Monster Integration

2824 Monkeys

Chi Chi Chi

I turned back right in time to see six monkeys coming toward me; they were small with red fur, but had notoriously sharp claws and cruel smiles on their faces.

‘I hate monkeys,’ I muttered hatefully and swung my both of my rapiers toward the monkeys who had already reached uncomfortably close to me.

Pachac Pachac

My rapiers moved fast as lightning and cut the two monkeys into two pieces in a clean motion. It immediately alarmed the monkeys, but instead of making them retreat, they moved forward with even greater fury in their eyes.

I tracked their movements as I swung my swords toward them; these bastards were very nimble as they tried to dodge my swords mid-air, but they followed these bastards like serpents before catching up to them.

Pachac Pachac Pachac

My sword cut through the two monkeys before moving to the last two and decapitating them before them could reach me.

The torrential rain wiped the blood off my swords without me needing to shake them; it also turned the ground beneath me red with the blood of monkeys.

I did not even cast a glance at it as my eyes were concentrated on the trees.

The reason I hate monkeys is not because of their irritating voice and crafty nature but also became they come in groups, and that makes it hard, and even dangerous, to deal with them; they have injured me to death many times because of it.

Chi Chi Chi

For a couple of seconds, nothing had happened before I started to see the red eyes popping into the night, and the next moment, they came, making sharp irritating calls.

This time thirteen came, and all of them were clearly aware of my abilities, seeing the cautiousness in their eyes, but it was not going to save these monsters. No, matter how intelligent and crafty they are, they are monsters; they could never be matched against me.

I saw the thirteen monkeys, and it took less than a second for me to predict their future path and devise a way to kill them quickest with minimal movements.

Pachac Pachac Pachac

My rapiers moved at the same time, and the very next second, the bodies of monkeys began to fall down one after another, that by the time the third second was finished, the bodies of all thirteen monkeys were on the ground, dying the water in a darker shade of red.

Chi Chi Chi

I did not get a second of relief when I heard the even angrier call, and it was coming from all directions, and I could say I was surprised.

This is a fixed pattern of attack from these monkeys; they will attack you from all directions. This time, things are looking bad for me because of this fucking rain, which would hide a sound and block my vision, making already difficult things even more difficult.

A second after the calls, the monkeys came, and they came from all directions and even from above; seeing that, I truly wished I had my strings.

They make such attacks quite easy to deal with, but now not only do I not have my strings, but I also do not have the soul sense, which lets me see everything.

To fight them, I will have to utilize my physical senses to the max, which I had been forced to relearn by this ruin to deal with such challenges I am in.

“Bring it on,”

I shouted as I spun three-sixty degrees, getting a look at all the monkeys coming at me.

Pachac Pachac Pachac

Soon, the first monkey reached me, and my sword was ready for it; it got cut into two before it even realized what had happened before my sword moved to decapitate the second monkey; at the same time, I took a step to the right, avoiding the money coming from above before dividing into two with my second sword.

I killed two more monkeys before I turned back and slashed the monkeys who were almost at me, at the same time dodging and killing the ones who were coming from left and right.


I had killed seventeen monkeys before; finally, one was able to break through my defenses and slashed at my shoulders, leaving a bloody gash with its sharp red claws.

I did not react to the wound; I had moved on time to lessen its effect. So, the claw only left a gash and did not take my whole art, which it did with its sharp claws.

The monkeys may look small and harmless, but I have seen them taking out the High-Grandmasters Grimms. One of Grimms was a powerful High-Grandmaster with over three hundred years of experience, but I had seen it getting killed by the little monkeys.

Though it was a mistake of the Grimm bastard to the viciousness of the monkeys that killed, it had underestimated the threat too much and ended up losing its life.

I will not make that mistake; every battle I fought is with the intention of surviving; if I needed to run away, I would do it; I would even fake my death if I needed to, I had done that already, and surprisingly it had saved my life.

Not all could do such a thing to the degree to fool the senses of these vicious monsters, but I did. It was all due to my healing knowledge and expert physical control.

Pachac Rip Pachac

I killed a few more monkeys before another money were able to hit me, and this time at the back. A few seconds later, another monkey slashed at me; it was at my shoulder, near my neck.

A minute had passed, and bodies of over a hundred monkeys gathered around me, but they were still coming at the endless tide.

I could not fight them endlessly; I was getting injured, and it was beginning to affect me; currently, I am keeping the effect of injuries under control by forcing myself to push harder, but it will not work on forever; the injuries will slow me down.

That will be the only chance the monkeys will need to finish me off.

So, before that happens, I will have to kill all these bastards or run away from them; I have done that many times and there is no shame in my heart about it.

Rip Pachac Rip

Another three minutes passed, and I had killed hundreds of monkeys but also paid the heavy price. There is not a single part of my body that hasn’t been injured by these damn bastards; if my inheritance vitality hadn’t been strong, I would have fallen down already.

Still, I am at my limit; I am already started to look for a way to run away, which I will do in a few seconds.


A few more seconds passed, and I was about to run away when I noticed the number of monkeys lessening; I differed my plan to run away and continued fighting.

Though, I am still ready to run away at a moment’s notice if I felt this being a feint from the monkeys.

Fortunately, it did not seem like it.

There is no calculation in the way they are throwing themselves at me; they are doing that purely out of the feeling of rage and revenge.

‘Which they will not have.’ I said in my heart as I cut down another monkey.

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