Monster Integration

Chapter 2019 - Body

Chapter 2019 – Body

With the real one found, I did not waste any time and acted immediately; for the first time, revealing the ability of my domain, which looked so bland.

Khutch Khutch Khutch!

The thorns suddenly came out of the ground and began to pierce the one Grimm Monsters after another. These thorns do not hold much power, but they are extremely fast and sharp; they begin to pierce through the Grimm Monsters without giving them any chance to defend.

I had released the eight thorns, which destroyed all the eight Grimm Monsters which had turned to smoke while leaving the original one wide-eyed with shock.

I did not attack the original one as it was no use; it was very powerful, and those thorns of mine would have only would have been able to give it a small injury if it had hit it on the spot.

"I did not expect my move to be invincible, not being able to found out by anyone, but most people who were able to find the real me had taken at least seven minutes while you have found them in just one," Said Stone Lightning Tigerman as its shock wore off.

"You are really good, worthy for coven to spent so much effort in killing you and supreme lord himself willing to give me reward if I kill you," It said in a low voice; its tone made the alarm bells in my mind ring loudly, and I am smart enough to know the reason for it.

"I have played with you enough already, and if I waste more time, the supreme lord will punish me instead of rewarding me even if I kill you most gruesome way; so human be ready to die, I am going to use my strongest attack to kill you," It said and aura like never before released from its body.

The aura is not explosive, but it is powerful enough that it has begun to affect the space around the Grimm Monster.

Rumble Rumble Ruble

"Art of Ivaso: Giant!" It roared in the loudest Grimm roar Ive ever heard, and its size began to change; its huge muclely body began to expand as the huge arcs of lightning fall down from the rumbling clouds and merge with it.

The process seemed different from the gigantification as the gigantification did not give pain at all, and the process itself is dangerous, but here, the Stone Lightning Tigerman seemed to be in immense pain as one huge lightning arc after another shot down from the rumbling cloud and merge with it as it expands its body.

It is not just the huge arcs of the lightning that is merging with it but also the energy of the stone; thick brown energy is coming down from the ground and flowing into its body.

'A body refining art!' I said suddenly; it is a, without doubt, body refining art.

Body refining arts are different from the other arts, which usually work on comprehension and energy. The body refining arts work solely on the body; they are extremely rare, and only a few people possess the proper constitution to practice them, and even then, people leave it halfway.

From the records Ive read, the process of practicing one is downright torturous, and it requires a humongous amount of resources that stopped even those select few who could practice it.

I am quite jealous of those with Apex Inheritance; they seemed to have unlimited arts in them, and they just have to dig them out. Many people throughout history have dug out body refining art, even Grand Art from their Inheritance; one of the most famous was Ramona Hawthorn herself.

It is said that she had killed a member of cover with her bare fist; that humongously powerful Grimm Monster had directly exploded by her single fist.

This Stone Lightning Tigerman is extremely talented to practice a body refining art to such a degree, and I wanted to stop this process, but I know I could not; there is a potent layer of energy that appeared around it, it will be tough for me to breach it through the usual means.

Though, I am sure I would be able to do it with the rule-bending power, I did not want to broadcast it around the world when I had the other choices. I am not powerless as I looked to be; there are a few tricks that I've not used yet.

It is not the only one that could change its size; though my changing size is usual gigantification, it is something I had worked very hard on due to the numerous advantages it offered and again had used the designs of grandmaster.

Thousands of thinner hair strigs released from my body, and they began to weave around me. As they weave, they have created the layers, and each layer, when placed on my armor, would increase my size.

My size began to increase rapidly, at a much faster speed than it; it only took me three seconds to grow bigger than it, and four seconds later, I stopped growing when I reached twenty-eight meters.

With my current strength, I could create thirty-three layers which helped me reach the twenty-eight meters, which is half of the size I used to have when I giagantified in the Emperor stage.

While my size might have been reduced to half, the power had multiplied, and the greatest thing about this giagantified form of me is defense. It is a huge punching bag, capable of taking blows that would tear my small armor in a single attack.

Though, it also has some deficiencies; one of the biggest is that I could not use the new defensive method I had developed in this form, and my flexibility has also lowered a lot, but despite these shortcomings, this form is extremely powerful.

I watched it grow bigger and bigger, calming down the urge to attack it and now and then. Soon, it had reached my height and continued growing.

A few more seconds passed when it finally stopped; I was quite surprised it seeing it stop at thirty-one meters.. To be honest, I had expected it to grow over fifty meters, but it seemed like the body refining arts are different from the normal moves, and I should not treat it as gigantified Grimm Monsters; I would pay a huge price if I did that.

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