Monster Factory

Chapter 490: The Thief Who Knows the Goods

Chapter 490: The Thief Who Knows the Goods

Seeing the danger of the gun that was pointed at his chest was omitted, Wang Lin, the deputy manager was relieved and his face had changed.

"I really don't understand your logic." Deputy manager Wang Lin had coldly taken out the work permit from his pocket and show it to the special policeman who pointed the gun at him before: "Look clearly, what do we do?"

After flipping through the work permit, the special police had suddenly made a big red face: "This, that, I'm sorry..."

"Zhang teammate... Zhang teammate, the scene has stabilized, it's a misunderstanding." The special policeman leading the team kept shouting in the intercom.

Five minutes later, a Honda off-road vehicle rushed directly into the beach, bypassed the pile of rocks, and stopped by the trench.

The door opened, Zhang Zhitong had bitten a rubber band in her mouth, then tied her loose hair into a short ponytail a few times: "Captain Xia, what's the situation at the scene? This is near Monster Heavy Industry Factory. Why are there people who shoot bullets near here?"

Due to the viewing angle, when Zhang Zhitong got out of the car he did not see a ditch in front of him. Inside, she saw people standing in a circle, the technician and Ye Qing were hidden by them, after the special police captain who led the team had briefly talked about the situation at the scene, Ye Qing walked up.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Zhang Zhitong had also made a big blush and quickly explained: "Twenty minutes ago, a policeman received from a truck driver a call who said, he heard continuous gunfire on the beach."

"This driver used to be a soldier and said the gunshots were very similar to the Bayi Bar and the crackling of bullets on the metal. Ye Qing, you know. The gangster who stole the jewelry company hasn't been caught yet, and..." Zhang Zhitong glanced around her and didn't say the rest.

"By the way, since you brought your guns for the test, why didn't you come to the police to report, we can also provide maintenance." Zhang Zhitong turned his eyes to Deputy manager Wang Lin.

"Pretty police comrade, who would have thought that in this remote place, someone could tell the sound of gunfire and call the police very vigilantly?"

Deputy manager Wang Lin waved his hand indifferently: "The reporting procedure is too cumbersome, okay, since your police are all here, then leave a few special police officers to stand guard on the road."

"Then, continue the test on your side. Remember, save me two hundred bullets. I will also try the feel of shooting the robot explorer." Ye Qing greeted them, and then pulled Zhang Zhitong aside: "Come here, let's go. In my office, I invite you to drink tea."

Zhang Zhitong nodded and said she has just a few questions to ask Ye Qing.

When Ye Qing and Zhang Zhitong got in the car and left, the remaining special police could not help curiosity. One by one came up and asked these technicians shyly: "What is that security robot, how can you even hold a gun and shoot it? You haven't seen this kind of high-tech? You want to play with it?"

Deputy manager Wang Lin raised his eyebrows and instigated: "Look for your leader to write a note for approval, then fire some bullets using your guns one by one to test."


Since the two persons were old classmates, and Zhang Zhitong was near his factory now, and Ye Qing certainly wanted to greet him. In the office, Ye Qing had personally cooked Zhang Zhitong a pot of Yuqian Longjing. Since learning about Yun Shi's good tea, Ye Qing's tea-making skill had also risen sharply, and as soon as the purple clay teapot had just passed the fine tea leaves, and there was a curling fragrance, overflowing from the mouth of the cup, and as Zhang Zhitong was a little absent-minded at this moment.

"What's the matter? Just on the deserted beach, I just saw you stop talking, so I just asked myself if you have any questions?" Ye Qing had made a cup of fragrant tea and pushed it to her. He had also poured a cup for him and stood up near her blowing off the steaming heat gently.

"Ye Qing, do you remember the employee who stole millions of products from your company?"

"I remember, that guy's name is Lu Feng, how could I forget." Ye Qing's teeth tickled when he had mentioned this name.

This guy, all his talents were used in crooked ways. In the presence of everyone and the company's close monitoring, he was able to take away millions of the company's products, and the police couldn't find this guy, his hometown Ye Qing knew it, but he couldn't take people to disturb his parents.

The police had even issued a wanted online order, and the phone numbers of his immediate family members were also tapped. As soon as this guy contacts his family or relatives, the police can follow the vine and find his trace. It's just that more than a dozen days have passed, and this guy just didn't show any clues.

"Why, did you find Lu Feng's trace?" Ye Qing was a little dubious. It stands to reason that Zhang Zhitong should be happy to find Lu Feng's trace. Why was she so worried now?

"We have some evidence. We suspect that this Lu Feng had joined the gang in the big diamond theft case." Zhang Zhitong turned the delicate purple clay cup around: "The evidence was only available yesterday."

"When you helped us check the physical evidence, our police station went up and down, and was shocked by the professional and screaming methods."

"Later, we checked the college teachers and laboratory technicians in the surrounding counties and cities, and finally we found a suspect, but this person, like your employee Lu Feng, left no trace that we can follow and we couldn't find it very quickly."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhitong's expression suddenly became solemn, and she lowered her voice and said to Ye Qing: "Just yesterday, more than 400 kilometers away, another major theft occurred in a county at the junction of Jiangnan Province and Anhui Province."

"Together... Again?"

Ye Qing had also put down his teacup after hearing this, judging from the news disclosed by Zhang Zhitong: "There is no doubt that yesterday's case must be similar to the method used in the big case of the theft of Dai Meng jewelry. Moreover, the police also found clues about the employee named Lu Feng from this case. This time, the theft is one of the precious metals and seven million in cash." Zhang Zhitong continued solemnly: "The New Year is almost coming, this factory has prepared 12 million in cash to be distributed to the workers at the end of the year like a prize for the end of the year."

"Unexpectedly, that group of thieves wouldn't even tell the pot, 411.3 kilograms of rhodium (lǎo) in the warehouse was also looted. Different from last time, this time, the police deployed a large number of police forces overnight, flipping through the surrounding surveillance video and finally found the video that captured the group of people."

"The picture only lasts for two seconds, and there are four people in it. They all cover their faces very well. One of them, judging from his figure, and walking posture, is very similar to your original one named Lu Feng employee."

"Damn, this group really knows the goods." Ye Qing had really admired.

"The bonus can be paid in cash to avoid tax. Like this, the factory owner's tax is avoided, but the money is gone, and the expensive metal rhodium is lost. The idea that they can play like that shows the band of thieves is not ordinary goods, but well knowledgeable.

What is metal rhodium?

This is one of the eight precious metals in the metal family. Rhodium is affectionately called rhodium in the processing industry. Its silver-white color looks very much like metallic tin and metallic chromium. Even if an old processing worker sees it, it is difficult to discern its true value. In traditional machining, this kind of metal is difficult to use, and it is very easy to confuse it with several worthless silver-white metals. Its price increases with purity and the price of raw materials have always been on par with gold. Because of its hard texture, high melting point, and insoluble in most acids, even aqua regia can hardly dissolve it. When processed, the cost is much more expensive than gold.

"Who can store dozens of kilograms of rhodium at a time? It seems that the scale of this factory is not low." Ye Qing sighed: "This should be a manufacturer of optical instruments or measuring instruments because metal rhodium is mainly used in the industry. On the instruments."

"Yes, you even know this." Zhang Zhitong had also admired Ye Qing's knowledge.

"I understand a little bit." Ye Qing smiled bitterly: "The news of yesterday's case will be heard soon. It is estimated that many companies that prepare cash for year-end bonuses will desperately deposit their money in the bank."

"You can ask, if there is a place to help, I will definitely help."

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