Monster Integration

Chapter 2671: Reaching

Chapter 2671: Reaching


Yda the Antman screamed loudly as my energy began to it; I don't know where it had got the energy to move its mouth, but it did and also began to bring down its giant foot to crush me.

I did not resist; instead, I let it bring her feet down while my finger was still touching it. I am not scared, only a little bit, but I know I will succeed. 

Soon, its let appeared an inch above me and still falling down fast; if I did not do something, it would crush me and considering the suppression, I could not duck and nor could I dodge, and I don't think I would need to do those things.

Its huge feet had just touched my hair, about to crush me, when it had disappeared; its huge body simply disappeared, leaving not even a single sign, a faintest fluctuation.


I sighed internally; it was the third Grimm I had defeated in this ruin and the third one which would have the ability to crush me with its raw strength. I could not believe it, and if I told others, they would be shocked too.

Some people might say it is luck, and I will also agree, but it is not just luck; my abilities also played an equally or even more important part in defeating these Grimms. From rule bending power to soul-cleansing methods, there are also things like soul washing formation and artifacts like the purple brick.

Still, it felt easy, so easy, but I knew it was the mind that was playing its tricks; I rarely killed so many powerful enemies without direct combat, and now I did, with the enemies who were much stronger than me, my mind is having a hard time in believing that.

I cleared my mind of those thoughts; the most important part is killing the enemy, and it does not matter what type of way you use.

I looked at the statue in front of me, its feet to be precious on which there are stairs. I have not reached there; there is still a distance of ten, around eight meters. It would be quite a challenge to reach there, and I hope it would be the end of the suppression.

Once again, stopping my head which was bowing to the statue, I begin to put all my efforts into moving my leg forward.


It took huge effort and time, but I did, and a moment later, the harvest finished, turning the Grimms to ashes while releasing strengthening energy inside my body. Strangely, I saw that my strength was increasing, but it was not giving me huge benefits against the suppression.

It is not like I am not receiving any benefits, but they are minute as currently, even with the strengthening energy strengthening my body and soul, my strength had still remained in the lower middle Knight stage.

I did not, because of the strengthening energy, but instead continued with my efforts while keeping an eye on my core, where the resources are blooming.

If one thing that benefited the most from the Grimms I have defeated, then it would be the resources in my core. They are growing so crazily that my clone is having difficulty harvesting them.

It is a good thing; it had made the preparations and even had planted the temporary plants like when I was dealing with the vidette.

Unlike the other plants of my core, their plants did not remain there forever. I just planted them for the resources I needed in an emergency and could not find them outside, but unlike the normal plants in my core, I did not keep them forever, as the resources they produced could be acquired with enough time and effort.

It is an inefficient use of the precious growth energy, but I have no other choice as I could find these resources outside and needed them immediately.

Step Step Step

I took another step, then another, and then another; by the time of the third step, all the growth energy and the strengthening energy vanished, bringing incredible results. Especially the growth energy, which has shown remarkable results.

All the stainless blood soul lotuses had reached High-Grandmaster class; all of them could be used for purification, which is great.

I looked at the resources inside my core before focusing completely on the way ahead of me. I only have to walk for a couple of steps to reach the statue, but each step is taking more and more strength out of me, requiring great willpower to even breathe.


Two minutes later, I took a step, and it immediately reduced my strength to the lower Knight stage.

I stopped thinking about my dropping strength and even the suppressions; the only thing I had in my mind was reaching the statue. It is the only thing that matters, and I have become completely concentrated on it, blocking everything else.

It was very hard to reach such a state, but I reached it slowly and blocked all my thoughts. 

Step Step Step 

A minute later, I took a step, and another minute later, the third step took slightly more as the suppression increased, but that did not stop me as I continued to take one step after another; I was so concentrated on walking toward the statue, that I did notice Nero finishing his fight and coming inside me.

I stopped finally when I reached the statue; all my blocked thoughts came back but did not flood me.

Though, a thing had happened that had never happened before. I have become a common person; the suppressive energy has suppressed all my strength. Even with the rule-bending present in every inch of my body, I am suppressed completely.

I am not worried about it; there are no enemies here against which I will need any strength, and I don't see any danger here that would need me to use my strength, aside from this overwhelming suppression.

I looked at the statue in front of me, which I could touch if I wanted to; there was only an inch distance between me and it.

There are stairs carved in the feet of a statue, and I have to take a step on them to move forward as currently, I do not see the thing that had produced that signal, which I am sure I will find in the place where stairs will lead me.

Still, I am hesitating a little; the suppression has already made me a common person; I wonder what will happen if I take a step on the stairs.

Though there are questions running through my mind, I know I have to take steps, whether I want or not, as it is the only way I would find an answer.

So, once again, I began to muster my efforts and will to lift my leg; it was beyond hard to do it with all the suppression, but I tried, and a few minutes later, my leg began to move up, and a flood of sweat falling down on my body.


I don't know how long it had passed when my feet finally touched the touch statue, and instantly, the surprise couldn't help but flash in my eyes.

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