Monster Integration

Chapter 2018 - The Real One

Chapter 2018 – The Real One

The Pyramid

"His moves are quite flashy!" Lord Sylvestor said, looking at hundreds of screens in front of him, but almost all of them are focusing on the screen of Riverfield Academy as it is the most important screen of all. There might be legions fighting somewhere else, but what is happening in the Riverfield Academy will change the course of the whole war.

Even Grand Commander is trying to focus on the Riverfield Academy screens as much as possible while looking at the other screens and giving orders every minute.

"They may be flashy, but they are effective; I would say too much effective; from what I could see, there is barely any energy wastage in his moves, and his combat style is quite efficient, which takes the wastes to a minimum and increase the power of the attacks to maximum," said the old voice who is sitting in the corner of the hall.

There are a couple of old monsters sitting around the command center; they usually remain quiet and only offer their input when asked. So, it is quite surprising when they speak.

"Yes, his moves are quite efficient are powerful, so powerful that it is quite hard to believe he is only twenty-two years old," Lord Sylvester said, making everybody fall silent; even Grand Commander got silent for a few seconds before she started throwing orders once more.

The power they have displayed had shocked all of them; even old monsters who once sat on the places Grand Commander and Lord Sylvester is sitting on couldn't help but get shocked when they saw such power.

"You know, even with the records written in a Pyramid and my organization, testified by hundreds of powerful people of that time. I had thought the records about Catherine Roosvelts first battles were quite exaggerated, but now, I do not think that," Lord Sylvester said very softly.

Hearing that, some of the old monsters and some important people in a room couldn't help but nod a little; many of them had throught the same when they read those records.

The first battle of Catherine Roosevelts they are talking about is the first battle where her excellency had shown her real strength, and it had shocked the whole world that time and forced them to acknowledge that Cathering Roosevelt is no weaker than Ramona Hawthorn herself.

"I hope Grand Commander will try her all to save him; he has become very important for the war and our world," Lord Sylvester said. Hera looked at the Lord Syslvestor for a second, nodded gently before she focused on other screens, and resumed with her orders.

While Grand Commander just nodded gently, those who know her very well knew that little nod is akin to promise, and everybody knows that Hera never breaks her promises.

I controlled the sensory overload and processed all the data coming at me forcefully before I controlled all the nine sword hands and moved them gently around me.


The speed of my sword hands is not great; they moved at nearly ten times slower speed than the coming whips, but as whips arrived, they began to clash against each and every one of them, not letting even a single one of them enter my inner defense.

The crown of roses had increased my sensory powers tremendously, and I have manipulated my neurons in such a way that they would be able to process the sensory data that my senses sent them.

Playing with neurons and the brain is a very dangerous thing, one small mistake I would turn into a vegetable for forever.

For the first time since the battle begins, I am moving so much, but I am not moving in the high distance; I am moving in a meter radius, positioning myself every second at a better place to defend against the maximum numbers of whips coming at me.

Rumble Rumble Rumble

It is not the only danger I am facing; the clouds are clashing above me, sending one huge lighting after another, and I am using my own sword to defend against them, but I could not defend against all the lighting that fall on my sword, and some of it was able to flow down on my body.

My body is densely covered with lightning; there are two types of lightning that are covering me and trying to drill inside me. One is the thin concentrated soul lightning that came from the whips, while the other is huge lightning arcs that are striking from the clouds.

These two types of lightning are converging around my body, forming even a stronger attack to tear through my armor, and they are reaching very close to it.

My defenses are working at their limit; over two thousand invisible whirlpools are covering me, sucking and crushing every bit of lightning they could suck before sending it to my core for conversion, and when the energy came back converted, it would be directly sent to the nona rose vine behind me to strengthen the rose mist.

The pink rose mist is doing a fantastic job in crushing the lighting, and every moment, it gets stronger and stronger and crush more and more lightning.

Despite the fantastic defense, every second, the assault of nine Stone Lightning Tigerman would become stronger and stronger. Sending more cloud lightning and soul lightning at me through its attacks, it seemed like it wanted to burn me through the lightning.

This is its real power, and I was right about it is being frightened. I have been careful, but it seemed like my strength was not enough. I could not hold for long; if I wanted to not die in a couple of seconds, then I would have to use my defensive method, and I really didn't want to use it since it had not revealed its full power.

I was about to activate my defensive method when suddenly my eyes twinkled, and all the pieces fell into their places.. I have finally found the real one among the nine; it was the last one I had expected; it is a good thing, I had not acted on my impulse earlier.

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