Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

"The chip is essentially a super hardware filled with a mind-numbing amount of information that we couldn’t decore . However, the four scientists were lucky enough to uncover some of the mysteries revolving around Wolfram’s chip . Although the results were scarce, they were, nevertheless, satisfactory . After fixing some of the problems encountered mid-way through the creation of Hell Gate, we managed to successfully release a complete and working version of the game . "

Arthur carefully listened to Josef’s explanation . He was surprised by the origin of this game, which is not really what it seems to the public . The players think they are just equipping a headset and starting a fantasy adventure inside a popular VRMMO, however, it’s likely that, one way or another, they are transported to Astria .

Actually, Arthur wasn’t sure if they really are transported there or if it’s just their souls or consciousness, or even how this whole process works but it’s not just some simple coincidence .

Probably, this means that the party he stumbled upon when searching for the ’office’ on the Westia continent, is players from Earth, or so speculated Arthur, which means that the inhabitants of Astria are considered NPCs to the players, this applied to himself too .

If that’s the case then the youth who he handed to the black sword to is surely living on Earth, that is, if his theory is correct .

"The implementation of the System on Earth wasn’t done just to empower to its inhabitants . I think it’s either to defend from an invasion or protect it from some disaster . The ones controlling the System highly value Earth due to how fast its humans are evolving despite the inability to wield Mana or use Magic . From what I have heard from your friend, the System may have existed for a short of time on Earth but only one person could use it . There is also a high probability that he transmigrated from another world within the System’s universe since he had one before being transported here . You need to know that the addition of the System to a world or a planet is a huge event and it isn’t to be taken lightly as it can lead to either the prosperity or the destruction of said world . They surely had a goal in mind to suddenly apply their leveling System to earthlings, as for what it is, this I do not know . Anyways, see if you can get your hands on that chip, maybe I’ll be able to discover something from it with the help of the ARK . "

The copy shared his opinion as he, too, was curious about the strange events that occurred in the past .

"If the chip is so precious then why don’t the System take it back? Don’t tell me they can’t locate it . "

Intrigued and confused, Arthur asked his copy .

"The System is a very complicated thing, Arthur . It isn’t a living thing and although there are some living beings in high power in its echelon, ultimately, it’s the main core of the System that gives orders and handles things . It’s a very strange entity made from pure technology without the use of any outside force such as Mana or any kind of energy . Maybe it’s doing this on purpose or that it simply is unaware of the location of the chip, no one knows . It’s useless to ponder about things and whatever this whole matter it, it’s better not to meddle too much, just watch from the fence and try to excavate some information if possible . Having the System as an enemy is worse than some powerful faction from the Cloud Sea Universe because if it’s something that the System doesn’t lack then it’s definitely manpower and numbers . "

Josef handed Arthur the documents and records about the earthquake and some pictures of the old military base . He also retrieved the brown box and carefully put it on the table .

Again, Arthur tried to use his sense and see what’s inside but to no avail, whatever the materials this box was made of, it totally negated both his senses .

"The situation has become quite chaotic after the sudden appearance of monsters and dungeons . Just after Hell Gate was released, I halted the research and hid the chip from the prying eyes . The Royal family of Britain and even its government contacted me seeking the chip but I flatly rejected their offers which led to some complications that were easily solved with money, of course . "

"The way I see it, the chip isn’t that well hidden . Anyone with enough destructive power could break in and take it . "

Hearing such words, the CEO smirked and retorted:

"There’s many precautions and alarms set to avoid such unfortunate situations . Despite the harmless look of this office, it is tightly guarded . "

The sly grin of Josef disappeared within seconds and his jaw dropped in shock . The reason for this dumbfoundedness is a sudden change in the temperature of the room which resulted in the appearance of two-grey cloaked figures that had more half of their bodies frozen beginning from their feet up to their abdomens . This two hooded couple were startled and retaliation threw several daggers embedded with poison;

The reason for their retaliation is because they sensed their life withering due to the ice that almost reached their hearts . The moment it freezes their heart, it would be their doom . Although they were high-leveled and experts in fights and stealth, they couldn’t break off the solid ice that is chilling their bodies and immobilizing them .

As for the daggers, they didn’t even travel half the distance before becoming frozen and disintegrating into nothingness in a split second .

"If by precautions you mean this then it’s really not enough . "

Obviously, Lucy didn’t completely freeze the two of them completely . She just did that to show Josef that they have been aware of their presence since the very beginning .

Arthur easily discovered them with his sense and Map, which shows any living being as long as it’s within its range .

"Only you two would be able to easily take the chip . I don’t think anyone else would be able to defeat my two guards this easily . "

Josef forcefully calmed himself and signaled for his two guards so they don’t do anything reckless . It’s apparent that Lucy didn’t want to kill them and only did this to prove her husband’s words .

"Now that things have come this far, I think a proper explanation would be for the best . "

Arthur stated as he stared at Josef with a serious yet calm gaze .

In response, Josef smiled back and replied

"Well, you know I’m the curious type and I’m eager to know how powerful you two are but I’m not reckless enough to dig for the truth behind your backs . If you wish to tell me then I won’t refuse . "

From the previous display, Josef knew that Arthur wasn’t just a Necromancer . Lucy seemed to be an extremely powerful mage too . He didn’t associate her with the masked woman that follows Claudia because the appearance was different, furthermore, Lucy only used fire or magma in public and never displayed her Yin powers .

"Alright, then care for a small trip?"

In response to Arthur’s invitation, Josef took the box and nodded while motioning for his two guards to back off . When he made sure the CEO was ready, Arthur waved his hand, creating a middle-sized tunnel, there were no spacial turbulences and the destination was known only to its caster .

Lucy already guessed where they’ll go, as for Josef, he stared at this tunnel which resembled a spatial tear and hesitated for a second before he mustered his will and followed right after Arthur .

To protect it from the strong pressure of the interior of this tunnel, Arthur created a large Dark Barrier that protected Le Orn .

During this short trip was took only a few seconds, the two parties exchanged no words . Josef was anticipating where they’ll land and Arthur was asking his copy a few things .

"If the players of Hell Gate are transported to Astria then how come the game’s system overwrites the one they had on Earth?"

"The Levelling System of Astria is way superior to the one on Earth so it’s normal that it can overwrite the latter . Basically, when they enter the game, the game’s System overwrites the users’ own system temporarily . When they leave the game, they regain their original system . Honestly, it’s the first time I saw something like this . "

"Then what if an earthling travels to Astria via a spatial tunnel instead of using the headset, will the System be overwritten?"

"Most likely, but they’ll still keep their skills and level they gained on Earth . There is even a strong chance that the level will fuse with the one they gained in the game, which will empower them even further . "

"Is that even possible?"

"I don’t know, I’m just speculating . I’m sure this wasn’t part of the System’s plan . Anyways, we’ll see if my theory was correct or not once your friend arrives on Astria . "

The short trip finally came to an end as the trio appeared on top of the High Tower of the MoonStar sect . The second they appeared, Anastassia and Jackob were already on the roof . Although the tunnel they took from Josef’s office wasn’t big, the one that appeared on top of the tower was easily noticeable .

Anastassia was alarmed for a second but upon seeing who arrived, she broke into a smile and greeted them . Josef, the one who was kept in dark, gaped as he looked at the view in front of him .

He wasn’t foolish enough to think that this war Earth, the flying bone dragons in the sky and the buildings didn’t match the civilization on Earth .

"W-where are we?"

"Astria, the world of Hell gate to be more precise . "

Even when he heard those words, Josef wasn’t able to understand what’s happening until more than a minute passed .

Lucy ignored the shocked Le Orn and walked up to Anastassia and gave her a hug . It’s been a long time since they saw each other and the Vice-clan leader was very happy to see the safety of her friend .

Obviously, she didn’t hug Jackob but she still greeted him friendly .

"Welcome back, Lucy . "

Anastassia smile as she welcomed Lucy and led her inside . Since Arthur wanted to show something to Josef, Lucy decided to spend some time with Anastassia and co and see what’s become of her and Arthur’s sect . She noticed how the sect prospered and how bustling it became, full of life and devoid of the blood stench and vulgar tribes that had roamed this area in the past .

In just five years, the sect transformed from a barbaric tribe to a grand city that had almost impenetrable defenses and filled with all kinds of Races, even demons, despite their minority .

Arthur didn’t even let Josef comprehend the situation before he teleported them both far from the sect . They appeared North-West of the Demon Continent, right outside of the illusion barrier protecting Westia .

Arthur noticed that Josef seemed to be reading notifications as his gaze kept wavering . Using appraisal, he saw that Le Orn’s level rose from 27 to 82

"As expected, your level rose . Did you gain your skills of Hell Gate too?"

His Level didn’t rise by much but that’s probably because Josef didn’t play much of Hell Gate . He just played it rarely to try a few things or relax, so the significant increase in Level didn’t occur .

"Is there any kind of Game Masters in Hell Gate?"

Arthur’s questions caused Josef to finally shift his attention from the notifications back to him .

"Unfortunately, no . There is a main AI that created itself the second we finished the game, it handles the System and we weren’t able to increase our stats to act as GMs . We tried many times but there isn’t a way to bypass its firewall and increase our stats to a limitless amount . "

Hearing this, the copy laughed from within the ARK and mocked

"Of course that’s not possible . If it were, then they can make themselves Gods within a few minutes . The System believes in progress rather instantaneous gain in power, which is why it created the leveling and skill System . "-copy

"A-anyway, where are?"

Josef Le Orn stared at the fog in front of him and the sea below him, he was uncomfortable as it’s the first time he was flying . He stared at the calm Arthur, who raised his hand and unleashed a streak of dark lightning from his hand, which totally freaked out the CEO .

"Beyond this illusion is the Westia Continent . "

Josef frowned and said


"It’s the same continent as the one in Hell Gate . I know it’s hard to believe but shortly, you’ll know the truth and hopefully, you can explain a few things to me, in more details if possible . "

Arthur spoke with a serious tone, unlike his usual nonchalant-ness . This problem that popped out of nowhere isn’t as simple as it seems . Though the appearance of the System didn’t bring much harm to the Earth’s society, the game may disrupt the balance and if the System discovers about this, it can become rather complicated .

In all honesty, Arthur couldn’t care less what happened to Earth but Astria is another matter . It’s true that the Westia Continent is far from his sect and the other continents but that doesn’t mean it won’t be affected by the game sooner or later . Maybe the chip can bypass the illusion around the continent and allow players to travel beyond it .

"After all I have seen today, I doubt I can be more surprised than this . It’s one shock after another, spare me, please . "

While massaging his temples, Josef uttered those words in a tired tone . From Arthur’s appearance and the truth behind his death, his unusual power, the existence of this world and so on, it’s truly too much for a human who has been living a comfortable life until today .

As the duo proceeded into the illusion with the Demonic Lightning paving a way for them, Arthur’s could help but think about Wolfram, who is the center of everything that is happening .

’Just who the hell is this person?’

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