Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

"I must say... I greatly underestimated you even after seeing your monstrous strength . "

Losha got up and patted the snow off her clothes whilst smiling . Though she was a bit angry at herself as she was too overconfident, she was still delighted to have a powerful disciple, albeit temporary .

With a talented and powerful disciple, there’s only so much you can teach him/her . Moreover, she only has three months at most, which is why no time should be wasted .

Nevertheless, Losha wasn’t going to stop before having a little spar with Arthur . Lucy is an inborn genius and has a powerful physique but what about him?

While its true his strength and speed are out of the norm, they still aren’t enough to penetrate the Diamond Physique .

Arthur was already in his peak state and Losha wasn’t severely injured . Although Lucy’s last blow was kind of unexpected and did cause damage, it wasn’t enough to weaken the reincarnator .

Very soon, Lucy’s bloodied arm returned to normal . It was completely healed within twenty seconds, mainly thanks to the Life Energy can wield . He can barely use it but it was more than enough to heal such a meager injury .

Both parties stood facing each other in this half-destroyed arena, which was, more or less, returned to normal after Losha did something to get rid of the snow and ice in this underground area .

Arthur wasn’t planning to reveal all his cards but he won’t admit defeat that easily too . With his absolute speed, he can certainly come up with a few tricks to wound her, even for a bit .

"A mistake can only be made once . I’m not going to underestimate you . "

As she said that, Losha’s body was covered in Diamond yet again . However, unlike earlier, even her face, arms, and legs, changed and were shining . By no means did she become ugly, in fact, she resembled a beautiful statue .

She wasn’t releasing any killing intent or attacking him yet Arthur still felt an invisible pressure that weighed down on him . It was the pressure you feel when you’re inferior to an enemy .

Seeing that the enemy is ready to receive some blows, Arthur readied himself by activating [Transmutation] . His body was quickly enveloped by green lightning which greatly boosted his stat, however, this was but the beginning . Two talismans were crushed, one was the Light Talisman which increased his attack speed by 15% and the other was a Lightning Talisman which augmented his movement speed by 10% .

The next skill to be activated was [Eternium], the natural lightning was consumed by the Dark Magic, which turned Arthur into a black and ominous silhouette . Last but not least was [Angel of Death], its active effects are overpowered and the cost wasn’t that much as it’s almost negated by his extremely high Mana and Nether Energy recovery .

Since it’s a spar, Arthur chose not to use [Griffin’s Bloody Switch] as it permanently consumed Mental Power . From the appearance of a normal human(while ignoring the grey hair and the scarred eye), Arthur now was truly an angel of death . You could see two massive wings behind his back, the right was one as white as snow and emitted an angelic, almost heavenly aura . As for the right one, it was grey and was composed of creepy bones, it emanated the aura of death and decay .

These supposedly opposite auras were harmoniously living together inside of his body, not causing any backlash . Every now and then, you could see a green lightning spark around Arthur, whose appearance totally made Losha speechless .


Before she could talk, he vanished from her sigh and by the next sect, she was hit from the back and was forced to take two steps to stabilize her body . This assault was only the beginning as Arthur’s speed was literally unequaled, he only left after-images as hundreds of blows landed on Losha, who was no different than a sandbag .

Even Her Diamond body showed signs of shattering after a minute passed . She received no less than a thousand blows from him and he showed no signs of stopping .

The reincarnator swallowed the bit of blood that accumulated in her mouth and strengthened her physique even more .

’To demonstrate such speed... this is surely taxing to him . ’

Losha’s thought was definitely on point . Though it seemed he was faring well, Eternium alone consumed a large amount of Mental Power every second and if you add the other activated skills, it becomes mentally exhausting . However, Arthur can continue fighting in this state for much longer than Losha’s predicted .

When only thirty seconds were left for the end of the spar . Arthur stopped his nonstop assault and stood a few meters away from Losha . As he noticed her unusual expression, he grinned and said

"Shall we end with a big boom?"

His question was left unanswered as he charged again . He deliberately didn’t use any of his powerful skills and only relied on his extreme speed and high strength to continuously damage her and it was more than enough to shock her . The skill he’s about to use if one of the first skills he had ever gotten, it is called [Dark Burst] and it magnifies the force behind any physical attacks he does . It is better used when using his fists or legs as its effect is greatly weakened when battling with weapons .

Maybe, for some, it may seem idiotic to finish this incredible combo with a punch, and a slow one at that . Yet Arthur was more than confident that it’ll incredible damage .

Dark Burst was magnifying the Death Energy in his right hand . His figure vanished as it transformed into a streak of black and white light that made its way toward the prepared Losha .

His form quickly appeared when he was merely inches away from her, his fist was flying straight at her abdomen . The fist, which was supposedly dark due to the effect of [Eternium], was now totally grey as malicious black flames revolved around it .

At first, when he made contact with the diamond body, he felt a momentary pause before his fish went right in, crushing the diamond and sending her flying like a kite .

Her body crashed into the wall and then fell on the ground, leaving a few bloodstains . A bit of blood leaked out of her lips but her expression wasn’t of a pained person but a startled one .

"No wonder you were so confident . You can also manipulate Death Energy . "

Death Energy contained decaying properties so it can counter her Diamond Physique though not as much as Void Magic, which is considered one of the strongest if not the strongest Magic .

’See? She isn’t so invincible after all . ’

Hearing Arthur, Claud scoffed and retorted mockingly

’Ha! You barely scratched the bitch . Don’t forget she only relied on her Physique, she didn’t even use Nether Energy which can strengthen the Physique . Moreover, she didn’t even move or defend herself, she just remained still . Trust me, if it were a real fight, you will survive for no more than five seconds . ’

Arthur snorted and didn’t try to argue with his copy, who greatly hates Losha for some reason . Losha only needed ten seconds to recover from Arthur’s blows . She stretched her body then walked up to the couple, who remained silent and waited for her to talk .

"Now that I’ve seen what you can do, shall we begin?"

Her speech was directed to Lucy, as for Arthur, she sparred him only because she was curious about his ability and indeed, he didn’t disappoint her . Contrary to Lucy, Arthur is fit for continuous and long-lasting battles with powerful opponents . As for her new disciple, Lucy, she’s good at dealing high damage to several enemies or one-shot entities stronger than her . Her saber skills are more than enough to kill those annoying flies that may appear every now and then, as for the Gun, it’s used for emergency cases, or so speculated Losha .

The only thing that bothered her was Lucy’s flame which she used when they first met . She didn’t use it in the spar, which left Losha curious about their origin . They are unlike any flames she had seen in her two lives and the damage they did to her was considerable .


Both Lucy and Losha went to the latter’s residence, which was actually in the Southern Regions of the Green-Leaf World . Losha managed to build a two-way formation from the blacksmith shop to her residence and vice-versa . Arthur intended to go with them at first but decided to schedule that for later as he planned to visit Jian Si .

As he was left alone in the Imperial City, Arthur decided to lay low for a while before infiltrating Cold Sword’s sect .

’It has been around two weeks since we left Astria . It’ll take another month or so for Gutcha to hide the first box . ’

With that in mind, Arthur planned to familiarize himself with the factions in this city . There was no better host than the Mirage Era Hall . The couple built a rather friendly relationship with Shu Ru and they even helped her subdue the Yin Beast so she could tame it .

Though she first felt guilty since she caused them troubles by leading them to Losha, once all the problems were solved and explained to Shu Ru, it became possible for them to continue their harmonious friendship .

Every time Arthur remembers the piercing glare Lucy gave him when she warned him not to meddle into a women’s problems, he could feel his whole body shiver .

To be honest, Lucy wanted to accompany Arthur, however, he insisted that she follows Losha . The reincarnator may be a bit crazy in the head but she appeared quite competent and with the presence of the Fate Contract, there’s nothing to fear .

Makaze was also given to the blacksmith so she can fix it, which means Arthur’s prowess decreased by more than 40% . As long as she doesn’t piss off any powerful God Monarch, he shouldn’t have any problem . Moreover, in case something dire happened, Losha handed him something akin to Life Crystal which will warn her if he’s severely injured or on the verge of death .

A few problems still bothered Arthur, such as the Grim Reaper’s matter . If he were to appear now, things will become extremely chaotic . The Reaper appears randomly and although he only appeared twice, there’s no telling if he’ll appear now or next year .

A few hours after his wife and her master departed, Arthur went to the base of the Mirage Era Hall . It was situated North-East of the Imperial Capital and its land was considerably big . The architecture of the buildings inside the sect’s territory differentiated from the ones in the capital .

All the buildings in the Mirage Era Hall were white and pleasing to the eye . A tall cathedral that was only second to the castle, stood erect in the middle of this landmass . It was beautifully decorated and truly a sight to the eyes . Even Arthur, who was used to the advanced architecture of Earth, was amazed .

Shu Ru wanted to personally guide him to her sect but he refused her as he wanted to loiter around the capital and visit some shops . She gave him some kind of a badge with a golden lion engraved on it, this object is supposed to allow him free entry inside her sect .

However, who would have thought that the moment Arthur appeared before the gates of the sect, he was blocked by the guard, who eyes him suspiciously .

To be honest, Arthur did look suspicious . Zodiak’s black robe looked ominous and his grey hair and the scar were not signs of a person with goodwill, at least for a person who judges based on appearances .

"Where do you think you’re going? This the Mirage Era Hall’s territory and no one but its disciples are allowed entry . "

While raising a long white lance to block Arthur, the guard spoke with a threatening tone . Arthur looked suspicious but he didn’t look weak, the cold aura he involuntarily emits causes anyone close to him uncomfortable . It’s one of the effects of Dark Magic, which is circulating inside his body .

Nonetheless, the Tri-Spirit was able to weaken this aura and make it practically disappear, which it did, albeit a bit late . Now, excluding his appearance, Arthur looked like normal, or at least, felt normal .

The guard was also a cultivator but he was only at the Heavenly Realm . He couldn’t gauge Arthur’s strength so he didn’t arrogant and aggressive but he still kept a degree or superiority since he haled from the Mirage Era Hall .

Arthur took out the badge Shu Ru gave him and showed it to the guard, who was going to inspect it only to be interrupted by a displeasing voice .

"What are you doing?"

Both the guard and Arthur turned to the source of the voice and saw a young man with long blue hair and golden pupils . His movements were elegant, his gaze was calm yet contained disdain as he glanced at Arthur .

He didn’t seem to recognize Arthur’s existence and only addressed the guard .

"S-Senior Visto . "

The guard hurriedly performed a respectful bow, ignoring the stretched hand of Arthur .

"Stop playing around and go back to your post . "

Before the guard could reply, Arthur retorted

"I am showing my badge, is that a problem?"

A frown appeared on the young man’s face, apparently, he was displeased by Arthur’s sudden intervention and tone . He coldly snorted and added:

"What badge? Do you think this the first time people try to trick us into letting enter out sect?"

Inwardly, Arthur was cursing his luck and calming himself . He could have easily sneaked inside the sect but Shu Ru insisted that he came as an honorary elder . With such a position, no one will bother him and he can participate in huge events without having to pay a large sum of Spirit Stones or sneak around .

’There is never an end to the likes of him . ’

"Why don’t you look at it first?"

With a deadpan expression, Arthur turned toward the young man and threw the badge at him, which wasn’t caught but send flying far away . The young man disregarded the badge and didn’t even want to waste his time to ascertain of authenticity .

Despite such an act, Arthur remained calm . He turned toward the guard, who was prepared to ignore him and go back near the gates . His eye was cold and caused the poor guard to momentarily tremble .

He felt as if he fell in a bottomless abyss as he was stared at by that blood-red pupil . The hidden killing intent almost made him piss from fear

"Please go call Shu Ru . "

Like an obedient dog, the guard hastily ran toward the gates, planning to call Shu Ru . He didn’t who this individual was but the fear he just felt made him soak with cold sweat, it’s like he was facing death itself .

Visto, the arrogant young man, became angrier when he heard Arthur mention Shu Ru’s name . He waved his hand, wanting to stop the guard but the sudden burst of Energy was so weak that it couldn’t even travel a few meters before being consumed by a malevolent yet transparent energy which he couldn’t recognize .

"What do you think you’re doing?"

Arthur tilted his head in confusion . Visto’s glare was akin to the one you give to someone who killed your parents .

As he was ignored by this mysterious man, Visto became more enraged . Not only did this man try to use Shu Ru’s man, he wanted to use trickery to trespass into his sect .

Seeing the piercing glare he was getting, Arthur already sealed the young man’s fate . An enemy, no matter how weak he is, has to be killed sooner or later, this was his and Lucy’s motto .

Whether it’s indirectly or directly, this young man will die . A single appraisal informed Arthur of this man’s realm .

Visto a 1st Grade God but he was older than Shu Ru . He seemed to be the son of the current leader of the Mirage Era Hall . This explained his haughtiness and arrogance and as the saying goes, one mountain is higher than another mountain, so even with his exceptional status and high Realm compared to his peers, there’s always who’s better and this person was Arthur, in this case .

Out of nowhere, Visto suddenly disappeared from his initial position and leaped at Arthur . He shone with a golden light as his Godspirit manifested behind him . The God Spirit was a golden bird with a black beak, it emitted a light more intense than the sun and caused unwanted attention from distant bypassers .

Unfortunately, not even with this Godspirit was Visto able to get close to Arthur . Both the young man and his Godspirit crashed into the illusory dark barrier was bounced back suffering enough damage to cause the kid to bleed and the spirit to shake .

Visto’s fate was sealed the moment he made contact with the dark barrier . A very small amount of Dark and Death Energy invaded his body and although it’s can’t do anything for the time being, it’ll slowly end this young man’s life .

The Dark Magic will consume his energy and corrupt his body and the Death Energy will suck his vitality and weaken his soul, making his body more fragile than a mortal . The thing that’ll bring him to death’s door is a simple poison, it isn’t powerful but to a vulnerable body, it’ll kill it within seconds .

It was a cruel fate and not many would dare to do something like this due to a small skirmish, however, Arthur didn’t care .

As long as someone considered him as an enemy and even attacked him, then he has to be killed, no matter what . Whether it’s a God Monarch or a mortal, both are equal .

Very soon, Shu Ru appeared from within the sect’s territory . Her face paled once she saw Visto’s miserable state . As she discovered Arthur’s presence, she didn’t know whether to cry or laugh .

While forcing a smile, she said

"Senior, please excuse us, we have been inconsiderate . "

Then, she guided Arthur inside while ignoring Visto . Since he had a high status, she couldn’t reprimand him, neither could she blame Arthur .

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