Monster Integration

Chapter 2672: The Orb

Chapter 2672: The Orb


Another of my step landed on the statue, and a small relieved smile flashed on my face as all the suppression had vanished.

The only thing I could feel was the gentle aura of the statue; it was very light that one could barely sense it, but still, it was extremly powerful as within seconds, it had relaxed my tired body and soul; making me feel like I have just woken up from the sleep.

The most surprising thing I found was that compulsion to bow has also vanished with suppression. It is like, I have passed some kind of test, and now, I am relieved from bowing. Though it is my own opinion, reality might be something else.

I remained on the first step for a while before I began to climb up. I did not hurry; each of my steps was slow and deliberate, and I around before taking another step.

In the gentle silence, I began to climb up the statue, and each step made me feel more peaceful than others. It is not just due to the aura of the statue but also due to the clarity I gained earlier, and I wish marina had been here with me, feeling what I am feeling.

She liked such a peaceful place where she could be calm and alone and was quite sad a few months ago when one of her favorite vacation spots was destroyed in the battle between the Grandmasters.

We lost that place to Grimm, but I have promised her that I will gain it back for her.

Soon, I reached the shoulder and walked toward the extended hand; I was a little surprised when I saw the stairs leading me toward it, as I had expected it would be its head. Usually, its head when it comes to such huge statues.

I did not immediately take walked on its hand and instead looked around, taking the grand view around me.

The view is majestic, especially of thousands of steles around the statue. It is without a doubt that steles have played an important part, with that thing on the palm of the statue as the center.

I looked around for a minute before walking on the hand, and within a few minutes, I reached what was likely will be my final destination.

In front of me was a huge red orb in a big house; it was spherical in shape and made of glimmering red hexagonal crystalline tiles. It looked very beautiful; people would fall in love when they looked at this glimmering thing like I am right now.

There is a door made of hexagonal tile, and I walked toward it before reaching it. 

Though, I did not pull the door and instead looked back at the face of the statue, which, even at such a distance, is blurry in features. 

No matter how much I tried, my gaze could not pierce through the blurriness, and not to mention the compulsion came back and forced me to bow before even I even realized what was happening.

"It seemed like it was impossible to look at the face," I said with a sigh. I have everything, even my abilities, and it has made me a little disappointed.

'It is a face of the titan, even those who carved out this statue couldn't see the face of the being,' said the hidden being.

It shocked me, but soon I calmed my emotions down and turned back to the orb building and reached for the door.

If I did not ask the hidden being anything and I did not want to despite being extremly curious, I might have asked a few years ago when I dont know the things I know now. 'Titans' are the one subject I have no right to know; if I knew too much, it might come to harm me.


The door opened smoothly with a click, and I went inside. The inside was not spatially enlarged, as I had expected it would, but still, the area is quite large, and the thing at the center instantly caught my eyes and immediately reminded me of that thing.

This shocked me because that thing is the highest level of resources I had ever touched; its level is so high that even people much-much higher than me would fight to the death for it, and this thing reminds me of it.

That thing is the reason I am what I am right now and the only reason I was able to create a core. It is the perfect thing that represents the rule-bending as it is a thing from which the world and all its rules are formed.

Like it, it held no state or shape, but it had a color or colors nine of them through which it changes too. 

The thing in the center of the hall revolves in nine colors and held no state or shape, but I could see it was about the size of my thumb, gently floating above a long white disc which is covered in the ancient formation.

The white disk is the only thing in this whole place that has the ancient runes carved on it, and that is a big thing.

The ancient runes are hard as they contain the power of law into them, which makes them very hard to comprehend. It not only requires extremly high comprehension power, but one also needs to be sufficiently powerful, not to mention the time.

These runes are beyond me; even a single glance at them had given me the headache that I quickly moved my gaze away and focused on the thing floating above it.

'You have found a good thing if you could get it. It will benefit you tremendously,' said the hidden being, and I was not surprised; I had guessed that much but still opened my mouth to ask the question before closing it.

I should not be hasty; I have a feeling that the hidden being might answer the questions I asked about it, but before I do that, I have to get all information, and there is information in this hall.

Those murals seemed to be telling a story.

I turned slowly and looked at the beginning of the mural, where an aged being with long curvy black horns was in front of what seemed like a floating continent. 

It seemed to be very joyful to get the continent; the Grandmaster painter had caught the emotions so well, I could literally feel the joy that old horned being was feeling.

The picture showed the old horned being casting a huge formation on the continent, which seemed to have taken years and huge effort, but it was finished, and in the next images, the cities appeared on the continent one after another.

Many sun and moons passed, and the civilization of the horned being flourished and kept flourishing, even after the old horned person died.

The good did not last long, while the horned people fought many wars and turned victorious. This war was not easy; it was a war of survival for the whole race, with the enemies being the Grimms and the one leading them was a creature of nightmares.

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