Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 522

Chapter 522

"So, let me get this right . You wanted to test us so you attacked when we’re aware, wielding harmless weapons to prove you held no hostile intention... Do you truly believe we’re going to accept such a reason and warmly welcome you?"

Arthur coldly looked at the defenseless parasite, his voice toneless and hand unleashing threads of Dark Magic which danced in the air, slowly closing on the two bound parasites .

"Please! You have to listen to us . "

The female prisoner begged again, sounding quite miserable . She didn’t try to free herself or resist the encroaching darkness creeping towards her .

"Nonsense! Finish them off, Arthur . "

Vyncent was totally against letting them live for another second . With hurried steps, he marched in their direction, his swords unsheathed and ready to strike .

"Up until this point, you haven’t given me a convincing reason to stop him . "

Arthur didn’t stop the incoming Vyncent, who’s eyes were emitting unrestrained killing intent . His hatred for parasites was equal to Cthulhu, if not more . They weren’t as numerous as their supposed allies, however, they chased him relentlessly and, more than one time, almost succeeded in killing him .

"You don’t understand! We-"

"Yes, I don’t understand and I don’t need to, actually . You are enemies and I see no outcome where you get out of here alive unless..."

He took one step forward, stopping inches away from her . He crouched down, meeting her eye-level and ripping the excessively long hood hiding her face .

Under this weak disguise was a female, a very young one, in her teens, probably . But, parasites age differently, so, for all he knows, she could be well over a thousand years old .

The parasite, clearly terror-stricken by the scary undead staring at her, its eye seemingly peeping into her thoughts, clutching her soul . After an internal struggle which seemed to last an eternity, she bit her lips and hesitantly said:

"W-we’re deserters . "

Maybe it was a hallucination born from her growing fear, the talking female parasite noticed the green flame burning in his socket twitch ever-so-slightly . She glanced at the approaching Vyncent, who was but a few meters away . Having no choice but to spill the entirety of the truth, she continued:

"We, along with a few others, didn’t want to follow the orders so we left the base . " She was forced to stop talking as Vyncent’s sharp sword was swung down at her sister, about to behead her .

Just as the head was about to be sent flying, the sword froze-mid-air, startling the bearded youngster .

"Arthur, why are you being like this?"

Without even looking at him, Arthur replied: "My job is for us to safely reach the eastern resistance base . Whatever happens in the road is my responsibility so stay out of it . "

"Are you really going along with their nonsense? All because of the previously mentioned crystal?"

"It doesn’t concern you, Vyncent . Politely back off . "

Hearing Arthur’s chilling voice, the young man snorted but still complied . He withdrew his sword and took a few steps back, nonetheless, his eyes were still glaring daggers at the parasites .

"Our time short so you better be quick about whatever you’re going to say . "

Unknowingly, the parasite let out a sigh of relief then scanned the desolate vicinities before speaking:

"You are aware of the crystal so I’ll cut through the chase . They want us to summon but the process consumes the crystal and requires a big sacrifice from our part . The majority didn’t object but a small portion of us didn’t want to be sacrificed for what they call the greater good . "

"Whom do they want to summon? Zaarae?"

As she heard him mention their Goddess, the parasite became momentarily dazed . She didn’t know how an undead knows their Goddess’ name but she didn’t question and kept her curiosity to herself lest it gets her killed .

"No, it’s impossible to summon our Goddess with only one crystal . They want to call for a Calypso Parasite by the name of Emir . He’s one of our Goddess most-trusted confidants and due to the nature of this world, he cannot descend on his own . "

"Calypso parasite Emir? Why do you want to summon him?"

"They called it greater good but in reality, they want, no... they need the Strategist’s help . As we are considered lower lifeforms, he won’t even speak us, much less hear our pleas . He would only consider talking to someone like Emir, a being from his time and worthy of respect . "

Arthur, facing the female parasite, glanced at the other bound and silent parasite . He couldn’t believe them... to desert, it just seemed to cliche, a reason many would use to save their necks . However, he can’t rule out the possibility of her saying the truth, or, at least, a portion of it .

It has nothing to do with him if this Emir is summoned . All he needs to do is pass through their base and get to the human settlement East of here .

"You’ve explained the reason for your desertion, however, I still haven’t heard the motive behind ’testing’ us, as you phrased it . "

The parasite was about to reply only to see Lucy bolt towards a specific direction, leaving a frozen trail behind her . The two lotuses floating above the parasites followed right after the silver-haired woman, their speed no slower than hers .

. .

Approximatively seven hundred meters away from Arthur and co, Lucy blocked the path of a scholarly man . His skin looked delicate and whiter than hers, his face young and his eyes inky black . He wore a green long robe which his hands and seemed over-sized for him but still added more to his charm .

As he saw a beautiful woman with long silver-hair block his path, the man flashed a soft smile at her, did a strange bow and politely said:

"To whom do I have the pleasure?"

Unfortunately, Lucy didn’t respond . She looked at him with a deadpan face, seven lotuses rotating around her body, gradually freezing the corrupt earth under her feet .

The man’s abyssal eyes scanned every inch of Lucy then spoke again

"It is rare to see a human from the resistance camp in here . I can’t say I’m surprised but I am most definitely intrigued . "

He didn’t seem to be worried about the lotuses as he marched in her direction .

"Although I very much want to converse with you . I’ve got some business to attend to . "

He bowed again and added: "Now then, if you’ll excuse me . "

The scholarly man disregarded the freezing weather which started affecting his robe and was about to bypass her only to abruptly halt his steps, his body suddenly growing heavier than usual .

He curiously glanced downward only to see that his feet were frozen by the expanding Yin emanating from Lucy .

"You can’t go that way . "

The man gave a pained expression, spreading his hands and retorting

"At least give me a good reason . "

Instead of talking again, Lucy started acting . Four of the lotuses around her bloomed, instantly freezing half of the man’s body . The other two spun above him, letting out countless white specks that fell on his shoulders and made him drowsy, barely able to open his eyes .

Without waiting for any kind of retaliation, Lucy stretched both of her hands, concentrated her Mana and after a few seconds, unleashed a grey flame . It was only a tiny spark, the size of a pinky, however, it managed to cause considerable damage to the non-resisting man .

It violently hit his body, scorching his head and chest while turning his lower body into an unbreakable block of ice which became dyed with scarlet blood .

Lucy stared at the unrecognizable body of man, strangely feeling a chill down his spines . After scanning her surroundings, she left the area, leaving behind a snowy field centered by a lifeless corpse .


"My dear and humble guest, I’m very interested in what you’ll do . "

Arthur, who was pondering about all the details said by the parasite, was interrupted as Timos’ voice entered his head, uninvited, of course .

"You’ve subdued your ’enemies’, which are, in fact, the same race as you are . They are bound, defenseless... or as human like to say, trapped weaklings . They provided you with an excuse, a reason, which can be either true or false . And, let me tell you that your judgment is bound to be detrimental, either to yourself or to them . "

He ignored the talking devil and asked the parasite: "Why do you need Timos’ help?"

"They want to get into the ancient ruins under the Rift sea East of here . Problem is, they cannot beat the humans without the help of the Cthulhu . "

"I thought you and the Cthulhu are allies . "

"Only superficially . They’re savage beings that only obey their God . Moreover, they absolutely refuse to attack the humans there . "

As she said that, Timos joined again, giving a better explanation .

"It’s not that they refuse but they are aware of the consequences of eliminating the remaining humans . No matter how ravaged a world is, it would remain as long as there’s balance . Ending the tiny bit of life in Riarravar will shake the unsteady balance . Unlike the greedy parasites, my children subconsciously know when to back off . "

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