Monster Integration

2825 Wet and Cold


I cut the last monkey with everything I had; this bastard had been hiding, waiting for me to let down my guard after killing hundreds of its kind.

I looked around cautiously for a few seconds before finally piecing the saber in my left hand into one of the bodies of the monkeys beneath my feet and taking out the bottle of healing potion, and taking a gulp before closing the bottle.

There was not a single place on my body that hadn’t been injured, but as I had drunk the potion, all these serious injuries began to heal rapidly.

There is a trick to complete the challenges of this thing, which is to use the things you have found here. There are no restrictions on using them, like the rapiers and potion that I had drunk, and I had faced no restrictions whatsoever.

Within a few seconds, my injuries had healed enough that I took out my saber from the dead body of a monkey and walked away in the torrential rain.

The battle had lasted for only a few minutes, but it had tired me out, and I could not rest. I had to get away from this place as soon as possible as big predators would come smelling the bodies, and I want far away as possible from this scene when that happened.

A few minutes passed, and I could hear the sound from the place I had left; the monsters seemed to be fighting, which is not surprising considering I had left quite a treat for them, which they wouldn’t want to share with anyone.


I had about a six-minute of relief when I got attacked again, and this time the threat is surprisingly fast and more dangerous than a monkey.

Thankfully, it came alone.


I turned back and swung my rapier, immediately cutting the snake into two.

“I am learning,” I said; the snake had come from behind and made a minimal sound, but I was still able to sense it and kill it.

It had been a really long while since I had used my physical senses to this degree; even before, I had not used them in such a way as I am doing right now.

The soul sense makes everything very easy and, quite frankly, makes the use of physical senses absolute with its precision.

This place had been forcing people to learn to use them again and use them more precisely than before. Those who are learning are moving forward, while those who could not be leaving or getting merged back into the soul by overestimating their capabilities.

I continued moving as the torrential rain assaulted me from above, and it was getting quite cold, adding more to the already uncomfortable situation.

The monkeys have shredded my clothes and the rain protection I was wearing; they have left it all in tatters. Now, I am wet and feeling cold, and there is not a single thing I can do about it.

It would have been great, even if I could access my energy; even a tiny bit would have been enough to ward off the rain and cold that came with it, but unfortunately, there is none, not even a tiny, itty-bitty stream.

I walked for more than ten minutes and killed a couple of monsters before I found a tree big enough that the base of it was relatively dry. While it would be dangerous to seek shelter beneath it, I decided to take the risk and jumped toward big roots, avoiding little ponds that formed around.

Soon, I found myself under the dry tree, and it felt like heaven.

For the next twelve minutes, nothing attacked me, and I became relatively dry, but the calm did not last. At the thirteenth minute, I got attacked again by a snake, but this time, the snake that had attacked me was not a tiny snake but a huge one that could easily swallow me.

I looked at the huge green anaconda monster that suddenly popped out of the water and now came toward me with its huge mouth open to swallow me.


It screamed loudly, seeing its surprise attack had failed, but quickly changed its direction and followed me toward my jump.

My lips couldn’t help curve seeing that; the snake may look big and feel difficult to deal with, but it is not when you know how to deal with it; I have dealt with many of such beasts before, and as long as I do make a mistake, I will be able to deal with this monster with relative ease.

I did not make any movement while in the air, but as the snake came closer to me with a huge mouth, only half a meter away, I struck.

Puch Puch

My rapier moved fast with precision and pierced into the snake’s big eyes and used them as leverage to move up further in the air.


The snake monster screamed loudly in pain while I appeared above it and removed rapiers from its eyes before I landed.


The next moment, my rapiers pierced into the snake again, this time at its head.


It roared loudly as it struggled against death, nearly throwing me off it. If I hadn’t been gripping my rapiers so tightly, it would have really thrown me off it.


The intense struggle lasted for more than an hour before the snake began to slow down and fall to the loudly. Seeing it is still not dead, I decided to put it out of its misery.

“It’s how I like it, efficient and clean,” I said as I looked at the dead body of the snake, but I sighed the very next moment. The dead body means I have to change my position again, which I really don’t want to do, considering how good this spot is.

While I am unwilling, I did not hesitate to move away, once again in the rain, in search of a dry spot. Thankfully, they are not very hard to find.

Two minutes later, I was once again under the shadow of the huge tree. Though I have gotten wet again, there is nothing I can do about it.

This time, no monster had disturbed me for half an hour; the one that came after that was a small fry which I easily dealt with.

Three hours passed, and small, and big monsters came; some were dealt with a single strike, while harder ones took minutes and forced me to drink the healing potion. I had to change my potion a couple of times due to the piling bodies, but there was nothing that could be done about it.


I was lying against the tree when I heard the sound of fighting, and it is not the sound of monsters fighting monsters; I have long ago learned to distinguish that. No, it is a sentient being fighting against the monsters, and my answer is Grimm.

I did not stay in my place hearing the sounds; if it was Grimm as I was expecting and someone powerful, I would fight it.

I would very much prefer it if it were a Bearman; we could not finish our fight earlier.

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