven’t even finished studying my condition,” I added, and nobody is surprised; even those unlearned would understand how bad my condition is after taking one look at my meta-scan.

“I hope you will be able to find a way through it; you always do,” said the old woman, smiling before her expression became serious.

“So, the old snake is really dead; there is no chance of it coming back like Lord of Glass?” she asked. “It is fully dead; even its soul has burned into the ashes,” I replied, seeing relief flashing in her eyes.

The old snake is dangerous, even if it exists in a condition like that of the lord of glass. It is a scholar; there is no one in the world who understand the curses better than it; even I am very lacking when compared to it.

“I have one request of you. I would be really grateful if you could grant it?” I asked, “What is it?” she asked without promising anything.

“Old snake had hidden its storage in a spatial pocket through the special method,” I said, and a black crystal came out of my core. “This has its coordinates and way to retrieve it,” I said, and the crystal flew toward the Matron.

The bastard had seemed to not trust anyone or any place, or it wouldn’t have brought its storage with it in an important place.

It had used quite a special method to busy its storage in the spatial pocket; it is not easy to do or to find even for someone like Matron Mavis caliber.

I need that storage; the bastard is the richest of Grimms; it had things that would make even Matron Mavis envy.

“It will be done,” she said.

They stayed for a few minutes before disappearing, leaving only Professor behind. Grandmistress Charline wanted to stay, but seeing Professor, she had left too.

“How are you feeling?” she asked softly after a few seconds of silence. “I am fine,” I replied, and she gave me a look.

“Don’t worry, Professor; this too will pass away,” I added. “I have never heard you so pessimistic,” she said.

“It is bad,” I replied, telling the truth.

For a minute, she did not speak; Professor opened her mouth a couple of times before she closed it.

“Matron said your condition must be kept secret,” she said finally. “It is a wise choice,” I replied; I understand what they are doing. My state is sensitive; the fewer people who know about it, the better it will be.

I also finished off the old snake, one of the greatest dangers. So, they will be fine unless the Grimms bring out something dangerous.please visit panda(-)

“Don’t tell Marina about my condition; go with the official statement,” I said, and I could see her rolling her eyes at that. Since she already knows about our relationship, there is no need to consider decorum in front of her.

“Do you need anything; I will bring it to you, whatever it is?” she asked, and looking at her expression, it was clear; she would give me the forbidden items if I asked her to.

“There is no need for it right now, but if I needed, I would contact you,” I replied. “Do that,” she replied and came close to me and kissed my shriveled forehead.

“Get well soon, Michael,” she said and disappeared.

I went back to my core and began studying again with my core.

A day had passed by, and I continued studying; the only time I came out was when Professor and Grandmistress Charline had come. I gave her a copy of the meta-scan with many more details for her opinion.

If I didn’t want to worry Marina to death, I would have taken her help too; Marina’s medical knowledge is no less than Grandmistress Charline, and she is improving at tremendous speed with the knowledge she is getting from her bloodline.

It is improving her knowledge tremendously speed; her skills are also improving at an even greater speed, and she is relearning everything with the new abilities from her bloodline.

I needed a total of one and a half days to study my meta-scan fully; I left behind nothing. There is not a single thing I have left behind, and it made my expressions graver because things are much graver than I had expected.

“The purified essence of divine energy, blood, and soul, including above limit element, had merged inside you; it would be tremendously hard to get rid of them,” said Grandmistress Charline and waved her hand.

“These are the methods I think might be helpful to you in some way in extracting that dangerous material out of you,” she said, and a list of seven methods appeared in front of me.

I looked at the seven methods, and as I expected, Grandmistress Charline had provided quite a viable choice.

“Second and fourth will take years, while the sixth will be quick, but even these three would only target one element, not all four, and they couldn’t be used together,” I said.

“We will find a better method; there are thousands of them; we just have to look,” she said, and we looked, and slowly answer began to reveal itself, but the more it revealed, the graver my expression would become.

It took a little more than a day before I was able to find a way, but it is extremely dangerous; the slightest mistake and I would end up in a worse condition than I already am.

I did not immediately begin; I spent another day perusing the other leads but came back to first, as the others were not good as the first or even more dangerous than it. The only advantage they have is they will be less painful and will take a shorter time.

I sighed inside my core before walking out.

I used my holowatch to contact a person, and a minute later, he appeared in front of me with a guarded looked in his eyes.

“Lord Zaar, do you need anything from me,” he asked, “Yes, I was hoping you would give me the gourd of abyssal fire,” I asked. I had asked for it a few months ago, and then, I had got an immediate ‘yes,’ but now there was a pause.

“May I ask for why?” he asked; I did not answer and just threw a crystal at him. He seeped his soul senses inside, and a few seconds later, his eyes widened in shock.

“You are planning on using abyssal fire for the Calroms fire quenching method?” he asked in shock. “Yes,” It is the only way I could get those detestable things out of me.

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“You will be burned to death by using it,” he said with a very serious voice. “Yes, there are chances of that happening, but it is the only way I have,” I said, and he looked at me and closed his eyes, and for a couple of minutes, they have remained close.

“Matron had given the permission; it will be delivered to you in an hour. I hope you will allow the witness in case something goes wrong and you need saving,” he said, and we both know; they will be keeping an eye on me.

“Of course,” I replied, without blaming him.

The cautiousness is necessary; we have been burned hard before, nearly lost a war that would have wiped us out.

Since then, humans have become a lot more cautious, never taking a risk when it comes to things like this.

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