Monster Integration

2694 Bodyguard

I saw the Grimm getting further and further; I kept watching even till its silhouette became tiny like an ant vanishing.

One needs to be very cautious in dealing with Grimm like this one, as it would require a single attack from me would wipe away all the people I have brought. Even at such a distance, some of them have been affected that if not for my seed inside them, they wouldn’t have been able to bear the residual aura of the attack.

After a few minutes, when Ashlyn had told me, it had truly left, and I relaxed and flew back toward my people.

“Let’s go!”

I said, and golden lines began to come out of me, and soon the shuttle formed; they flew toward and sat inside it one after another.


The moment everyone sat down, the shuttle flapped its wings and shot straight toward our destination, for which we were leaving quite early. I had thought the battle would last for hours, and it wouldn’t be midnight before I left, but that was not the case.

It was only a ten; the battle had lasted not even an hour before we retreated.

I would have liked it if we had fought a little longer, but that was not an option. I had reached the limit of attack, I could defend against my sword and summoned my shield, and it knew there was no way to break my shields.

Though it would have been fun if it had tried to break my shield, it handnt tried much even when I had captured it in my shields.

It had just accepted my conditions of retreat without any tantrum. To be honest, this Bloodfire Hyenaman is one of the calmest Grimm I had ever seen, which made me wonder whether that information about it was wrong.

Such information is very important; the whole fighting strategy is built upon it, and I will make changes.

In the few minutes of flying, I come across the monster, or the monster came at me. This time, I did not show mercy and was attacked with the strongest attack that the shuttle could cast.

The single attack had done the job and finished off the shining monsters, but that was the first of many monsters that I would come across. Grandmaster Yazdi’s warning was not for naught; the night is really dangerous here, and normal Grand Monsters wouldn’t be able to deal with the monsters that attacked night.

These monsters that attacked are night are not only higher in number but also more powerful than I have come across during the day.

Some of them were able to bear the full power attack from the shuttle; I had to launch a couple of more to kill them or shoo them away.

Thud Thud Thud

It took three hours and fifty-two minutes for us to land in the protective ground of the castle, an hour more than morning. The speed was a little slower than in the morning as I wanted to conserve the energy in case I came across a pretty powerful monster or a Grimm.

“All of you have done well today,” I said as I turned Grandmasters and Masters, “and don’t forget to submit the resources before going back to your quarters,” I informed before flying toward the central command.

It is mandatory to submit 75% of the resources; we did not check the storage of Masters and Grandmasters; it all works on the honor system. Through this, we keep track of the number of resources one submit, though we are able to see who is skimming on their submission if they do it enough times.


I passed through the protective formation and appeared in the central command, where to my surprise, two High-Grandmasters were present; one was Lord Yazdi, and the other one the one I am quite familiar with since he had been receiving my treatments to reach the absolute peak of the High-Grandmaster class.

He is an old man who looked to be in his seventies; there is nothing remarkable about him. If he hid his aura, he looked like a harmless grandpa.

His appearance here surprised me; two High-Grandmaster is already a stretch, and now, they have sent the third one; they wouldn’t have sent him here without a sufficient reason.

“Lord Zaar,” they greeted in unison as I appeared; “Lord Yazdi,” I greeted back and turned to the other High Grandmaster. “Lord Remus, it is quite a surprise to see you here,” I said.

“Not quite,” he replied, and the looked on their faces changed. There was trepidation, but I could also see the intense excitement hidden behind those eyes.

“Has something happened ?” I asked with my voice all somber “Yes, you could say that,” he replied and motioned me to take a seat. I did, and they have sat across me.

“What happened?” I asked. Their expressions have made me quite curious about what happened on the mainland.

“The Grand Lords have sensed the presence of that thing,” he replied, and for a second, confusion clouded my eyes, and I even opened my mouth to inquire further when suddenly spark lit, and my eyes went wide in shock.

“You can’t be serious?” I asked back in shock. “It is the truth, Lord Zaar; the Grand Lords have gone there and confirmed it,” replied Lord Remus in all seriousness.

It took a while to digest the news because it was too huge, and I had not expected to hear it for at least a century.

“It had been only three and half centuries when it had last appeared,” I muttered softly before turning to Lord Remus for an important question. “Has the pyramid called me back?” I asked; it could be the only reason they have sent him here.

“No, lord Zaar, I am here as your bodyguard,” he replied with a small smile on his face, which again surprised me, but this time, I have quickly able to control my emotions.

I couldn’t help but feel thankful for the council. If there had been any other news, I would have resisted the summons as my own progress is important as the project, but since that thing is coming, everything has changed.

The responsibilities on the project increased by tens of times in an instant with this news.

Now, there will be more pressure from the council and even more from the people, especially Grandmasters and High-Grandmasters, all of them wanting to reach the absolute peak of High-Grandmaster before that thing appears, as, in that thing, they will find a way to reach the Grand Lord class.

That thing is so powerful that in the six thousand years, we have gained half of our Grand Lords through that thing.

“Did Grand Lords say when it will make an appearance?” I asked, to which he shook his head. “No, they said it will appear within three months to one and a half years,” he replied, to which I nodded.

No wonder they sent me a bodyguard; I had been offered a bodyguard many times, but I rejected, and the council did not force considering I had to grow myself, face all the dangers, and improve, but this time, they were not willing to take the chance.

“Lord Yazdi, Lord Remus, I am a little tired; I am going to rest in my quarters,” I said and got up. As I reached the door, I stopped and turned back toward them.

“Lord Remus, we will resume your treatment tomorrow, and Lord Yazdi, congratulations, your name has moved up in the last; you have officially become a subject of the project,” I said and walked out of the central command, leaving them shocked.

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