Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

"This world, or any other one, requires an unseen balance . There needs to be as much darkness as there is light . This applies to everything, including living beings . With the extinction of vegetation and the disappearance of stabilizing natural elements, the only holding Riarravar is the remaining humans . You take them out and the game is over, everything will crumble . I won’t deny the cruelties my children had done but they knew when to stop, when to draw a line . Zaarae, on the other hand, does not care about this tiny place . "

’Are you implying that the parasites only want to destroy Riarravar? For no reason?’

"I’m not implying anything, I’m only speaking the truth like I always do . And to answer your question, no . The parasites, or rather, Zaarae, seeks something hidden here but she’s unable to come herself... not that I’d welcome her though . "

After a short silence where the two parties kept their inner thoughts to themselves, Timos spoke again: "Enough about this . Tell me, dear guest, what are you going to do with these two parasites? I’m very curious . "

Unfortunately, Arthur gave no response, he focused on the trapped parasite before him, the Dark Magic around him becoming more violent .

"Please don’t do this! Please!"

With tears in her face, the woman pleaded, her expression appearing quite genuine . Vyncent kept his silence, not showing any sympathy for the strangers’ difficult situation . Lissandra was zoning out, her gaze lingering on the scarlet sky .

As for Lucy, after being absent for two minutes or so, she came back to Arthur’s side .

"You’ve thoroughly explained your situation but I have no reason to let you guys, who are potential threats, live or escape . "

The ominous darkness dancing around the undead started spinning, forming a whirlpool which drifted closer to the two parasites . At first, their energies were absorbed then, when it was about to consume their bodies, the other parasite, the one who hasn’t talked ever since being captured, opened her mouth and spoke with a childish clarion voice:

"No! Don’t do this! W-we..." She hesitated for a brief moment but when her eyes landed on the approaching whirlpool and felt the chills down her spines, she was forced to continue: "We can help you! I, I know a safe way . "

Sadly, the primordial darkness creeping out on her didn’t stop, making her think that she spoke too late .

Just when they thought it was their end, the black whirlpool turned transparent and was sucked by the undead’s hand .

"I am listening . " Arthur’s bone-freezing voice rang inside their ears, making them shudder . It took them a few moments to process what happened and realize that they’re still alive . The older female parasite kept her silence and stealthily let out a sigh of relief . As for the other one, she had her cloak removed too, showing a young immature face, two emerald eyes and long brown hair .

As she was uncomfortable being coldly stared at by the creepy undead, the young parasite looked around, foolishly trying to evade his piercing eye .

Subconsciously, she knew that it was futile to try and look away, so foolishly and childishly . However, she cannot be blamed as she’s simply too young and isn’t experienced in dealing with overbearing people . Arthur’s dark magic was enough to freak out any mortal, and a newly born parasite isn’t that different . Furthermore, his current appearance was that of a tall undead whose eye was a ghastly green flame .

"If you won’t speak then you’re just delaying the inevitable . " Once she heard that, the girl bit her lips and after a long internal struggle, responded:

"I can guide you to the Eastern resistance camp..." She paid for a moment before continuing: "B-but I want you to take us with you . "

"And why would I take you? The resistance camp only welcomes humans . "

Only after he said that did he realize that he’s not one to talk, especially with his current frightening appearance . The girl looked at him with a strange expression, clearly having the same thoughts as him, still, she didn’t voice them out .

"Never mind that . Where is the safe path you mentioned?" He asked her and waited for an answer, which never came . She remained tight-lipped, fully aware that if she told him the path’s location, he would dispose of her as her presence would be needless .

"Are you sure you don’t want to tell me?"

Even if she doesn’t talk, Arthur has many ways to extract the information, either by torture or forbidden spells .

"Stop pressuring her . She, no, we won’t talk unless you guarantee our safety . We share a common destination, and a temporary cooperation could prove time-saving . "

The older parasite seemed to have become a tad braver, raising her head and staring directly at Arthur . Now that she saw his previous action, she concluded that they ’needed’ a safe path to the East .

"What makes you think I won’t kill you both and just go raze that base of yours to the ground . "

In response to his taunt, the woman chuckled and retorted: "If you wanted to do that, you wouldn’t have wasted time speaking with us . "

Arthur backed away from the two parasites, turned to Lucy and pondered for an inordinate amount of time . Using a basic Telepathy skill, easily interruptible by an expert, Lucy conversed with him:

"I don’t think they’re lying but there’s still a risk . "

"Indeed . However, I can’t see any reason for them to try and trick us like this . "

Lucy glanced at the innocent-looking girl and the older female parasite before adding: "This could also be what they want us to think . Sending their experts would defeat the purpose of their plan... assuming this is really a ruse . "

The two discussed their next steps and finally reached a common conclusion . Arthur wasn’t that happy as he let out a snort and stretched his hand toward the unconscious parasites, retracting the thorny vines harming their bodies and binding them .

Lucy walked up to the two female parasites and coldly said: "You’ll guide us to that safe path . As your entree to the resistance, you’ll handle it yourselves . "

They nodded their heads, slightly excited . After being released from Arthur’s grasp, they walked up to their comrades and checked up on them .

Fortunately, apart from a few cuts caused by the thorns, the two parasites were healthy . To gain a bit more trust from Arthur and his companions, they also removed the hoods of the unconscious parasites, choosing to reveal their appearances to their ’escorts’ .

The remaining unveiled parasites were actually middle-aged . One was a woman and the other a man a two long dark horns protruding out of his forehead .


"Why the frustration? The hate? Does being racially different irritates you that much? Why must everyone fear what they can’t fathom?"

Timos, being as talkative and intrusive as ever, talked to Vyncent, who was in a bad mood after the parasites joined them .

’No . I’m being rational here, clearly more than Arthur . ’

Surprisingly, he talked to Timos, which is, in fact, a very rare occasion .

"Rational? I don’t rationality is succumbing to one’s emotions . "

’Four enemies appeared out of nowhere, attacked us and spat a bunch of lies to lure out into a trap . I don’t know why he let them live and actually believed what they said . ’

"But, my humble guest, what you see and hear isn’t necessarily the truth . And, in my opinion, what he did is ’right’ . All life is precious and, if you can, you should always spare thy enemies . "


"It’s through here . " The young parasite, marching at the front, pointed at an average hole randomly situated in the ground, amidst a field filled with rubbles and broken buildings . This hole was ordinary in every sense of the world, plus, there are dozens if not hundreds of such holes .

Arthur suspicious looked at the girl then examined the hole, sensing nothing wrong . He stretched his sense underground but alas, he discovered naught .

As she was being gazed by Arthur and his three companions, the girl, flustered, reassured them: "I-it’s really through here . I coincidentally stumbled upon it when I was p-playing . "

"And? Did you go all the way? Are you sure it leads to the Eastern camp?" Arthur’s domineering voice made the young parasite restless .

"It should be about right . One thing is for sure, it won’t lead us back to our camp . "

The horned male parasite spoke, his countenance calm as he wasn’t affected by Arthur like the others . He may be weak but he lived long enough and saw all kinds of things so even though Arthur is overbearing, it’s still tolerable .

"If you say so... but don’t forget about what I planted inside of you . "

Instead of the loud detonators which can attract a lot of unwanted attention, Arthur put a lethal poison in their bodies . It merges with their blood and can be activated with his Sixth Sense . Such poison is useless against God Monarchs and higher but it can be fatal to Divine Beings and hindering to Gods .

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