Monster Factory

Chapter 491: For you to go to war

Chapter 491: For you to go to war

It's only ten days before the New Year. This group of high-tech thieves who was specialized in picking up the valuable property of the factory, if the police didn't catch it in a few days, the bosses who were running the factory would feel uneasy. Even Ye Qing's heart was angrier because the employee named Lu Feng betrayed him and the company.

The larger the company, the easier it is to accumulate these goods that are not worth a penny in the eyes of laymen, but in the eyes of insiders, they are more valuable than gold.

The safety in the Longxitan plant was guaranteed, but the company had people coming and going, and the security work was complicated. This group of gangs of thieves even for jewelry companies with very high protection standards could swagger and steal without leaving a trace.

Who dares to pack a ticket and say your company shouldn't sit back and relax?

It is impossible to wait for a rest, and this group of thieves, who specialized in the theft of company property circulates freely. Only when it is brought to justice can, the lingering hearts calm down.

Lu Feng, who had stolen millions of property from his company, is also in it. If they planned to pick his own company to steal it, Lu Feng could provide a lot of information and no one can bear this kind of betrayal, so Ye Qing must help, needless to say, help to the end.

"According to the location of the crime, this group of thieves is still active in Jiangnan Province." Zhang Zhitong lowered his voice and said to Ye Qing: "Now that the clues have little more eyebrows, they should still be active around Jiangnan Province. In the precious metal market, there is no large inflow of gold. This shows that the gold they have stolen before and the metal rhodium stole this time should still be in their hands."

"These people are proficient in the industrial processing industry. We analyzed that if they sell stolen goods, they may first consider the industrial system they are familiar with, but if they start with the sale of stolen goods, they can package the precious metal to a processing company of foreign backgrounds."


When Ye Qing returned to the live ammunition testing area again, it was already an hour after Zhang Zhitong was sent away, and he found there was already a thick pile of special police around the guard robot. They had stretched their necks to the ground and watched the fun.

Two hundred bullets still waited for Ye Qing to take it, but he couldn't get into the team right now. So, he didn't play, Ye Qing also had a gun addiction in Nigeria before, and there will be opportunities in the future.

Without returning to the factory, Ye Qing returned to the company first and asked the manager to pass over the information of several major customers in Southeast Asia.

After talking with Zhang Zhitong for a long time, Ye Qing proposed that since a foreign precious metal company is to be packaged, the company's background cannot be placed in European and American countries. The information transparency of companies in those old-brand developed countries is high, and the detailed background of a company can be checked on the Internet.

Because of the hot sale of ionization purifiers, Monster Heavy Industry has met many major customers in Southeast Asia. So, Ye Qing could ask these people for help.

Information in Southeast Asia is relatively closed, and government management is backward. Many large companies themselves rely on various elusive means to develop and grow step by step. In the eyes of these companies, there is no such thing as an unknown source. As long as the price is low enough, even the gold bullion robbed from the bank on China's side, they can still receive them.

This is also what Zhang Zhitong and the others worried about. Now it seems that these professional thieves have no foreign channels to sell the stolen goods. There is no way because the police tried every means to block them to create ways.

Ye Qing also wanted to follow suit. As long as Lu Feng was uncaught, Ye Qing felt uncomfortable. The customers' information he wanted was delivered to the office, in just the time for preparing a cup of tea, so he read it while tasting his own tea.

In Southeast Asia, within this range, there is a total of eleven countries. Opening this catalog of materials, the backward countries were also revealed to Ye Qing. However, the big companies in these countries are more than amazing.

When these companies came to talk with Monster Heavy Industry about the agency rights of ionization purifiers, they patted their chests.

In their country, if the ionization purifier was unsold, it's because it had encountered any obstacles in terms of terms, regardless of the consumer rights law or the medical product qualification law. As long as they had encountered the hurdles they can't get past, they had twisted their heads off and give them to Monster Heavy Industry as chamber pots to do this work.

Through the smooth cooperation over the past few months, they will definitely have no chance, but help them is definitely easier than drinking water. After screening for a long time, Ye Qing selected a big customer, and it's a big client called Ba Sucha. The information said this guy owned a large-scale gold and silver processing factory.

Ye Qing had never seen him in person, only knew he could get the share of 3,000 poor Ionization Purifiers from Monster Heavy Industries every month.

Ye Qing called according to the phone number in the information book, and not long after, a charming female voice came over there.

Ye Qing had only understood one sentence in the Thai language which was Sawadika, and before she could continue speaking, he interrupted her in English: "Let your boss Ba Sucha answer the call."

"Excuse me... Who are you?" The female receptionist changed her language into delicate English.

"President of Monster Heavy Industry."

There was a daze on the phone, and then Ye Qing heard the sound of high heels running on the floor, then at a sound of the door being pushed open, and the unclear reprimand, then Ye Qing and this big customer named Ba Sucha established a communication channel.

"You are... Mr. Ye from Monster Heavy Industry?" Ba Sucha said excitedly in Mandarin with some tidal flavor.

"Write down my office number, you can call the company to verify it." Ye Qing put on a smile, speaking Mandarin, and the communication was becoming very convenient.

"I don't need verifying, I remember the number-phone of Monster Heavy Industries. Your number corresponds with this number." Ba Sucha trotted for a while and found a quiet place: "Mr. Ye, it is a great honor for me to call me. If you have any instructions, just ask."

"You are polite, I want to ask you a little favor."

"As long as I can do it, I will help Mr. Ye get up and down the fire." Even across the international long distance, Ye Qing could feel Ba Sucha's decisive and inexplicable tone of excitement from the phone.

Who can blame this, and it's all interests that lead to the result. As long as the sales volume of Ionization Purifiers, whether at home or abroad, is strong. The palm-sized instrument, as long as it is gently placed on the skin, it can absorb the harmful substances deposited in the pores for many years, making the skin particularly tender and rosy.

Fortunately, for China, the Ionization Purifier is simply described as a magical instrument in the Xu countryside. It seems that as long as a woman gets one, she can stay young forever. This is, of course, no scientific basis, false propaganda of some unscrupulous businessmen, but the Ionization Purifier restores the skin's soft luster and healthy ruddy effect, called an immediate effect.

Ba Sucha, the sole agent of Suguo, sells ionization purifiers and naturally makes more money than selling drugs, but he only had 3,000 units a month, which made Ba Sucha anxiously want to jump off the building. More even, he had received a call from the president of Monster Heavy Industry, and on the call, the young president wanted him to do a little favor.

"Come on... Give an order, even if you ask me to go for sex reassignment surgery, no problem!"

Ba Sucha thought so in his heart.

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