Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

"I don’t believe you . "

Lucy replied with a cold voice as she stared back at the relaxed Losha . In response, the blacksmith shrugged her shoulders whilst adding:

"I care not for your opinion . Either you follow me or you’ll have to defend against the forces of the White Specter clan . I’m certain that they’ll catch up to you before you’re able to can escape to a safe place . "

Lucy kept her deadpan face despite being threatened . She didn’t care about the White Specter clan and despite the large difference between them and her clan, she’s not about to give up .

"Hmpf! Go ahead and call them, it’s not like we’re stopping you . "

The dark-haired woman crossed her arm and erased the grin from her face before seriously saying

"In the end, why are you so determined to reject my offer? You’ve literally got nothing to lose . "

Before Lucy could reply, Losha resumed talking

"We can even sign a Fate Contract . "

Such a term was foreign to Lucy, who furrowed her brow . Seeing this, the other party explained:

"A Fate Contract is made between two or more parties and the conditions set in it cannot be broken or else he’ll be punished by death . It’s a fairly known method to strike deals, especially when hiring mercenaries or assassins . "

Through Arthur, Claud also confirmed Losha’s explanation and gave her a bit more details .

’Once a Fate Contract is made, both parties cannot go against the aforementioned rules . If they are courageous enough to defy the conditions, they’ll be killed by Fate itself . Though against some individuals, such a contract is pointless for they cannot be killed by Fate . ’

’Is this reincarnator one of those individuals?’

Arthur asked Claud, afraid they’ll be tricked by her .

’Definitely not, I can count those individuals on two hands . ’

’Then this is the best solution, for now . ’

With no choice but to accept this Fate Contract to assure their safety, Lucy nodded her head in approval . In fact, Losha knew that Lucy was talking with Arthur about the contract but she just couldn’t sense him at all . There was nothing suspicious in the mansion and her sense could spread for a third of this city yet he seemed to have vanished into thin air .

Seeing Lucy’s nod, Losha took out a golden scroll from her storage and presented it to Lucy, who accepted it .

"First, write your conditions then I’ll write mine . "

After discussing the conditions with Arthur, Lucy wrote them down and gave back the scroll to Losha, who gazed at the several lines of words .

1: Repair the dark blade within a period of three months or less .

2 : Within this period of time, Losha has to protect Arthur and Lucy from any aggressive outside forces .

3 : Losha cannot harm Lucy or Arthur in any way .

4 : Losha cannot divulge any information about Lucy or Arthur .

"Hah! Isn’t that a lot of conditions? Well, whatever . "

Losha swiftly wrote her condition then showed them to Lucy .

1: Lucy will temporarily become Losha’s disciple .

With that, both parties were pleased so they each used a drop of Blood Essence to seal the contract, which flashed with a bright light before engraving a white tattoo on both women’s abdomen .

Just as the contract was finalized, Losha’s was startled to see the flower on Lucy’s head suddenly vanish as an expanding black whirlpool appeared for a split second before Arthur was standing next to his wife .

"Every single of you reincarnators is weird . "

Losha complained but didn’t inquire about the method he used to hide . Her interest wholly laid on Lucy, of course, she still had to fix the dark blade, Makaze .

Since she was so excited and didn’t even try to hide it, Losha quickly brought Arthur and Lucy to the blacksmith building from before . Soon, they found themselves standing in a large arena underground . It was considerably wide and devoid of any people .

There was various foreign equipment that Arthur never saw .

"Now, before I begin to train you, I want to see your current overall strength, what you lack and what you excel at . "

The woman got rid of her long robe, revealing her alluring curves and perfectly shaped body . While it’s true Arthur was staring at her, his full attention was elsewhere . His eye shone with a blue light as he tried to see what’s she about to do .

A milky-white energy revolved inside her body before transforming into a layer of energy that resembled an armor .

Losha took a punching stance before taking a deep breath and punching the machine in front of her . The machine in question didn’t seem to be from the universe as it definitely resembled the technology on Earth quite a bit . However, this one seemed much more advanced .

Despite the destructive force behind that punch, neither the machine broke nor the arena suffered any damage, it seemed as if all the damage was only focused on the machine .

The couple approached Losha and saw a number engraved on the machine . More precisely, it was ’2899’

"Now, I want you to try punching this machine with all your force . "

Losha eagerly waited for Lucy to test her strength . If she’s going to be her disciple, she needs to know everything about her and only then can she create a suitable and perfect training routine for her(Lucy) . With the knowledge coming from her current and past life, Losha was certain that Lucy’s strength will sky-rocket .

Lucy stood before the machine, bent her legs while straightening her back before punching the machine with her strength that surpassed 2 billion points .

Just like Losha’s case, Lucy’s punch was strong but didn’t cause any damage to its surroundings, which is definitely strange for a punch coming from a Sovereign, moreover, one with a Strength that had long since surpassed the limiter .

A four-digit number appeared on the machine, greatly surprising the calm Losha . She didn’t know Lucy stats and seeing as her new disciple was a Little Sovereign, she expected the number to at most have three digits .


"Good gracious!"

The first thing she did was turn toward Arthur . Even with her Physique and special Race, Lucy couldn’t have such strength if not for another factor which boosted her strength .

Heck! Lucy’s punch had almost the same power as hers! She never expected to see such a number, this left her curious about Arthur, who seemed to be a melee type, contrary to Lucy, who relies on long-ranged attack despite being quite adept at using a saber .

"Why don’t you show us now?"

Losha taunted Arthur as she was curious about his strength . In response, Arthur shrugged and walked to the machine . With the contract protecting him and Lucy, he had nothing to fear .

His figure suddenly blurred as a black whirlpool appeared for a split before a larger silhouette could be seen . Lucy didn’t have that much of a reaction, however, Losha’s mind shook .

’Is he a druid? No, a druid can’t take the form of a flower . Then . . . a devil? No, that’s impossible too . ’

It is widely known that most reincarnators have a mysterious and strong Race, she’s an exception because she purposely wanted to reincarnate into a human . Though it gave her a disadvantage compared to the others, when the time comes, the advantages of being a Human will start showing .

The corpse Arthur took was of a minotaur . Amongst all the corpses he has, excluding the Divine Beast, this one had the strongest strength-related passives .

The moment he possessed it, more than six passives were activated, enhancing his Strength stat . He never uses this body in battle because its inefficient and not as flexible as a human body . Though, if it’s testing his strength, this was, without a doubt, his perfect choice .

The body was over three meters in height, he got on all fours and activated the Dark-Star Strengthening technique to create a black layer that envelops his body, slightly increasing attack and greatly boosting defense .

Like a raging bull, he charged at the machine and hit it with his head . Unlike the two others, the machine finally shook from the impact . It wasn’t damaged but the blow was strong enough to cause shake it which shows how monstrous Arthur’s charge was .


A mind-numbing number was engraved on the machine . For a few seconds, there was nothing but silence . Arthur quickly returned to his original body and walked next to Lucy, who softly smiled at him .

In fact, Arthur could deal much more damage if overpowered skills and techniques were used . There’s Eternium and Angel of Death, both which greatly boost his damage and stats . Transcendence is a cheat too, however, it has a drawback which is why it isn’t used as often .

"I guess this is the first time I meet a real monster, hahaha . "

Losha burst out in laughter as she walked to the next machine . Each time, she would test it first to show them how it works then let them try, however, she was much more focused on Lucy as she examined every bit of her movements .

Including the first machine, the couple tested their prowess on four machines . The first one tested strength, the second gauged the speed, the third threw countless metal spikes and they had to evade it without going out of the red circle engraved on the ground . The fourth test was simple as all Lucy had to do was touch the machine and the latter will do the job . The fourth machine showed the affinity of the person to certain energies .

The last thing Losha wanted to see from Lucy was her combat ability, which is why she brought the silver-haired woman to the center of the arena .

"We’ll spar for a bit . I’ll only activate my Diamond Physique and won’t use Nether Energy . The battle will last for only two minutes . "

’So it’s the Diamond Physique . ’

Claud exclaimed in surprise .

’Isn’t that one of the 14 King Physiques?’

’Not only is it a King Physique, but it’s also the ultimate defense . The strongest defensive Physique and when fully mastered, its power rivals an Emperor Physique . No wonder you weren’t even able to budge her last time . ’

The first spar was Lucy against Losha . Though it’s only a spar, the master insisted that Lucy goes all out or else she won’t be able to deal any damage .

The tanned skin of Losha started shining as if it was a diamond . Very soon, the woman started a threatening pressure, she resembled a walking fortress with her tall height and the visual effects of the Diamond Physique .

Lucy didn’t engage in a melee battle right away, instead, she rooted herself in a favorable location and started attacking . Losha wasn’t going to attack and merely standstill, waiting for Lucy to break her defense .

Lucy didn’t bother useless skills and immediately cast one of her strongest skills . Since the terrain was a bit unfavorable as they were underground, the impact from her meteor shower will lessen greatly but it’ll still deal a lot of damage .

Though they were in an underground arena, it was still large enough for several thick boulders to appear near the roof .

These boulders were enveloped by purple flames and had bubbling lava inside of them, their speed made them look blurry as they crashed on Losha, one after the other .

Even the sturdy arena was safe after such a destructive meteor shower struck it . The magma spread to all corners, melting the ground and purple fire charred the earth .

Yet, even amidst this destruction, Losha stood tall and motionless, not even slightly injured from Lucy’s past attacks . One has to know that such a meteor shower which had Lucy’s magma and fire, could easily obliterate a Sovereign yet it couldn’t even damage Losha’s clothes .

With no other choice but to become more aggressive . The Nine Star Yin Technique was activated and with each step Lucy took, a beautiful Ice lotus appeared above her .

"So it’s the Nine Star Yin . I heard it’s a secret technique from the Yin Lotus Sect . "

Losha commented as she contemplated the sight in front of her . Before long, four Lotuses were above Lucy . The limit of this technique was 9 Ice Lotuses and one was able to materialize them, they would be able to contend against an Overgod .

As the four lotuses slowly spun around Lucy, she finally started her assault . Three of them flew toward Losha with incredible speed . They appeared before her within a second and instead of hitting her, they halted an inch away from her body and fully bloomed, causing ice to cover freeze the magma around them and extinguish the remaining purple fire .

Even Losha’s was unscathed as Ice covered her body and started going upwards . The woman shook her body thus shattering the ice only for it to appear again and freeze her body faster than the last time .

just as she was about to get rid of the ice again, a thick blue beam of light arrived from the front, hitting Losha’s chest and even causing her to take a step back, which greatly surprised her .

Upon a closer look, the previous book was shot from the last lotus, which was positioned before Lucy, who channeled a large amount of Mana to fire that blue beam .

Lucy wasn’t done even after that attack, the four lotuses once again appeared above her . They slowly started to bloom again while Lucy raised her hands and closed her eyes as she focused her Mana .

Her body started becoming white until an illusory white armor appeared . The armor was crystalline and totally breath-taking . Lucy, clad in this armor . She waved her hand yet such a simple action brought with it terrifying results .

Like the skill [Absolute Zero], the whole arena was frozen . Countless snowflakes fell from above as the machines and even the walls were frozen, the temperature fell by at least several hundred degrees and the only unaffected person was Arthur, who had high resistance .

As for Losha, she turned into a big block of ice . It was only after twenty-second or so passed did the block of ice shatter, revealing Lucy’s master, who was grinning as she looked around the arena .

"I must say, you’re one terrifying woman . "

In response, Lucy coldly smiled while retorting

"Heh, you have seen nothing . "

"In that case, I’ll become a bit serious too . "

This time, real diamond started covering Losha’s body and excluding her hands and head, all her body turned into diamond . Coupled with the armor, Lucy took out her white saber . This weapon, albeit rarely used, was a strong weapon that Arthur strengthened using his blacksmith skills .

Though, compared to Makaze, it’s still lacking, one should not underestimate its sharpness and power . With Lucy’s high Saber Mastery, her physique, and sky-high stats, it should be possible to injure Losha .

By the time Lucy rushed at her opponent, all that was left behind was her dispersing after-image . In this world of ice, where beautiful snowflakes were falling from above and the ground had already become snow, Lucy clashed with Losha, who still did nothing in retaliation .

Using her body alone, she received the full blunt attack of her disciple, who was faster than lightning . Seeing this, Losha could only sigh inwardly, she had high attack and defense compared to Lucy, however, she wasn’t as fast as her .

The thin and moderately short white saber stabbed Losha only to be repelled by the impenetrable diamond, nonetheless, Lucy didn’t give up as she continuously slashed down her opponent .

Her hands blurred as she performed hundreds of attacks, her figure became blurry as she attacked from all sides, leaving nothing untouched . Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to scratch Losha, let alone injure her .

Seeing this, Lucy decided to change the tactic a bit . She was going to try a method Arthur came up with some time ago but soon gave up on it as she’s still not proficient enough .

She jumped backward and sheathed her saber . Losha thought that Lucy gave up but not even a second later, her disciple was holding what seemed to be a gun .

Though such weapons are rare in the Cloud Sea Universe, as a reincarnator, Losha had traveled to the System Universe and knew about guns and whatnot .

’A gun? What could she possibly do with it?’

To be honest, Losha greatly underestimated Lonely Moon as guns have limited power even if they contain magical energy .

Around seventy seconds passed since the fight started . Lucy had managed to push Losha but couldn’t injure her which is the only way is either her special flames, which is her absolute trump card, or Lonely Moon .

"If you can block this then I concede . "

Hearing this, Losha frowned and gazed at Lonely Moon yet despite its unique appearance, she couldn’t understand why Lucy seemed to sure of her victory .

Lucy decided to use the 3rd-grade bullet . The 4th grade and 5th-grade bullets are to be used in a dire situation and not in a spar, furthermore, firing such strong bullets will temporarily injure her arm, make it unusable, like a cripple .

However, the might of the 3rd-grade bullet is horrifying . When Arthur used it, the damage it had done was unforgettable . Surprisingly, Lucy retrieved a black 3rd-grade bullet, which contained Dark Magic .

She put inside the revolver and calmly aimed at the motionless Losha before taking a deep breathe and channeling Mana from her body all the way to the tip of her fingers, which was automatically transferred to Lonely Moon .

Like a bottomless pit, the revolver absorbed more than a third of Mana Pool before it shone with a silver luster . Losha, who readied herself, was turned momentarily deaf by the sun of the gunshot .

The ringing sound made her feel a bit dizzy but the worse thing is that it was aimed at her! By the time she came back to her senses, the world had already become so dark that she could see nothing, not even her body . Then she could feel her body being sent flying for a few dozen meters before heavily falling on the ground .

Though she was still not injured, some of the diamond on her body showed countless cracks, meaning that the impact from the bullet was almost enough to break her Diamond Physique!

Despite a lot of time passing, she still saw nothing and her vision of the arena only returned when Arthur absorbed the Darkness that covered the area .

Only then did Losha saw Lucy, who had a bloodied hand, staring at her and showing a triumphant expression . Although she did nothing but remain motionless as Lucy attacked, the disciple couldn’t help but feel proud .

As for Arthur, he forcefully fed Lucy a Health potion before using his new healing threads and a healing skill to alleviate some of the pain she was feeling .

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