Monster Integration

2693 All Out II


Suddenly, twelve of the thirty snakes roared again and opened their mouth before spewing out a huge amount of concentrated bloodfire at me from all directions.

It had come from everywhere and so fast that I was barely able to react, but I did. The four shields expanded and covered me from all four directions before the concentrated fire clashed against them.

I remained inside while the snakes spewed out the fire, but my arms were still fighting against them. Grimm might have throught, and I might have to take my back inside too, which would have given these snakes a great opportunity to finish me off.

I have no doubt that Bloodfire Hyenaman would have used this opportunity to launch an even more powerful attack.

It might seem like we are fighting civilly, but we are not; we are trying to kill each other; the only reason we are standing apart from each other is that both of us feel it will be dangerous to fight the close battle.

It fears my strings, while I fear its shuddering close combat abilities, which are even more powerful than these ranged attacks.

Finally, the blood fire stopped, and within it, the twelve snakes disappeared; they had used all the energy in the attack, but the attack had not finished; there were still twenty snakes that remained which had been attacking me relentlessly.

I am using every speck of my strength to defend against their attacks; these snakes still have immense power and are in complete control of snakes; every moment they make, every roar they take, are in its control.


My weapons clashed against these snakes, each attack taking some of their energy; it continued for quite a while when I noticed a thing.

Invisible lines of energies came out of the Hyenaman and connected to these snakes, charging them with power. I noticed it immediately but did not show it on my face.

Though I am laughing inside my heart, as this action had not surprised me even a tiny bit.

Earlier it had acted so honorably, stating it would only launch one attack once; it is implied in a sentence that it will not launch that attack again or charge it, but now it is doing that shamelessly.

Dishoner is weaved into every fabric of Grimm; they might show how merciful and honorable they are, but each and every one of them is rotten to the core, and we humans learned a lot from it, as also keep the honor in the home when we come to deal with these bastards.

I am saying without a shame that I am trying to wrap my strings around this bastard, and even though I am not succeeding, I am still trying.

The Grimm is using an extremly powerful invisible armor around its body. This invisible armor is made of the most concentrated blood energies that even my strings have a problem piercing through, and even though I could wrap my strings around the armor, it would not be any use.

It would be able to escape, and that is the reason why it is using these armors.

The Grimms are not idiots; till now, I have used my strings openly enough times that they could guess some of the abilities of my strings and could defend against them; the distance and the armor are part of that defending strategy.

Such enemies are frustratingly great, and it is a good thing; I have an amazing clone. It is handling the binding while I am handling the defending.

I am truly having fun doing it, every moment is filled with danger, and not even the slightest mistake is allowed. As I fight, I am improving rapidly; I am beginning to use every weapon to its strength and also collaborate well with the other weapons.

If I continue learning at such speed, then it won’t be long before I can start using the mountain cleaving set.

Currently, I am only using my standard combat style and not the moves of the mountain cleaving set. If I had used that, my defense would have been even greater, but I could not; I am not skilled enough in these weapons to use them.

If I used it now, I would end up messing up everything, and these snakes would tear me apart.


‘Fuck!’ suddenly, I sensed something, and it couldn’t help but scare the hell out of me.

All the twenty snakes are about to explode, and there is nothing I can do. Using the slowing energy wouldn’t be any use, as the bastard had suddenly filled it with too much power that even energy wouldn’t be able to do anything.

I couldnt even escape as these bastard snakes have surrounded me from all angles.


I only had bare moments before the great fireworks began, and they are powerful, so powerful that they have made me shudder to my deepest. If I had gotten caught in this, it would definitely be messed up good.

It took a while for the energies of the attack to gather, and when it had seen me fine, without even the slightest scratch on my face, a genuine surprise couldn’t help but appear on its face.

“You should keep your word; not that I had expected you to, you are a Grimm after all,” I said as my glowing shields began mute up before disappearing.

I had my shields ready the moment I flew up to fight against it; I knew this was the enemy that was beyond me, and I should be wise to keep the thing active, which could guarantee my safety.

“Your shields; I have heard nobody was able to break through them,” It said, completely ignoring the taunt mine.

“You are wrong; they have been broken,” I said with a smile. “You could try your hand at it; you might find some success with great power of yours,” I said with a challenging smile.

“No, I don’t think I will be successful in killing you today; Though, though I would not be leaving without a price,” It said and let out a killing smile as it looked ahead toward the humans, who are chicken to slaughter in front of its strength.

“Do you think you can?” I asked with a smile, which immediately made it freeze in its place before huge invisible armor around its body became visible, and it burst into the flames, giving out a horrific aura, which heated up the blood coursing through my body even at such great distance.

“You think I can not?” It asked back the defeaning sound of a giant and took a huge step while looking at me in a challenge.


Its feet hadn’t crossed the whole distance when suddenly it stuck against something and repelled back; it had stumbled a little before it was able to stop itself and looked at the prison of shields it had found itself in.

“It seemed like your higher-ups did not brief you about all my abilities; my shields are not just for defending,” I said with a taunting smile.

The nature of Grimms is easy to guess, which is why the moment I defended against the attack, I sent my shields at it; I knew this bastard might go after my team. I could not let that happen.

Their safety is my responsibility; it is fine if they are killed by a Grimm of their level; this is war, and deaths happen, but I sure as hell will not let them be killed by someone more powerful than them, especially someone who is my opponent.

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